What is Quantum Gravity?

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What is Quantum Gravity?

Physics presents two versions of our universe. One describes it as space-time: a stretchable fabric that's expanded since time's inception.
The other views it as composed of indivisible elements, uncertain about their location or timing. Both are incredibly accurate but operate on vastly different scales.

Einstein's general relativity governs massive objects and cosmic distances, while quantum physics rules over minute atoms and subatomic particles.
The paradox arises at the big bang, where everything compacted into an infinitesimal point, requiring a unified theory of gravity and the quantum realm.

The elusive answer is quantum gravity, aiming to reconcile the continuous with the indivisible, the predictable with the random.
Despite decades of research, a complete understanding of space-time's origin remains unattained. Most physicists start with quantum physics, quantizing the three natural forces - electromagnetism,strong and weak nuclear forces - into force-carrying elementary particles.

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I just saw an interesting video called "The End of Spacetime" here on YouTube, in which (if I understand correctly) a physicist argues for the notion that spacetime is not a fundamental property of the universe, but an EMERGENT property; that is, spacetime is not the elemental, bottom-line fabric of the universe, but that it comes from something even MORE basic.

For example, we used to think that atoms were the basic, fundamental particles of matter; then we discovered they were made of electrons, neutrons, and protons; and now we know that protons are made up of quarks, held together by gluons.

In a similar way, this physicist thinks we're on the verge of discovering that spacetime is made of even more basic constituent somethings, and he outlines his case in a talk given to other scientists and mathematicians. He says that some recent and even some older research and experimentation points in that direction; and he points to how beatifully quantum mechanics describes and predicts things on extremely small scales, and gravity and cosmology explains things so accurately on huge scales, but that a simple, single theory explaining and combining ALL of it has remained out of our grasp.

He points out that in the past when we thought we had just about everything explained and described with classical Newtonian physics, our world was upended by Relativity and Quantum theories. We thought that it wouldn't be long before we found a smooth connection between the two, but it's been over a century, and they still mix like oil and water.

I certainly didn't understand EVERYthing he said, but I got enough to understand the basic idea. He thinks our approach is all wrong, and we don't know everything we think we do. And he thinks that getting under the hood of spacetime may give us the "Unified Theory of Everything", and smoothly connect all the dots from the tiniest bits of the universe to the largest.


I predict that within 20 years, the word Quantum will have a different meaning.


So we know how sunflower seeds form and we have a mathematical name for it. What happens when the order of the “sunflower seeds” get so close to each other that two molecules finally touch, causing a chain reaction, causing the web of space time to exist. Is quantum gravity the sunflower seeds or the sunflower seeds touching?


What is quantum gravity...proceeds to not explain..very helpful thanks


You didn't really explain what quantum gravity is?


Quantum gravity is the term that in short means: "We don't have a clue what we are dealing with" When it comes to quantum physics. Most physics in general.


Title: what is quantum gravity
Video: does not say anything meaningful about quantum gravity except that people are trying to use it to unit physic


What time is it on the other side of the universe ?


There is no gravity at the quantum level. That is why quantum linking quantum tunneling, and quantum spooky action at a distance can occur


Свет - это упорядоченная вибрация гравитационных квантов и доминантные гравитационные поля корректируют скорость света в вакууме. (Мы, не ищем эфир, мы увидим работу квантов гравитации


The "fabric' of space is made up of "strings" of individual elements. Totally compatible. Gravity is a product of mass even on the "string" level. At such minute levels of mass the strings can change vibration or shape making it difficult to predict unlike mass of a larger size which has infinite number of strings all more similiar in shape and vibration making strings less likely to change therfore the gravity is more of a constant!!!


Things have gotten out of hand for physics and cosmology. What's needed is another Einstein to break the logjam. Or maybe AI will figure it out!
