Purdue PHYS 342: Modern Physics L6.6: Hydrogen Atom: Allowed Transitions, Selection Rules and Lasers

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Table of Contents:
00:09 Lecture 6.6: Allowed Transitions, Selection Rules and Lasers
01:08 What happens when an electromagnetic wave "interacts" with an atom?
04:42 Optical transitions are not a time independent problem!
05:17 the interaction of an electron with the radiation field
07:42 An explicit equation for the spontaneous emission rate A21
10:02 Allowed Transitions in Atomic Hydrogen?
12:03 Important Implication
13:25 Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
15:08 Three Key Processes
15:20 Key Steps for a Laser - schematic
18:23 The process of stimulated emission
21:41 Up Next

Purdue PHYS 342 provides an introduction to the physical principles underlying topics in Modern Physics. This course is intended to provide engineering undergraduate students with a firm base from which they can extend their understanding of the quantum world.
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