Orange UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Weapons at Loring AFB | Close Encounters 108

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NUCLEAR REACTION: OCTOBER 27-28, 1975: Over two nights, a
silent, orange football-shaped object is spotted near the nuclear
weapons storage site at Loring Air Force Base in Maine. Airmen
describe the object as having no doors or windows and with no
visible propellers or engines. The object’s proximity to the Base’s
nuclear weapons arsenal causes grave concern. The control
tower makes numerous attempts to contact the aircraft, but
there is no response. Its identity remains a mystery to this day.
GHOST ROCKET: JULY 19, 1946 - Farmer Knut Lindback is out
working his fields on the shores of Lake Kolmjarv in Northern
Sweden when he sees a massive rocket-shaped object heading
towards the Lake. It crashes, causing a deafening explosion and
sending a column of water and debris into the air. The military
scours the shallow lakebed for any evidence of unusual debris,
but nothing is ever found. The government names the mysterious
object a ‘ghost rocket’.

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My favorite ufo doc, short brief best cases with great visualisation and narration no bs. Please post all seasons cant find these nowhere


I don't know how accurate these re-enactments are, but they're pretty well-made for something with a limited budget like this. They add some atmosphere.


About 10 years ago I got home from work at 3am. Went out for a quick smoke before bed and I observed a tic-tac shaped object slowly zig-zagging in the sky. While it was hovering it emitted a blue and orange glow but it was not a light, it was some sort of electrical discharge. The object then stopped and shot straight up real fast.


Almost identical description to one I saw near Townsville, Magnetic Island. I did not get it on RADAR, but when I turned on my radar, it flew directly over my vehicle and circled me several times at a few hundred feet. In my case it came out of the sea. The glimmering orange light was characteristic though.


No one ever seems interested in my family’s close encounter in 97 midday. But we had stopped after seeing a saucer five miles hovering. Once we got to it I stopped the car with no traffic and we stared at it all excited it might have been 3 or 400’ up. But I got worried I might get hit from behind and glanced at my rear view mirror. At that very moment my son yelled look. Then over our car tree top high this silver 40’ craft flew right over us I’d guess around 80 or 90 mph, straight down the road. It had a sparking greenish plasma like light at the back dripping long sparks as it flew. I know it sounds impossible but it really happened and we all four saw it. No markings silver and smooth in southern Missouri.


This is almost 50 years ago.... that's why we're hearing about it now.😕🙏


As a Swede I really enjoyed hearing those Swedish lines spoken by the actors, technically Swedish, but hilariously pronounced x)


In the early 90s I was 7 or 8 I was Playing with 15 other kids. We all were playing hide and seek and I remember we were about to start a new game and 2 kids come running from the back alley and they are yelling “ look look look” as they are pointing up. We look up and there it was a round very big and I mean big saucer coming over the apartment building. All of us started oohing and awing. Then all that amazement turned into fear as it was about 15 stories above us and it was making a crazy humming sound kind of like an electrical sound, it was like a pulsating electric feeling all threw our body. We all literally started crying at the same time and it wasn’t normal crying, that cry like if we were being killed. We all ran home terrified for what we just saw. This thing was so low and really big, the city lights lit the thing up, u can see everything. We can see the windows and in the windows there were little people waving at us. I swear I ain’t making this up there was a lot of people who saw it. Then the next day we all gathered around the spot we saw this and I swear I ain’t making this sh!t up. So we were sitting there talking about what we saw and this guy walks up and ask if we saw weird stuff last night. We told him everything he wrote it down and then when we were done he tells us not to worry about it because what we saw was a weather balloon, I shit u not. Oh did I mention the guy was dressed in a black suit. I thought he was FBI because this happened before the movie men in black came out, this sighting was way bigger than the Arizona sighting and I don’t understand why the story didn’t blow up. This happened either in92 or 93 in Orange County California.


Very interesting unfortunately sound effects are way overdone really end up being distracting from the story.


Good job reenacting the Loring AFB incident. Thank you.
ET's have regularly intruded on the nuclear facility industry world wide.
They have made it clear we shouldn't be fooling around with nuclear power.
At the very least the US government has made some contact with some of "them".
We live in interesting times. Be careful what you wish for.
(If you were telepathic what would you do?)


It’s interesting that it was the same dude on patrol.


I was stationed at Loring from 1974 thru 1977, even though this is obviously a reenactment this story is the absolute truth.


My self and my family witnessed 12 to 13 red/orange orbs in 2016 and again in 2018 in Ohio. Both times, moving in definite formation and then each suddenly disappearing at will. Brilliant color, and my brother and I estimated the size of each one to be about 6 ft. in diameter. Ohio and the entire world are seeing these as if they almost want to be seen by us. Thanks. 🌿🌻


Why would Bjorn run towards the object? Bad Bjorn, bad!




Hard to believe the US military allowed unknown aircraft, on multiple occasions, not only into their air space but to actually enter a nuclear weapons facility & then land without firing a single shot... I've heard, if you're within 20 miles of a base in a frigging Cessna, they blast you to bits if you don't leave immediately, especially if you don't answer their radio challenge.


The ones that hovered over our small pasture were “ orange” . I call them amber . They went from pure white light to two amber one red. The red one was the only one that moved . In daylight and about 150 yards. Amazing


My father was stationed at Loring from 1978 to 1981, during which I moved there in 1980. Loring was an amazing base.


That ufo.. detected radiation emitting from tunnels below that base. And possibly personal above ground didn't even know about them. Thanks to that uap. We know now..


I grew up in Canada very very close to Loring. Sightings were endless when I was growing up. Very crazy times. Saw a plane crash in Canada on the way back to Loring once too.
