The ACTUAL Truth About Palestine in response to Danny Ayalon

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Israel's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon in a video titled "Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank" told lies and FALSE historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Here 2 courageous Palestinian ladies responding with facts to all the lies he told in the video.

Dana Dajani
Lara Sawalha

Creative Team:
- Wedad Irshaid
-Tasnmeem Tamimi
- Sarah Shawwa
-Ibrahim Walid
-Mai Masri
- Laith Halaweh

داني ايالون نائب وزير الخارجية الإسرائيلي صوّر فيديو مليء بالأكاذيب عن تاريخ فلسطين وحقيقة وجودها، في هذا الفيديو فتاتان فلسطينيتان تردان عليه بالحقائق وتوضحان تاريخ وجود فلسطين

لارا صوالحة
دانة دجاني

فريق العمل:
وداد ارشيد
تسنيم تميمي
سارة الشوا
ابراهيم وليد
مي مصري
ليث حلاوة
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Arguments like 'Israel started the (67) war" are for people who don't know the details.
Yes Israel struck first-but why it had to?....look up on youtube docs about this conflict!


Rebuttal The Real Truth about Palestine


He did not said your ancestor did not exist or that the land called Palestine did not exist, he said there's no Palestinian STATE or NATION that ever existed. Is this the truth or not? Sorry, but according to my research, what he said is the TRUTH. You don't agree? Ok, so who's the president, prime minister, or head of state of Palestine prior to the establishment of Israel in 1948? Who's your national hero? What's your national anthem? Was there a state or nation called Palestine in the League of Nations or the United Nations?

Palestine is the name given by the Roman Empire to the land of Israel and Judea, which are both Jewish states. It's called Palestine at the time of Jesus because it's already under Roman occupation at that time. So yes, you can say that Jesus was born in Palestine, but a Palestine that's is a Jewish nation with Jewish population under Roman occupation. This is historical FACT that every credible historians know. Most of the Jews were forcibly driven out into exile by the Romans, but some never left. The only way to move forward is for both Arabs and Jews to admit that both sides have the right to exist in that land.


“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian? We did not particularly mind Jordanian rule. The teaching of the destruction of Israel was a definite part of the curriculum, but we considered ourselves Jordanian until the Jews returned to Jerusalem. Then all of the sudden we were Palestinians - they removed the star from the Jordanian flag and all at once we had a Palestinian flag. When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”. Walid Shoebat, former PLO member


1. When was the country of "Palestine" founded, and by who?
2. Where were its borders?
3. What was its capital?
4. Name at least one "Palestinian" leader before Arafat?


I looked up Palestine in several encyclopedias and not one of them describes Palestine as a nation.  It is typically described as a geographical region, end of story!


“The Israelis attacked us first !”
After we gathered our troops on their border


Palestinians are descent of settlers from different regions except for Samaritans
Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin:

Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi – Saudi Arabia

Yamani, Azad – Yemen

Haddadins – Yemen (Ghassanids)

Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi – Egypt

Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan – Egypt (Bedouins)

Turki, Sultan, Uthuman – Turkey

Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas – Iraq

Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi – Syria

Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani – Lebanon

Bushnak – Bosnia

Khamis – Bahrain

Afghani – Afghanistan

Mughrabi – Maghreb

Araj – Morocco

Djazair – Algeria

Kurd – Kurdistan

Hindi – Indian Subcontinent

Abid – Sudan

We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012.

israel was reformed in 1948
the word Palestinian comes from Hebrew word peleshtim which means invaders
it was a term used by jew to describe non-jews who live in Jewish homeland
even a Palestinian politician called Awni Al-Hadi said to the British empire
"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists


Pick your moment in history. How can you claim one has land rights over the other? The unfortunate fact is that the Ottoman empire was destroyed and the land was given jurisdiction to the groups by those that conquered it. They tried to split it between the Palestinians and Jewish people, but Palestinians slapped their hands away and refused. They also refused to the point of warring over it several times since then and have lost every single time. If it was your land at one time it is not now. You lost it by a combination of your own bad choices and losing wars. Hamas knows that and they feel the only way to get the land back is by eliminating the Jewish people off the face of the planet. Can Jews treat Palestinians better? Yes. Can Palestinians stop screaming, "IT'S OUR LAND! YOU STOLE IT FROM US!" Yes they can, but they are refusing to do so. The Jewish people are not going anywhere. There is no amount of screaming at them or shaming them into it. A person does not owe you something or have to disappear just because you say they are your problem. Life does not work like that.


A region is not a sovereign country. Palestine was a region. Not a country. Not a people. Not a nation. It received the name Philistia by the Romans.


1. The fact that Palestine was used as a name for centuries doesn't mean there was a Palestinian state, separate national identity or independent political movement back then. During my childhood the term was used in traditional Christmas carols, but it never meant "Arab Islamic Modern-Day Country".
2. Religious minorities like the Druzes and the Bahá'ís are well respected in Israel. In fact, the ethno-religious group with most graduate titles are Christian Arabs (69%), surpassing the Jews (67%). The problem lies within Arab Muslim non-Israeli citizens, a majority of which don't have secular mindsets or have any interest in becoming Israeli citizens.
3. The girls demand a less biased depiction of Arabs, but still they mock the Israeli accent and pronunciation of Rs.
4. Israel did attack Egypt first and this didn't lead to a war with just Egypt, what would have been expected. All the other neighboring Arab armies attacked Israel simultaneously (again, and then again in 1973, and always lost).
5. The video was fun and the girls are charismatic presenters, which doesn't mean the content is any good.


"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians. " Nelson Mandela


You exist. No one is saying YOU don’t. All he was saying is there was not a nation state of Palestine when Israel captured the West Bank during the 6 day war. The war Egypt started by illegally blockading Israeli from the straits. Even after Israel negotiated the Egyptians reneged on the deal and kept the blockage up. An act of war. This video is revisionist history that conveniently stops short to make it seem like Jews just showed up in the 40’s and took land. The Jews settle the area and built the 1st temple in 1300 BC and there has been a Jewish presence there ever since. They were invaded, attack, and eventually almost wiped out after the founding of Islam around 600AD.


Is this woman serious . The land was Judea and the inhabitants were Jews. The philistines were a people who lived in a tiny part of the area now known as Palestine . They were probably of Greek origin. David killed the Philistine Goliath. Judea was conquered by the Romans who governed it for centuries. After the revolt by the Jews in AD 70 the temple was destroyed and most of the Jewish people expelled. The Romans renamed Judea Palestrina . The Muslim Arabs invaded the Regions under the Greek Roman Empire ( after Rome’s fall in the west) and conquer all the Middle East . Much of Palestine became a part of Syria. The ottoman Turks invaded the Middle East and conquered most of the Arab Empire, later becoming Muslims themselves. These people captured Anatolia, now Turkey destroying the Last parts of theChristian Roman Empire. Under the ottomans the area became an administrative district of Syria . Obviously after the Muslim invasions many Muslims moved into the Area . Many Jews had returned to their homeland and Jerusalem was a majority Jewish area. The Jews were treated as dhimmi under the Ottomans . after WW1 the Ottoman Empire was broken up and the Colonial powers took control until permanent arrangements could be made. The Jews were promised part of their ancient homeland and in fact were originally allocated a much larger part of their former homeland . This was reduced to accommodate Arab grievances. The Arabs themselves never recognised Palestine as a nation, it was a part of Southern Syria. After the Arabs refused to accept their part of the land some of it was stolen by the State of Jordan. Israel was content with the tiny bit of their homeland given them but the Muslims vowed they would never share the land with the Jews. This is why we have this situation. The Jews did not expel the Arabs, they left on the advice of the Arab governments because of a pending war. They were promised Israeli property when Israel was defeated. But Israel won and those who were actively anti the Israeli state’s existence were refused re entry. The only people with any rights to the whole of Palestine, apart from the primitive tribes expelled by the ancient Jews thousands of years ago, are the Jews. The Muslims were invaders.


I love how she's trying to portray Jesus as Palestinian, when Jesus was a Jewish man born in Judea, NOT PALESTINE!!! The Romans changed the name of Israel and Judea to Palestine around 100 years after the death of Jesus! I guess history and facts are not important to "Palestinians"... LOL


She lost me when said the bysantine empire existed before christ.


Oh, and yes, that hilarious 'Jesus a Palestinian' moment. The same Jesus who knew Torah back to front, and spent his time in Synagogues ? The 'King of the Jews' ? That one ? ;-)


Sorry to burst your bubble, but all the historical references of the Greek and Romans since the time of Herodotus referred to the land as "Palestina" which is from the Greek form Palaistinē which was a word used to describe the land of the Philistines. Note here the "Philistines" not the "Palestinians". The Roman occupiers took Syria and Judea (the home land of the Jews) and called it "Syria-Palaestina" once again with "Palastina"; a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the "Philistine's" invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. Note: The "Philistines" were not Arabs.


You didn't disprove any of the points made in his video and removed the context for many subjects. In addition to that you kept talking in a disrespectful and insulting manner on top of cherry picking and twisting history facts. I always like to listen to both narratives of the conflict to see where each side is coming form. Unfortunately this video is about you trying to brainwash people with a distorted picture of reality.
On the matter of how he painted the figures in the video. He painted a Jordanian soldier as a man with a Keffiyeh and a gun, being pretty accurate. He never once mentioned that it was an illustration of all arabs or muslims, the drawing purpose was to illustrate a Jordanian soldier in 1967.
As for the other drawing, he drew a man smoking with a red hat. If we take a look at the ottoman empire, the tobacco industry was very developed and popular. The red hats and the tobacco represented the culture of the ottoman empire at that time. Again he never once said that these drawing depict all arabs or muslims, those were your words not his.
My advice to you is to stop being so arrogant and actually listen to what people say, who knows sometime other people may enlighten and richen your knowledge.


Just because you speak better English than Danny doen't mean you can just tell blatant lies that don't pass the most simple of tests!
Nice try, though!
