35 Best Discus Fish Tank mates | Best Discus Tankmates | Proud Hobbyist

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35 Best Discus Fish Tank mates

Discus fish is a very demanding fish and hence tank mates for these fishes to be selected very carefully. This video details about 35 best discus fish tank mates. They are ranked based on their compatibility with Discus Fishes. We are sure that this video will help you to choose the best tank mates suitable for your discus tank.

Enjoy the video.

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Dear I hv 80 glow tetra and 20 tiger barbs in 80 gal tank with 10 gal sump filter total 90 gal tank. Can I add discus in same tank with Glow Tetra and Tiger barbs


Cardinal tetras are good as tankmates and they are colorful too


Why it is mentioned as 'attention required' for angel fish as tankmate for discus
