How to win Chess in 4 moves!

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Learn the how to win chess in 4 moves quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the technique.

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When playing as white, the goal is to utilize the weakness of F7. Move your pawn in front of your king out 2 spaces to E4. Slide your bishop out 3 spaces to c4. Move your queen out 4 spaces to H5 or 2 spaces to F3. Then move your queen to capture the pawn in F7.
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Thats called the schollar mate, a strong tatic against begginers


To those curious for more information: This is called the Scholar's Mate. It is a decent strategy against beginners, but it is not optimal for non-beginners. There are a wide variety of moves available for black to counter this position, and one of the big weaknesses is that white doesn't get to develop their pieces into more advantageous squares. In fact, the Queen develops too early in this case and can be threatened rather early in the game, forcing white to spend moves getting their Queen to safety rather than develop more pieces.

This isn't a bad strategy to learn, mind you, but shouldn't really be attempted on anything last beginners.


1. e4, e5 2. Bc4, Nc6 3. Qf3, d3 4.Qxf2#
d3 is a blunder for not protecting an incoming checkmate


I knew it was the Scholar's Mate (go search it up) the moment I saw the title, its really effective against beginners but its really easy to counter if your opponent decides to open the kingside or does a defensive opening like e6 which blocks your bishop or even just developing their kingside knight to f6 which is a very common move can ruin it.
Overall I recommend this against beginner players.


this move was almost attempted on me once by a pro chess player at my school for funzies.

jokes on them, I was TOO STUPID to fall for the trick. I don't know how this is supposed to be good against beginners as I have never seen anyone fall for this before.

I ended up accidentally killing the queen, ruining the setup before losing anyway if I remember correctly.


This strategy can be done differently by playing the queen to h5 before the bishop so if black trys to instantly stop your attack you can take their pawn on e5, otherwise if they play knight to c6 develop the bishop out to c4 then move the queen to f7 for checkmate or back to f3.

GothamChess has a video explaining why this doesn't work on experienced players and how to counter


Scholar's Mate may work against many beginners, but not for those who experienced it and especially against Grandmasters.
It's important to develop your pieces over early mate attempts or greedy early captures.


Does the other player have to move their pieces in a certain way or is it possible no matter what that player does?


Wonbo Chess HTP:
Board: 8x12
Pawns are not allowed there double step move option however capturing diagonal is still like normal.
When you capture every piece (except pawns) gets 1+ diagonal movement however you can only use 1 extra diagonal move at one turn.
Pawns are not allowed there 1+ diagonal movement if capturing.
The game ends when a piece reaches the opponents 10th row.
However setting the chess pieces is still like normal
There is no castling
Note: the rest can not move diagonal if there 1+ diagonal movement is activated


My friend knows this scholar's mate, so i play an alternate scholar's mate when the knight instead of the bishop is the defender of the queen who captured the f7 pawn and he falls into it lol


he’s gonna 100% try this on his chess series


For anyone wondering how to stop the Scholar's Mate, after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5, the move 2... g6?! stops checkmate, but hangs the e-pawn to 3.Qxe5! Instead, play 2...Nc3 or 2...d6 to protect the pawn early. Then after 3.Bc4, play 3...g6! safely. 3...g6 also helps give the dark-squared bishop a much-needed square on g7, especially after playing 2...d6, blocking the c5 square for the bishop.


Omg I was going to play chess right now😮


It's called a scholar mate, most people recognise this and can play against you very strongly. Rather not play that


Why is it necessary to move the bishop?


But its Not the LOWEST I believe their is a 2 MOVER way to lose but that only works if the Black pieces are the ones that can do the WIN in 2 moves since white would need to move his King Bishop and Knights pawn at least 2 spaces for White's first 2 moves so that Black could play Queen to King Rook 5 MATE on BLACKS 2nd move.


The rules are the same as regular chess, except for these changes. For a refresher of those rules, check out this video.


you should make a video on how to play insane monopoly from tabletop simulator


Someone literally just did this to me, prompting me to search for this video.


BRO taught how to taunt ur friend in chess 💀
