A Special Enrollment for Dual Medicare/Medicaid Recipients

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It's the private Insurance co. Vs The Non private healthcare cost:
the privatized Insurance healthcare system is costing Americans more than any other countries in the world, When on the other hand: The Non Privatized Healthcare ins, co. Health care provider are pretty much the same all the way across the board for all counties' Ask Questions of your Ins medicare/Medicaid/Other why there Ceo's Get filthy
rich on the backs of people by charging Private Insurance recipients literally the cost of an arm and a leg for there Insurance premiums. America is the ONLY Country that has the very highest rate of Privatized Health care system in the whole world and this is Toes being stepped on and toes of people Just to put there lives in a higher tax bracket. WHY I Say WHY does the greatest so called Place n the Known Universe That people's insurance Cost more in healthcare than any other other place nation wide? Contact your insurance companies/State representatives/ Local accessible Hospitals/ Your Doctor/ And ask all of them that you can contact/ and ask them Why this is, I would start with the people in office that are supposed to have your best interest at heart. From the very top down is how you will be able to ( Follow the Money ) the words in out healthcare manuals are far worse that the tax codes of the past/ & today words like/
CMS ( Centers foe medicare and & medicaid services ) But leave out the word
( CHIP'S) + (SHIPs), As far as I'm concerned should never be used in any government controlled Vernacular, it's like using the word ANDROID for your phone os, Just yo get us use to the
words being used. to desensitize us all/
Other words/ synonyms like re determination/ deemed/ re-determined eligible / LIS/
( MMA File )( SSA )dual eligible /retroactively eligible /SSA’s /

What Do States Need to Do?
We strongly emphasize the importance of ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the state MMA files submitted starting in July for the process of re-determining deemed status. States’ inclusion or exclusion of beneficiaries from their July through December 2020 MMA files will determine whether those beneficiaries will be deemed eligible for the low-income subsidy for 2021.
We strongly recommend that states use the information in our September Loss of Deemed Status file (which is attached as Appendix A) to screen these individuals for eligibility for Medicaid or any of the Medicare Savings Programs, or to work with them to apply for LIS. Feeling the tax code memories yet? And for the people that are made to pay the hugest cost imaginable THE PREMIUMS Of not having the Premium services
It's like using Premium Gasoline for your auto' When 2020 documentary showed all the octane in every pump are eclectically the very same, in every way, They just use the word premium to get people that have more than others to Pay more than others for NO reason, Did you know that if you were poor But saved up enough For a family Cruise on a ship, That the rich have to in some cases have to pat 5-10 times the amount for the same cruise with no special treatment except maybe being able to have dinner with the captain of the ship, Be careful not to always allow people to know your material status, You will be used, We are all used in the end. God Bless ✝✝✝ Just something that makes you wanna go hmm. If you don't take of you, Then your not being taken care of, That's my whole point. Thank for reading an old man's ravings. Turned 60 23rd June 2020
Love you all in Jesus Name. Amen ( " . )
