Make-A-Wish Declined

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A friend of mine was a Make-A-Wish kid and for his wish he wanted to meet and spend a day with Mattpatt He got that wish I’m very happy for him and very grateful. He’s alive today.!


For those you saying Make-A-Wish is for dying kids...Disabled kids get to participate too. My friend's daughter has cerebral palsy, Epilepsy along with some other complications and is in a wheelchair. Her disabilities aren't technically deadly it just greatly impacts her quality of life. She is 7yrs old. They went on a 7 day park-hopper vacation to Disney last fall and they got special wristbands that got them to the front of the line. She has always been obsessed with Minnie Mouse so it was awesome for her!!!


I got a Make-A-Wish when I was young. They didn’t think I was going to make it but I did clearly. I got 2 wishes because I chose quite small things because I was only 3. One of them was to ride a unicorn. They brought in this woman who works for a company called the fairies. She dresses up like a fairy (very realistic might I add) and kids have tea parties and arts and crafts with her. She brought a pony and they had put tinsel in its mane and tail and put a horn on it


My little brother had brain cancer when he was 8. He was offered a shopping spree at the mall because he had no idea what to wish for. We later found out the spree had a limit of $2000, but one of the coordinators told him if he declined it then they take the whole family to Disney world for 10 days all expenses paid. He declined the spree and we all went to Disney world. The memories we got from that trip became core memories we still talk about until today. He’s now 23 and has been cancer free since then, and I’m eternally grateful to have him in my life still.


My friend got to Make A Wish, and he decided he wanted to make his own toy to sell at toys-R-us. Where I live they still operate. He got his wish and chose to make a teddy bear with a teal bow. My siblings and I each have one! He suffered cancer twice under seven, and drowned but was saved. He’s a survivor, and is still alive to this day 💗


If you want to wish to meet someone, choose John Cena. He has the highest amount of make a wishes fulfilled and is most likely to show up.


I was a chemo kid, I got a wish. Initial wish: Meet JK Rowling (This was between books three and four) She was not doing non UK Wishes.
Instead, I got to meet Dick Van Dyke and the cast of Diagnosis: Murder. I swear that trip made me want to keep fighting. Coming up on 24 years clear!


Your infatuation with Harry styles is temporary, but the memories at the great barrier reef with your family are forever. The odds def worked in your favor.
Edit: damn aren't yall a bunch of negative Nancy's. Forever is still forever even if it's less than a year. Clearly op is still alive, anyway, so my point still stands


My ex was a make a wish kid, his wish was to meet Adam Sandler and his family called him selfish for it and said it was a bad idea so they ended up taking a family trip to Australia for his wish. I’m sure he made some good memories there but he always sounded resentful talking about it because “his family took his wish”


Omg if a kid chose me as their wish, I would literally go out of my way to give them my full undivided attention for multiple days and an amazing experience and gifts and so much. That’s such an honor. I feel like it’s the least you can do.


I was a make-a-wish kid, i was 7 and just wanted to see one direction in concert, so i did. I met the boys, not because it was a part of my wish, but because they heard i was going to be there and wanted me to have the best time.


My sister was a wish kid at 2 years old (mentally an infant) with a rare progressive brain tumor, she had a 5% survival rate and we were even given the choice of treatment altogether. Because nobody thought she would survive they gave her the trip while she was still young that our whole family could enjoy (Disney world) she’s 16 now (mentally 6-7) and still going through cancer treatments, on and off her whole life. She’s the happiest girl I know and wants to be a nurse when she grows up.🙏🏼.


Finally someone knows about cairns which is where the great barrier Reef is located


I recently donated my car. It was sold at auction and the funds went to grant a child’s wish through “Make A Wish”. Until a few weeks ago, I didn’t even know that cars, boats, etc. could be donated for this, but I am so very glad I was able to do


As an Australian who has in fact swam in the great barrier Reef I have got to say way better that Harry Styles(Edit, MOM IM FAMOUS!)


Make a wish isnt only for dying kids. Its any kid diagnosed with cancer, or any other major or disabling disease. Just for those in comments. :)


I’m disabled and I was offered a wish when I was like 4 and my mom turned it down 😭 She had good reasons though but still damn


My little sister had a make a wish when she was 9 and asked for breast implants so “she could finally touch some boobs” 🤦‍♀️ she went to Disney land instead. She went into remission about a year later then got a girlfriend in middle school, so I guess she might’ve still got her wish granted


I was a Make-A-Wish kid. Went to Japan for 10 days with my family. We stayed in Tokyo and Kyoto and had a day trip to Hakone. It was the best trip my family ever had. It'll be 10 years since then next year.


My best friend got to meet Ryan Reynolds for her wish (she had brian cancer at the time, shes all good now) and was in the deleted scene of the first Deadpool movie. The scene was the one with the cat (shes the one with blue dyed hair (it was hair chalk) and they offered to let her keep the cat. Her mom said no tho lol. She also got a pair of signed katanas from Ryan too.

Theres a couple of news articles about it and even about our local schools doing findraisers to raise money for the treatment!

Shes all good now and lives the next town over from me. We plan on going to sacanime and i keep joking she should cosplay as the deleted scene character and have someone be deadpool lol
