THE DARK SIDE OF MOTHERHOOD (No One Likes to Talk About)

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In this video I talk about the silent struggles many mothers endure through motherhood in fear of judgment and social stigma. I reveal the things in which many women are too afraid to state.

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Thank you JMCD for your song Hit Rock Bottom

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Fellow INFP and new mom here. My son was born this past St. Patrick's Day. 🍀

I absolutely love this video, your soul, and your beautiful brain and heart. I've been following you for a while, but I haven't commented much before. Just wanted to say you're beautiful, strong, and I admire you very much. I also relate a bunch to a loooot of what you've said. I actually think I may be struggling with PPD, and I've had bipolar disorder all my life. I hope it's just basic baby blues, but I think it might not be.

Thank you for starting this conversation and for sharing something like this on your channel. I think it's amazing. ♡


Wow I just found your channel and I’m so thankful! As a mom who is currently dealing with depression, I find your honesty refreshing. What you wrote in your Instagram stories is truthful and still loving towards your kids. Some people just love to judge. But I feel seen by what you put out here. Thank you 🙏🏻 also thank you for mentioning men’s depression because it’s often overlooked. My husband has gone through a lot but is going to therapy and really does well. I’m so proud of him and wish more men, and everyone, the love and support they need to go.

Anyway I’m sorry to ramble. Thanks again for this excellent video.


Infp Mom here, I made the idealistic choice to allow my baby’s dad to stay in her life despite his huge addictions, and because of being so idealistic, I thought I was protecting her by not standing up for my rights and trying to avoid going to court; all this did was allow him to manipulate her by having access to her young mind and gave him decades to turn her against her mother, All the While My choice to keep her Dad her life was because I understood how important dads are to the self esteem of girls; had I known how he would base his relationship with her by destroying her relationship with me, I never would have made that choice. There is a reason for the statistics and too many women are put down and stereotyped in the United States and men play up their victimization” by the mother of their children when really it is quite the opposite. And keeping silent about the other parent because it’s “the right thing to do” while the other parent demonizes you, to the child and everyone around you, hurts you. Your child grows up believing lies about you and the only winner is the liar.


This is so interesting, since my mother was an INFP, just to hear a healthy INFP talk about the dark side of motherhood. I know this has nothing to do with being an INFP at all, and can affect any mother. But hearing it from you is somewhat more enlightening to me because of that. I'm so glad that you have the honesty to address this! My mother had addiction and a lot of trouble with motherhood bc of that and depression. I think discussions like these can only benefit the children and mothers, when females support each other and remove the stigma.


"Now, let me be clear; millions of women around the world nurse their children beautifully for years without giving anybody else a hard time about it. Teat Nazis are a solely western upper-middle-class phenomenon occurring when highly ambitious women experience deprivation from outside modes of achievement."
-Tina Fey


The world needs this video. Thank you so much!

Children is a topic more sensitive than religion or politics


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. For whatever issues you hold close to your heart, keep on doing what you are doing. Break the stigma!


I have the same issue with people judging my situation, and mine is the reverse of yours. I work full-time and hubby is a SAHD. We get so much flack for it, especially by the schools. I get depressed/anxious about it often bc it sometimes makes me feel like a failure as a mother (though I know logically that's not true).

Anyways, I think you're so brave for speaking out about this issue and for sharing your experience!. Thank you for posting this!


I identify as INFP, I’m 39 and have raised 3 children, my youngest just Turning 18 this past March. My oldest daughter now 21 (who I believe is ENFP) had a baby in 2017 and was considering an abortion from the beginning, I was so livid because I just could not fathom or understand her wanting to do something like that at all. I guess felt like if she didn’t want it to happen then she should have taken precautions, and felt like she made the bed and should lie in it. All along I was hoping she would change her mind. Thankfully she decided not to have an abortion, but then started considering adoption, all the while I was still hoping once he was born she would change her mind when she held him in her arms. Nothing changed so I told her I wanted him and I would take him. I was so upset with my daughter though I know I should have respected her choices I just didn’t. I couldn’t relate at all. So I’ve been raising my little 2 year old grand baby since the first day he was born. He thinks I’m mommy, which is fine with me. Its just heart wrenching to me that all the little shows and programs we watch are always “mommy this or daddy that” I plan on adopting him. Of course Once he gets older though I will tell him the truth. Right now all I care about is teaching him, tending to his emotional health and showering him with as much love as I can. I have a rare blood type “Rh B negative” and I thought it was ironic that he also was RH negative, not really relevant I guess but it made me feel that much more bonded to him, if that is even possible. I don’t always “love” being parent, but I still wouldn’t have it any other way. I raised 3 children but it’s like I forgot just how hard it is, it’s been so long. It’s exhausting but I love him so much it doesn’t matter. I could not imagine my life without him. Ty for this, I really needed to hear this. ♥️


Nice video! This issue does need to be addressed as often as possible. Negligence leads to Negativity.
As you said, Especially nowadays with the whole Single Motherhood boom and Homestead Moms.
Idleness greatly increases the chances and effects of depression.


Welcome to India, make a some positive vibes here....lots of love and respect...
