iPhone 16 Pro Camera Settings Tutorial | DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR BEST QUALITY

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In today's video I am doing a walkthrough and tutorial of the iPhone 16 Pro's camera settings. I will be showing you the best photo and video settings for your camera as well as explaining all of the camera settings to make sure that you have the most informed decision on selecting your personal preferences. If you have any questions on camera settings or think something could be explained clearer, then leave a comment down below to make sure to help others out! More videos are coming on the iPhone 16 Pro to review night photography, test edits on different files formats and much much more.
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0:00 Introduction
0:28 Camera Control
1:56 Camera Styles
3:43 Camera Control Settings
4:33 Video Settings
7:35 Camera Formats - HEIC vs JPG
9:48 File Size - 12MP vs 24MP vs 48MP
11:42 Camera Formats - ProRaw Files
15:42 Camera Formats - HEIC MAX vs ProRaw MAX
16:47 Camera Formats - RECAP
18:10 Preserve Settings
20:55 Misc Camera Settings - Compositon, Etc.
22:31 Outro and Recap
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