How Big Food Corporations Target Young Children With Unhealthy Products, w/ Grace Price & Vani Hari

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Megyn Kelly is joined by Vani Hari, founder of The Food Babe, and Grace Price, creator of "Cancer: A Food-Borne Illness," to discuss the way big food corporations and Big Ag are similar to tobacco companies of the past, the targeting of young kids to get them hooked on unhealthy food and products, how those who are poorer are more susceptible, the truth about dangerous chemicals in our ultra-processed foods and on our food in America, and more.

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Hit 200k today. Thank you for all the knowledge and nuggets you had thrown my way over the last months. Started with 14k last year 2023, God bless America ❤️🇺🇲


Don’t blame other people.. take responsibility for your CHILDREN!! My parents wouldn’t let me have candy or any junk food.. Zero tolerance..


This is so true When I am in Europe I do not feel bloated after I eat. It's actually insane


This is why the carnivore diet is becoming more popular. It’s the ultimate elimination diet that heals people.


Lobbyists keep things from ever changing. The FDA knows the European version of cereals, sodas, and other snacks, are much better than, what we’re eating here in America.


Over here in England it has no horrible things trying to kill us this is only America and other countries hell bent on hurting us I thank GOD England cares about what we eat!! TRUMP CAN FIX AMERICAS FOOD ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Love always Kelli


So true. I went to Poland for 3 weeks and was never unwell from eating food there. Even their junk food has better ingredients. I had no stomach issues, no joint pain, no fatigue post meal.


So glad to see and hear young ppl get it. When my kids were little we had "Fun Food" and "Good Food". When they began reading, they had to read the ingredients list for sugar% and sodium%. Juices were watered down especially for babies and toddlers.
Avoid anything that comes in a tube that is sucked down even yogurts, also cook and puree your own baby foods That was in the 80s/90s and processed foods are even worse now in 2020s. You are your own change, become aware and do what you can afford to do.


Got to give Jillian Michaels credit. She was comparing Oreos and cigarettes years ago because RJ Reynolds bought Nabisco, the company that makes Oreos. She posed the question and I have never forgotten…don’t you think that a company who makes cigarettes addictive know how to make food addictive?


In Europe they already have rules regarding what food dyes you can use and which you cannot. These rules are annoying but they work. A first and significant step would be to adopt such European rules here in the USA. Not only would this make Americans healthier it would be relatively easy to apply and enforce AND it would increase potential export markets for American food industries... win/win/win.


This young lady was a child who was raised to be a thinking, responsible adult.

Yo parents, get a clue and actually train up your children instead of trying to be their friend.


Didn’t know that about the tobacco companies.
That’s infuriating


So many children and young people have cancer now. So sad!

Big food and big pharma love it!😢


my dad used empty jars to hold screws and hardware.... mayo ext.... the same brands we still have now.... but from the 2-4 ingredients in glass jars then.... compared to 15+ today in plastic... plastic alone is a silent killer yet the words I just typed are brought to you by plastic buttons and fossil go figure


Even certified organic has roundup on it,
because organic means no fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides or antifungal.

So you don't use those, and you get certified.

Then you spray on the roundup because it is a desiccant (, drying effect) and desiccants are allowed.


Know your food.

Learn what's in it.

Learn what it does good and bad.

Learn how to grow it/raise it.

Learn the difference between GMO and heirloom.

Learn about pesticides and herbicides.

Learn how to harvest/slaughter/hunt your food.

Learn how to process your food.

Learn how to prepare your food.

Learn how to store your food.

Learn how to make other products from your food.

We tell our children "stranger danger" for people we don't know.

We should be saying the same about one of the most personal things we put into our bodies that truely becomes part of us, our fuel/food.

Learning aelf-sefficiency/homesteading can also be very fun and fulfilling.


Teachers “rewarding” kids is always pizza, ice cream, chips, candy, pop/soda


It is not only your generation. It is the entire population.


It's not just cereal, sodas and snacks. Most cornbread mixes contain sugar, as do most BBQ sauces, and a plethora of others. I don't like my cornbread sweet, nor my barbequed meat, so I make my own. Not long ago I went to a popular restaurant I once liked, but didn't finish my meal and haven't been back. They had introduced sugar to much of their foods. The black-eyed peas, all their bread, and most entrees. I don't even like sweet tea. They know most of their customer base like it sweet, and they're not concerned about your health, they want to see profits. When I shop, I have to carry my reading glasses to read ingredients. I've never been much of a sweet tooth. The non-sugar additives can be worse for you than plain sugar. This has been a pet peeve for me for many years now.


Recently, I went to Macy's in NYC and noticed there is a McDonald's in the children's department. I believe this is intentional.
