What Can We Learn From Animals?

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What Can We Learn From Animals?

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You just ooze calmness. Your delivery couldn't be better in your videos Dan. Thankyou for your work, your helping me. 👍🏻


My Cat Sofie is a rescue cat she was abused by prior owner. It took over 3 months to get her to feel SAFE and CALM again. I love ❤️ my cat so much she is so much better but only feel SAFE with my husband and daughter. Dan this analogy so relates to my TMS/PDP journey. Abuse, traumas, medicalized but I know consistency, calm, kindness, self compassion, messages of safety I am slowly noticing the difference and it takes awhile before the scared subconscious brain see’s me acting, behaving like I’m OK then the symptoms will slowly fade away. Patience and kindness for ourselves ❤️


Excellent! I have 5 cats and 2 dogs, all rescues. Often fostering puppies from the south. I learn from all of them. A little kid asked me: why so many? I said: "I guess I'm greedy; I need a little more love than most people." ( or more help!) The strongest realization is not they live with you...its that they want to.


Out in my car and somehow I drive to the gridlocked area (testing myself). On cue the panic rose but I got across the roundabout and proceeded to then turn back and redo the journey (albeit that the road back is pretty clear). The tears flowed (relief & proudness &a bit of frustration) did a walk then parked up. Totally relate to the animal analogy. Am determined to do this journey over and over to reassure my brain there's no danger. Great group call yesterday, highly recommend.


I have never done New Year’s Resolutions: this year I am. Like many TMSers i have the need to work or fix or do something! Ive made vg progress since joining Group Call on Wednesday’s just have not nailed it shut. I extract nuggets from the calls that feel apply to me too. One is to simply laugh more another is to STOP caring wether im pleasing people another is to quit reading dark stuff. Yes like a drug i still do it. I am at 69 gonna stand up for myself. I participate in life well but symptoms & health anxiety still there. 2023 is the year i win. Thankyou Dan
PS: Praying for your mom


SUCH a good video Dan. I love this analogy. I see this all the time at the cat rescue centre so I am going to use this idea to look after myself in the same loving, patient and compassionate way. This has reinforced so much for me so thank you as always Dan.


Thank you so much for all these uploads. Just discovered them. The No homework one was my starter and " You are okay❣️" was just what I needed to hear & the you are safe. What a difference to the medical world who tell you to learn to live with it (fibromyalgia). Happy 2023 wishes from the Netherlands 🎇


Dan, love this analogy! I rescued a kitten with the help of a friend back when I was in 3rd grade from a winter snow storm. It was curled up freezing in the corner of a step. Kept it as a pet afterwards. It brought me much comfort and joy. Thanks so much again Dan for all your daily videos and love and support. The group calls are a warm, loving "shelter" for all of us who have TMS. Thanks so much!


Thankyou Dan 🤗😊 . Brilliant about the animal thing .


Animals are such good guides for how behaviour happens without all the interference of the mind…!

Reminds me of something that happened recently. My dad is biggest ‘threat’ to my NS. It’s where it all began. Mum knows that he is not welcome at our house at this stage. She was arranging a trip to
Come see us and asked whether my dad could come. I said why are you even asking me that? You know how I feel and he is a massive trigger for me and my NS and so she replies, ‘well when will you be ready?” Had to pick jaw up off the floor. 😮that will probably be a ‘never’. Geez unbelievable


Great analogy Dan..
I think of my little Odin (doggie)..🥺he’s afraid of thunder and fireworks.. he runs over to me, I hold him and and soothe him.. getting angry or frustrated with him would never help..🥺 and I used to that with myself with sensations..🙁 thank you for guiding us in the journey Dan..🙏🏼💜


Consistency, common sense and compassion. You are the master of the three c’s. Thank you for your work.


Brilliant analogy.. hopeful and true!
Finn is THe example for a recovery ❤️‍🩹!!
Giving up a timeline in this journey is key for me!
I never was patient but I’m learning this new skill!
And I enjoy it!

Thanks for this video, it keeps me on track, teacher Dan!
Have a GOOD day!


I love this so much. ❤️ Thank you, Josie for sharing your experience with beloved animals. We had a neighbor cat break into our home through screen, attacked our cat. She was terrified for days…we all babied her as if she were our most valued treasure, she did indeed get better. We are all worth it, thank you so much for sharing this one, Dan. Love to sweet Finn 🖤


Thank you for sharing this. Animals have been some of my most incredible teachers in so many ways. I miss my cat Ollie ...so looking forward to next week when I can join this wonderful, supportive community. Love to all.


I love this video. We can learn so much from animals. Thanks for everything in 2022 and happy and succesful 2023 for you! 🇳🇱🙏🥰


Frustrated and angry has been my downfall. So now I’m doing things differently.


Dan..I have a big question. I don’t have pain but I have spacicity. My brain must be telling my muscles to tighten because they are tightening so bad I am paralytic. Do you think telling my brain to Let Go would help my muscles Relax? I Know I am Safe. As long as we are telling the brain we are Safe..I wondered if you think this might work too?


It depends on which animal you are learning from! I tiger will attack..a skunk will spray you..a possum plays dead. Etc. I have just realized I married a snake had his five children and have lived in the snake pit for a very long time. I am going to forgive them and forgive myself for making an ignorant choice and sit here in Love and Peace until God Rescues me! I am the possum..frozen in Fear and can see I will be until my life is corrected. I am not safe and I am not free..and paralytic so God is the only one can rescue me. Forgive me..Dan.. I know this is not with the teaching but still may be of benefit to someone.
