Anunnaki - Legend of the Alien Gods. Full Documentary!

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Anunnaki - Legend of the Alien Gods. Full Documentary!
In time immemorial, long before human history was recorded, the Anunnaki gods, mysterious beings from the depths of the cosmos, came to Earth. This ancient tale begins in the distant skies of the Nibiru solar system, where the Anunnaki, led by the wise Enki and the stern Enlil, were facing a major crisis. Their planet was on the brink of ecological disaster, and their only hope for salvation was to find vital resources elsewhere in the galaxy.

After much searching, the Anunnaki discovered Earth, a planet rich in gold and other precious minerals. Enki, known for his intelligence and creativity, was the first to set foot on earth, closely followed by his brother, Enlil. Together, they began exploiting the earth's resources, but soon faced a major problem: the work was hard and exhausting, and the Anunnaki, being few in number, could not sustain such an effort over the long term.

Enki, seeing the suffering of his people, came up with a revolutionary solution. By proposing to create a new species through genetic engineering, one that could work in place of the Anunnaki, Enki opened the way for a new chapter in Earth's history. Together with Ninhursag, the master of genetics, Enki combined the DNA of the Anunnaki with that of the primitive hominids of Earth, thus giving birth to the first humans.

Enlil, however, did not take kindly to this experiment. He believed that this new species, which they called "Lulu Amelu" (primitive man), could become a threat to Anunnaki supremacy. Tensions between Enki and Enlil grew, turning into open conflict, a war between two visions of humanity's destiny.

As humans multiplied and began to populate the Earth, Enlil began to fear their unchecked potential. He decided to impose strict laws and limit the knowledge that people could acquire. Enki, on the other hand, felt a deep affection for his creations and wanted to give them a chance to evolve and reach their potential.

The conflict between the two brothers came to a head when Enlil, in an attempt to end human existence, unleashed a great flood. Enki, secretly warning a man named Utnapishtim (the equivalent of Noah in Sumerian mythology), gave him instructions to build an ark, thus saving some of humanity and various species of animals.
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Your saying all these things but you were in another video talking about anunnaki ARE ALIENS and if nobody thinks so are stupid(something along those lines) so I don't understand how you now say that their planets and not "flesh and blood"
