'Letting Go' technique hack (David Hawkins)

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So true! I always called it “too tired to give a damn”😂😂😂


Don't do it. Just use the technique. It's not hard and it's always working


I literally just experienced this recently.

You articulated it better than I could though.



Well everyone is different of course.
And though that sort of thing may not be recommended regularly, for some it is incredibly beneficial.
I recently inadvertently took this a step further:
I was in a wreak and totaled my truck, I asked for a divorce from my wife of 2 decades, a good friend of mine unexpectedly died leaving his wife (our neighbor) with a 4 year old special needs son, I got covid, had to leave work for 5 days unpaid and my niece attempted suicide all in the course of 4-6 days.
No shit.
Anyway I’ve been sober for 4 years.
After a week or so I caved and got loaded.
It was all too much and I was being mentally, emotionally and spiritually crushed under the weight of it all.
I just had a tooth extraction and had been on pain killers for 5 days and as a result had little to no sleep.
The day following my drinking binge I was needless to say VERY hungover and had been up all night fighting with the wife about the divorce.
I’d been listening to Dr. Hawkins book and only recently been getting a lot of benefit from it. I mean issues that I’ve been working on for many decades with religion, philosophy, Eastern medicine, meditation and much much more.
What he teaches is so simple in nature that I’ve been astonished at its effectiveness and authenticity as a legitimate healing technique and possibly the most effective one I’ve come across thus far in my 50 years: more than 30 of those pursuing self-improvement.
Anyway, the day following my binge I was so strung out, so delirious that I had an emotional breakdown in our morning Monday meeting at work.
My Manager and coworkers demanded I go home.
(Lovingly and with support mind you; they are wonderful people).
Begrudgingly I did.
What followed was a 4 hour conversation with my wife wherein we were able to make amends and actually now move forward with the divorce in love and trust.
Yeah, I know, crazy right?
Time will tell I guess but I can tell you that the experience was one of the most deeply profound, enlightening, painful, loving, healing and growing that I’ve had; ever.
I’ve ZERO doubt that this was made possible only by my state of near delirium that I was able to be so open spiritually.
Now would I recommend it? Hell no.
I feel confident in saying this is not something you can effectively “make happen.” Maybe with intermittent sleep fasting sure, but the binge drinking, well, I’d say avoid that if you can.
Especially if you’re 50 lol. 😁


This happened to me a few times with his technique. I’m glad to hear somebody confirm it, I didn’t even know it was because of that. Thank you!


Interesting! I think it has to do with being too tired to fight anything that arises, which I guess, is exactly what surrender is in its essence. Kind of like floating with life, and letting it happen.
Good advice!


interesting...i think whats happening is that since your tank is on empty, you need to let go of things you would normally hold on to - in order to free up some more energy


We all experience some suffering to learn techniques. Thanks for sharing!


I got a copy of Letting Go 2 days ago and I read about 50 pages that day and started applying what I learned immediately. Sure enough that night I could not sleep to save my life. And yesterday, amid a straining physical exhaustion, I had a series of releases that have already completely changed me. You are dead on...and really cute!


I don't know about this. The only time I've ever been really suicidal came after a night of not being able to sleep. Some days when problems seem insurmountable, specifically in the evenings I can easily overcome them after a night of sleep.


Had this when had a night out the night before and realised it’s nice to be in that care free state lol


I have chronic back pain and I can confirm staying up all night and going into work asleep does help with back pain because you don't give a shit at that point and you really do feel a reduction in pain


You're beautiful the way you are, despite whatever someone has told you, you don't need a filter.


No that’s what kept me up by not letting go


No this doesnt solve anything, because when you go to sleep youll wake up the next day and itl still be there. Use the letting go technique, its not complicated to use.


Yes! I'm not the only one and I always called it being loopy, however I always found it extremely easier to not be so attached to things I'm normally attached to, and I wasn't even trying. Detachment is definitely effortless when you're half sleep haha


Well I am suggesting it! Just like fasting gives our body time to sort of reset, so does sleep fasting. Things that stress us that we can't do anything about fade away, we become more present in the now moment, colors and sounds are more vibrant and we become more grateful.

Sometimes when you're under the influence of inspired action and you let yourself take off on an idea that feels right, you literally can't sleep. What's sad is indoctrination has forced us into the idea that we are being irresponsible when we follow our inspirations. It's cut us off from feeling what we truly are. Deep feeling magical beings!

Edit: You're also less inhibited and more creative and gregarious and more likely to face things head-on you've been avoiding, and or follow through with a creative idea or something you've not allowed yourself time to do.

I used to have extreme test anxiety and was unable to trust my own brain no matter how much effort I put into studying or how much sleep I got or how much of a "complete breakfast" I ate. I ended up not caring about upcoming exams under the assumption I'd botch it anyway and learned by accident that I would ace them if I was pulling a bender! "Studying for tomorrows exam" took on a whole new meaning - and a series of jokes and puns of course lol 😉

Eventually I figured out it worked for interviews, playing gigs and even court!

There must be something to it lik specific endorphins that influence verbal fluency, memory recall and overall cognitive abilities.

So many people needlessly suffer from depression and anxiety disorders and wrongly diagnosed with varying mental health issuss when in reality they are just struggling to adapt to the ways of a seriously messed up world.


i feel as though it's much harder to stay present and aware of a feeling if you're tired. and being focused on the feeling is half of what letting go is so i don't recommend this


Forget David Hawkins, follow David Goggins! Woo!


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