When Wind Meet Fire (Instrumental) // Worship Piano

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When Wind Meets Fire (Instrumental) // Worship Piano. Arranged and recorded by Dan Musselman.

Based off the album When Wind Meets Fire, by Elevation Worship.

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our “God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12:28-29 (NIV)

** Track List **
0:00 New Thing Coming
5:27 What A Miracle
9:29 Sure Been Good
15:12 Faithful Then / Faithful Now
19:27 God Is Not Against Me
23:25 Owe You Praise
27:28 When Wind Meets Fire
33:08 Another Stone
37:21 Always On Time
41:52 Yahweh We Love You
47:22 Another One
50:40 Great Is
55:23 Easy
1:00:07 All Of A Sudden


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Change is on the way. Imagine how faithful you are with me. Because I hold you, delicately, fiercely and I will never let you go. Hold on to my faith. It's your substance. Faith, hope and love all work together so you can rest in Me. Keep the faith I have in you. I'm your rock solid Truth. Breathe faith. You're stronger than you know.


Finally, do not be surprised. Be expecting me to flip the script. Bold dreams are just a moment away from becoming what you call "true." If they are good for you, I will see them through. Arise today with more excellent dreams. Give me something to do for you, and all of a sudden, you'll see you have aimed too low. I love you with our Father's heart. Amen.


Thank you, Dan, for sharing your extraordinary gifts and talents with all of us. I pray God's many blessings upon you as you play your praises, honor and worship unto the LORD. ❤


Just breathe. Breathe me. I AM your breath. Resolve to know me by your breath. My spirit is life for you. It's good and it's for you. Breathe Me. Love me with your breath.


Thank you Dan for your beautiful piano. I start my day with Bible and your music in the background. What a blessing you are to many of us! May the Lord continue to bless you and enrich you as you bless so many others with your gift.


Even when you thought I was away, sure been good being with you. My love can't allow me to step away. We are one. That's a good thing. Always being good. That's us.


Yes!!! I came to your youtube specifically looking for this album! Absolutely beautiful as always:) I get married in June and I'm thinking of having these songs playing as people enter into the ceremony! Thank you so much for a mood booster and a God wink!


Praise is my rain. It refreshes me. Every tear drop waters me. Our garden is growing. Seeds of praise are blooming now. You will not regret. I promise.


There's a blanket of doubt about Me and I'm removing it. Peak underneath before I expose everything. I protect you. I command my angel armies to keep you safe. Great is our bond. Great is our walk together. Being with you, is GREAT.


There's nothing great I won't do for you, so ask me. With all your heart. I want to make it happen even better than you imagined. Ask Me for your miracle. And another one, and another one. I'm just waiting for you to ask Me.


I'm gathering stones. My alter will be built with my cherished stones. Each one carefully placed and belonging to Me. Eventually, they will be like diamonds, but so much more brilliant than you can imagine just yet.


The reason I call you friend is because I can trust you. Can you trust me? Let me encourage you this day. Look for my love notes. Dim the noise around and about. I cherish playing with you. Let's win, again and again and again. For us.


They make you work for things that won't last. They beat you up. My way is easy. You need to strip off the mentality that you have to work hard. The torments they want you to carry are not for you. My son restored all that was lost. He brings heaven to earth FOR YOU. It's all been recorded for you in my book, one of many.


Acts are coming upon you now. I'm doing it again. I'm subtle and gentle as well as what you've read about me. My touch lands wherever I place it. An indelible impression meant just for you. I know what you need. Ask me to give it to you. I cannot wait to bless you like never before. Trust me.


The time in your head is really always now. Turn off the clock of the world. It's not for you. In me, you can suspend time and always be perfectly placed in our story. Not one thread out of place. Not one moment lost or wasted.


Dan Hi thanks for all the work you've done for the last 2-3 years.

How do you get the left hand to become skillful??


💦🕊💦 God Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. God, I ask in Jesus’ name whatever You allow to come my way (blessings, tests, trials, tribulations) let everything that I go through cause me to grow closer to You, fall more in love with You, and conform me into the image of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Teach me how to trust You and rest in Your love. Speak to my heart and whisper Your Words of encouragement and hope in my ear. Let me know that everything is going to be alright. Whatever You allow to come my way let me find myself praying and not worrying, trusting You and not doubting You. Let me find myself crying out to You, seeking Your face and Word for comfort, courage, faith, understanding, and direction. God Thank You that all things are working together for my good because I love You and I am called according to Your purpose. God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer and all those I love and care about. God Thank You for listening and answering all my prayers in Your timing. God Thank You for not failing me. I Thank You for my testimony of victory.
