10 Toxic Behaviors Empaths Effortlessly Expose | Empath Powers

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Everyone knows someone who is a pain to deal with, but when does "difficult" become "toxic"? While toxic is not an established diagnosis, there are some people who are constantly causing interpersonal strife and making others feel horrible about themselves.

The unfortunate fact is that empaths attract toxic individuals because their sympathetic nature not only accepts responsibility for themselves and their acts, but also for the actions of the toxic person. But they can turn that around when they become mindful, learn to take care of themselves, create space from people, and communicate what they need. So, they can effortlessly expose toxic behaviors.

In this video, we are going to cover 10 toxic behaviors empaths effortlessly expose. Make sure to watch until number 1, because it is enlightening.


10 Tactics to Put a Narcissist in Their Place

10 Types of Toxic Crushes to Avoid

10 Things Narcissists Think You Owe Them


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Disclaimer: These videos are meant for educational purposes only. Do not use information in this or any other video to self-diagnose or diagnose other people. If you feel that you or someone close to you may possess some of the characteristics mentioned in this or any other video on this channel and need help then please, consult a licensed mental health professional.

#psychologyelement #empath #empathpowers #toxicpeople
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Don’t pity the narcissist, steer clear entirely 🙅🏼‍♀️


I am a super empath and believe me we DO have toxic behaviors, especially if raised by a narcissist.


I was raised by a narcissist but don't have narcissistic traits but can sense when someone is trying to be controlling or abusive towards me. I leave before I become a target


I subscribed!
The information presented in the video is simply the best!
I have been Frantically trying to explain this to my significant other and other friends and they don't understand
By sharing this video, a pathway for them had been opened. That it really does exist and what to look and watch out for. You aren't y helping so many people and that's the best gift anybody could receive (besides God of course) thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


All I know is, it doesn't take long for my mere presence brings the worst out of some people


All the way through the narc marriage I used to say I can't stand liars, now I know why he was a pathological liar, I can speak to people and I hear the word liar, lies, lie, in my head, also watching tv, and looking in social media, especially celeb relationships, I'm never wrong, I love my empath super powers it has saved me so many times even without realizing, it's very rare I dig my heels in about things, but when I know something is wrong and I sense, It just Goes round and round my head, I can't let go of it until it is sorted, I know I have pissed people off by doing this, it really does bruise their ego, especially if it's a man they hate a woman being right and proving they are wron


Gaslighting is a dumb name to describe the denying of your reality….


They want you to do good, just not better than them. 💩


Subscribed! I am an empath, and for a time, I thought it was a bit of a curse and just wanted to be able to “turn it off” (Ofcourse it’s nearly impossible to turn off.) Overtime, I’ve come to accept that it’s a helpful gift, and that it’s a gift that can even save a friend’s life, for you will be able to sense when a friend might be contemplating self harm when others miss it.

With that being said, all gifts come with responsibilities, so your points about self care and being aware on how others who are selfish (especially narcissists) can manipulate you is crucial!

Being able to warn those you love (friends, spouses, family, etc.) about moderate narcissists that may not be apparent to them, is especially crucial, since you will pick up on those traits sometimes before they do. Put bluntly, an empath is the best weapon to uncover and (if emotionally strong enough) deal with those narcissists on their behalf. Ofcourse, knowing that you yourself are vulnerable to their attacks is also key, so that you can protect yourself while still achieving what’s most important, protecting those we love 💙💙💙♓️.

Great video! I would love to see more content on empaths and topics like soulmates 😁


I was voted the most eligible bachlor in highschool, best dresses, so I know I am confident and an empathic person. I feel very strongly, even living in different countries, narcs attack me. I seem to hurt them without doing anything. I treat them nice and draw boundaries. When it is crosses, I blow up and remind them they are the weak, yoy attacked me because you thought I was great to begin with. Never forget, they are this way because they are weak. Don't let their devaluation get to you.
