What if Russia won WW1?

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Tsarist Russia as a world superpower... How could that happen? This is shown in HOI4 with an ai voice :)
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Alternative title: What if Nicholas II had learned to rule


voice:austria quickly surrenders



Пов если-бы Николай 2 был бы умнее чем бактерия


Unlikely outcome, the Russians would most likely annex the polish regions


I feel like Hanover would’ve been a British sphere of influence as it used to be in a sort of “Union”


Britain would probably try to retake Hanover 🇬🇧


Video idea : what if germany Joined the Entente in ww1.


Османская Империя: Умирает
Греки: А можно нам что-то из этого: (Адрианополь, Константинополь, Смирна)


I think russia would take pozan, danzig, and east Prussia as well as everything to the Hungarian alps. As well as taking most ethnic Armenian lands in anatolia as well. This, however, would require Nicolas ll to be more competent and for russia to have a better foothold on the nation in general. Especially when it comes to its massively unprepared and unsupplied army which would require mass reform and a little industrialization. Not to mention a secret police force to take care of the soviets


What if Rasputin didn’t rizz up Nicholas’ wife?


Kinda seems like a better peace treaty, just the spheres of influnce way out do what happened to IRL Germany


woah thats my (very) poorly done tsar nicholas II portait lol, surprised to see it here.

Absolutely hate that portrait bc I've made better since and that was like my first attempt lol


Austria hungary is just austria and hungry with slovenia


Russia couldn’t have won anyway since… ahem… *Lenin*


Austria against a stronger Russia did better against Serbia than irl


Very stupid scenario not at all historical there would have been no real reason for them to divide Germany. Unlike in WW2 where the west’s alliance with the Soviet Union was purely one of convenience in WW1 Russia, France, and Britain were pretty much aligned in their goals. It would have been pretty much the same as our reality but Germany would have just been subjected to harsher punishments and loss of territory in the east.


No shot Prussia and William remain alive lmao. Russia would also annex Czechoslovakia, Hungary and some of northern Ottomania. France would annex some of western Germany.


WWII still would happend but somewhere else. No matter what we'd do after Great War continuetion isn't our to avoid


Possibly how WW2 breaks out in this timeline
Lets go over the WW2 leaders first
Mussolini: Italy this time around gets more of what it wanted but would still ultimately fall to the nationalists putting Mussolini in power.
Hirohito: Nothing changes here
Hitler: Since there is no realistic way Hitler comes to power in any German state most likely still being monarchies, Hitler could lead a revolt on either Prussia, Bavaria, or Austria-Hungary pitting himself in power. I see it most likely that Hitler attempts his revolt in either Prussia or Austria.

Now for the winners of the war

France: The Rhineland is most likely under French ruling indirectly but not much changed in the matter.
UK: The UK most likely would have the second most amount of influence over southern Germany below France. If we are to assume that in this timeline, the Bolshevik revolution either fails or never happens, the British are either severely in debt or still in debt but to a lesser amount. If the Bolshevik revolution still happened, the UK would have used up much of their economy which was already screwed during the war to save Russia.
Russia: Russia most likely splits from the former members of the Entente with the exception of Serbia and Montenegro. Russia has full influence over northern Germany and likely Austria-Hungary as well. This has a low possibility of leading to a three sided war over who should have full influence over the German region.
USA: I personally don’t see the United States joining WW1 in this timeline which would also mean their isolationism is uninterrupted. The US might start trading with Russia as well as provide aid in this timeline to prevent communism from popping up again.

Now onto the war

If we assume Hitler gains control over Austria-Hungary, the most likely option, then their first target would likely be Bavaria with an alternate Anschluss taking place. Then he would go after Czechoslovakia. Russian intervention is likely, but if they adopt appeasement, then Russia blunders. The appeasement strategy is likely with Russia as it is with Britain and France. Hitler decides to go after Prussia in 1939 as a joint invasion with North Germany or Niederdeutschland as it’s called in German. Once the invasion begins, Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary. France and Britain wait a bit longer before actually stepping in hoping that Russia can resolve the conflict. Prussia falls just before October begins, and Austria-Hungary begins employing similar methods the Germans used during WW1 in our timeline with a mix of Blitzkrieg. The Polish autonomous region is quickly overran, and Russia sues for peace after seeing Austria-Hungarys quick advance. A Polish puppet state is created as a buffer between the two. Austria-Hungary begins invading southern German countries, and this is when France and Britain step in with declarations of war. Italy also declares war on France as to not become irrelevant. However, bad logistics coupled with wasted resources in Spain and Abyssinia make their efforts lackluster. Austria-Hungary takes out Bavaria and Baden quickly, and begins an invasion into France’s Alsace-Lorraine territory. Over in Asia, everything on that front doesn’t change, as nothing over there is as relevant. Austria-Hungary struggles as they continue to advance deeper into France, and Italy is not holding their end. A statement is eventually reached, but trenching is not used. Italy sees this as an opportunity to go and invade the Balkans starting in Illyria. While Italy begins to focus less on the French front, France begins to march towards Italy. This gives Austria-Hungary some time to swiftly take Paris, which they do. France capitulates by the time the troops reach the Italian border. (Check my reply)


Bro forgot that russia had to give independence to Poland cuz Polish soldiers have fight for russia
(Same for Germany and Austria)
