Is He Interested Or Just Being Nice Signs

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Is he interested or just being nice signs. There’s a lot of debate around the infamous line, “Nice guys finish last”. Some people swear by this, and others say it’s completely untrue. The real deal is that nice guys finish how they want. If a nice guy wants to end up with a girl, he can do that. If he just wants to be nice and continue on with his single life, he can do that as well. That being said, the water gets a little murky when you try to figure out which path the nice guy in your life has decided to take. Is he hitting on you or trying to woo you like the princesses in those old movies? Or does he act this way with everyone, including grandmas at the supermarket? To figure out this conundrum, and to make sure you don’t respond inappropriately, here are 5 is he interested or just being nice signs to help you understand him better.

7 Obvious Signs He Likes You

12 Signs Of A Shy Guy In Love

How To Know If A Girl Likes You More Than A Friend

Playlist on "How To Tell If A Guy Likes You" (Signs a guy likes you)


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It would be nice if you scroll back up and click the like button for this nice guy. :)


I came here watching this to make sure if my friend is actually interested in me or not and it turned out I'm the one actually interested 💀


Mine always gives mixed signals which makes me super confused about what the heck he's trying to express (he's a shy guy btw)


I as a 17 year old boy agrees to alot of things that are mentioned in this video. The most guys will ask you a lot to hang out just to be with you and remember small things that you said 2 weeks ago. You have to pay attention to small things like that.


Omg this video arrived just at the right time.


I have this boy in my class and every lesson he likes to sit behind me. And I have a feeling that he may like me and he all ways smiling at me... And I can't stop looking at him...


I'm here because a guy i talk to, he seems cool and doesn't mind me talking to him and i just kinda started to like him, well he's attractive ofc but nothing comes out of our convos, now i know he aint interested thanks😔its only three times we spoke never even asked for the digits..😔I'm not talking to him no more *closes heart*


Call me petty but I’m boutta send this to a girl I used to like but said I was “playing with her” when I was just tryna be nice


I seem to be all 5 of these! I really do care about people in general.


damn I didn't know that I'm just being nice to other people...


My crush talked so much on our first date but remember everything she said.


I have this guy in my classroom and ever since i asked him to sit next to me in classes (like 2 months ago) he is been doing that and on top of that we have a group project together and we had a study date recently and it felt more like a date than a normal study meeting .... Idk what to do


This doesn't involve romance, but it does involve the possibility of just being nice. When I was eight, a fatherless, naïve child, I asked my mom if my sister's dad (who lived hours away) could be my dad. He agreed and I started calling him dad, but stopped at 16. It's been handshakes and casual chats since (when I very rarely saw him). At my sister's wedding, I feel he interacted with me a bit too much: seeing who's taller when I casually mentioned my height, fist-bumping, remarking how good the food looked, praising my heart and apologetic anxiety about possibly hurting someone (when I referenced my lack of filter). I don't exactly know his motive here, but at some point, he said I doubted myself. It was some conversation about pride, I believe. When I denied my self-doubt and said I just didn't like to sound conceited, he said I should see it as confidence and that I was amazing. I'm kinda awkward now--because of sappiness for one thing--but also because...maybe he was just being nice to me? Looking down on me? I mean, you could say I ✌"forced"✌ him to be my dad at one point, so maybe he was ✌"forcing"✌ himself to see my good qualities? Not to say he's a bad guy or snob or anything; absolutely not! Maybe a good guy who made a mistake---condescension? Do you guys understand?


I need help pls!
1. Not sure but prob not
2. No ._. Im the one doing that
3. Mostly no but hes asked me deeper questions before but not in person (over text)
4. Nope
5. no

We had late night talks over text for a few days in a row after we met cause we shared a lot of the same interests. He asked to practice instruments together in the morning at school which I think went okay?? I was just stressed about running out of things to say most of the time lol but since then I havnt started many conversations over text cause I didn’t wanna seem clingy. He just replied to a few of my stories which didn’t rly turn into any conversations
I did come up to him and we talked for a little and asked him to sit with me one time and we were laughing and talking with each other and we were both bringing up things to keep the conversation going

He doesn’t rly come up to me in group settings and most of the time we see each other it’s a group setting
I feel like he’s just being nice 😕


I feel like he is just trying to be friendly with me he rarely says hi and I last time saw him staring at me three times in a row but it’s probably because the tissue box was behind me or he was checking if I was still staring at him
he’s going to buy grams for my table but I feel like he is going to buy one for me just because he doesn’t want to be rude


Question: we talk everyday we call everyday. Yesterday he said “ sometimes I bike to my friend’s bad I can’t bike to urs” (we live like 20 miles away from each other). I was confused then he told me to forget what he said
Common emojis he uses are “🥰☺️😋😌”
And he always says good morning and good night
Help me please


Well I don't know how he acts with other girl.
He is really close to 2 girls in my class but those girls are not very sociable.
Never got the chance to talk with them 3.


what if my bff does all of these except for the last one? does he like like me then?


Damn should have post this video 3 HOURS AGO :"(


1. not sure
2. yes. When I ask him for help he does help. Cuz he's smart of course I ask.
3. no. I'm too introverted to talk to him
4. no
5. no
In conclusion idk cuz me and him are just classmates :<
