Startup Culture is a Scam

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Is Disruption Culture a Scam?

The theory of Disruptive innovation has ruled the corporate zeitgeist for the last 30 years, but with recent Big Tech layoffs and the crumbling of many once-lauded startups, it may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Have we been duped by Disruption culture? Is it disrupting us into oblivion? Let’s find out in this Wisecrack Edition: Disruption Culture Was A Joke?

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Written by Rachel Van Nes
Hosted by Michael Burns
Directed by Michael Luxemburg
Edited by Henry Arrambide
Produced by Olivia Redden

Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

#Disruption #BigTech #Wisecrack

© 2022 Wisecrack / Omnia Media, Inc. / Enthusiast Gaming
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Disruption just means "ignore labor rights and regulations until you've destroyed all competition"


Does anyone remember the assembly in elementary school where they told everyone to sell candles or chocolate and if you sold enough you could get cool prizes? Yeah, that was an MLM.


Being disrupted out of your homes to become hunters and gatherers fits nicely with "eat the rich".


Disruption is super, super, super rare. Actually disruption means you had a once in a lifetime doable idea that established players didn't think of or want to do.
Most "disruption" is financial engineering to get around regulations. Turning your workforce into contractors isn't disruption, it's just undercutting labor regulations


Everytime I hear "Disruption" I hear "More ways to get rich people richer and the rest of us fucked over"


I tend to think there's more culture in the bottom of an empty yogurt cup than anything coming out of Silicon Valley.
And "Thought Leader" is just dystopian AF.


This is why my husband and I don't plan on working in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley has this as a mentality: "Evil things can only be done by evil people. We're not evil. Therefore, we can't possibly do evil." Then they wonder why people give them flack for doing exactly what people in Black Mirror episodes did.


I used to work as a copywriter for a marketing company where we would write, among other things, 'thought leadership articles', which was essentially taking on the official opinion of our client and writing an opinion piece from that perspective, but presenting the opinion piece as educational. So. I'm still recovering that part of my soul.


I'm fresh out of being a co-founder of a startup that raised $1.5M in pre-seed (I was pushed out by one of my teammates who owned a majority stake). I'm disillusioned with everything and know from experience that disruption is mostly something you use to get funding in the first place. When it comes time to actually do it, it's so much harder than you thought it was going to be.


Yeah... I was recently fired from a "disruptor" in the DEI space for calling out the intimidation strategies, pitting employees against each other, and legit gaslighting. I was fired for insubordination...🤷🏽


Yeah, I hate the term "thought leader" - somehow it manages to be both smug and trite at the same time.
And "Disruptor Culture" is just another term for Tech Bros.


About disruption: I can`t remember who writed, but at college I read a text about how USA is in love with everything new, to the point that "new" and "better" are used as synonyms in ads. I believe that it explains everything. People don't get that new ideas are just ideas, they could be good or bad and you have to first analyze/test them.


You can’t copyright common words, at most you may in a certain context trademark its usage, like “we chat” is a simple expression that can’t be trademarked, but a logo using it and the use of it as a reference to an app off messages, is trademark-able.


It's only a scam if you can make money off it. You can't make money off people not-working.


Disruptor is modern buzz word for "this will change the world".


word can't describe how much I appreciate this channel


The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.


From the biomed perspective: disruption as a new company bringing about change doesn't really change the market. Any time we had a startup we were hired to assist with getting their invention to market, the recommendation we gave (and were pushed to give) was to get bought out by one of the few massive companies. Not really disrupting a market when you're just selling your stuff to the big guys already in charge.


"see? this kid won a plush at the carnival fair! in fact he won the biggest and fluffiest plushie available! that means you CAN win if you play, because the game isn't rigged!" (rewind to 10 minutes ago when the kid lost super hard, but they still gave him the prize on purpose)


There is no world where 80% of people who quit for other opportunities regret it.
