Phelim McAleer: The Trial of the Century | Tom Nelson Pod #188

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Phelim McAleer is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker, public speaker, and podcaster. He is a New York Times best-selling author. He is also a playwright and the creator of the verbatim podcasting genre.

00:00 Introduction to the Steyn Trial
00:36 Details of the Alleged Defamation
01:56 The Central Point of the Case
02:05 Stein's Defense Strategy
03:13 Michael Mann's Reactions
05:04 The Stakes of the Case
10:08 The Lawyers Involved
14:41 The Podcast Coverage of the Trial
19:07 Speculations on Mann's Participation
22:32 The Legal Intricacies of the Trial
23:12 The Role of Witnesses and Testimonies
23:46 The Boring Testimony of Raymond Bradley
24:38 The Controversy Over Data Collection
25:31 The Long Road to Trial
26:20 Media Coverage and Public Perception
27:14 The Impact of Simberg's Post
28:36 The Role of Lawyers and Self-Representation
29:11 The Dynamics in the Courtroom
29:48 Steyn’s Previous Legal Victories
30:44 The Jury Selection and Bias
34:28 The Impact on Mann's Funding
35:57 Celebrity Presence in the Courtroom
37:13 Stein's Connection to Fox News
38:08 Reflections on the Trial and Future Plans

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Thank you for introducing me to Phelim. I was unaware of this trial and am listening to it now thanks to you. Phelim’s work here is Herculean in exposing Mann’s hockey stick fraud, which alarmists and power seeking ruthless politicians have exploited to the detriment of the world, for well over a decade. Greatly appreciate you both for this excellent discussion.


Michael Mann should be put in jail for what he has done to the world and science.


Fascinating interview! I never heard of Phelim McAleer, but he's obvioulsy a talented and well-spoken man. I'm glad that you were able to get him on your show, Tom. I'm looking forward to the "Trial of the Century." I hope Mann doesn't back out. I hope the Judge will find a way to make Mann see this thing out that he started 12 years ago.


Great to get a front seat at this historic event! How many government ministers of environment or economics are watching this round the world? I guess - none- .


Phelim McAleer's statement at the end of the interview is the most important: the mainstream media are not interested in reporting on this process because it doesn't bring them anything. That speaks volumes. A great interview and the podcast Climate Change on Trial is really good!


Mann tried to sue Sir Tim Ball for libel ('should be in the State Pen not Penn State') and lost when the Judge ordered him to produce his workings and Mann couldnt.


I've found the podcast and I will watch it today. Thank you


Great episode, and Mark Steyn in court blew Mann, s character into the trash can where it belongs, hope the jury does the right thing in the coming weeks. Great podcast,


Thanks for getting into the Mann vs. Steyn trial. Mr. McAleer mentioned a number of other sources of information that sound very interesting.


Has Michael Mann released his R² values yet from his MBH98 and MBH99 papers?

Steve McIntyre had a very hard time gaining access to Mann's data but managed to piece it all together despite Mann not being too forthcoming with it. The R² values tell us how well his hockey-stick model correlates with reality and, for some reason, he seems a bit reluctant to release the numbers.

I seem to recall that one of the sets of proxy data used by Mann et all actually went the wrong way at the end. That is, the data showed that the temperature had decreased and not increased. For some reason, that data was not used and the graph Mann published just shows that line disappearing behind another. It is almost as if he wanted to hide it for some reason.

This case started way back n 2012. I wondered what happened to it.


Phelim, have you tried reaching out to the "Law Tube" community to get some wider coverage of this. There are several YouTube channels that specialise in coverage of various legal cases, from murder trials to civil disputes. Maybe someone like Viva Frei or Megan Fox (the writer, not the actress). These guys are very different from the MSM, they are highly legally knowledgeable and willing abs capable of rational discourse.


Nobel Peace Prize: The prize was won by the IPCC and Al Gore. The IPCC report that gained them the prize had the Mann, Bradley, Hughes (MBH99) paper in it so Mann decided that he was entitled to claim the prize for himself. The report must have had dozens if not hundreds of scientists contributing.


Great to hear this, I think they way Phelim and Ann cover court cases is brilliant (e.g. Kermit Gosnell's trial), so will start to listen to podcasts.


Manipulate data to cool the past and warm the present and you get a hockey stick.


It is alleged by Steve McIntyre that Mann got his Principal Component analysis round his neck. Whether it affected the results or not is less clear but the way he did it was not the approved method so it would be interesting to know just how much of an expert he was back in 1998 and 1999 when the papers were published.


So Stein can get a jury trial in a defamation case.
But ex President Trump cannot get a jury trial in his property evaluation case.
The judge just said Trump was guilty, as he walked in the door.
(The ongoing ‘trial’ is only to assess the level of fines.)

So how does that work?
Why in America does a journalist get a jury, but a president does not…?



Excellent. BTW: Stupid Q: Did Mann publish his hockey stick graph in a peer-reviewed journal?


See about having Ivor Cummins on with you. He's been a complex problem analyst and solutions guy from an engineering perspective for decades. He's identified the climate scam in Rockefeller documents as far back as the 1950s. Fascinating guy, absolutely overflowing with a very broad spectrum of knowledge backed up by documentation.


You know if Mann could be manipulated into testifying... Does anyone remember the "pathological liars anonymous" sketch on SNL?


Just listened to this, another great Interview, Tom. Then listened to 3 episodes of the podcast. Excellent. Trimmed the fat of the proceedings and good voice actors. I want Mann to be exposed for the narcissist he so clearly is. A man more consumed with his own self importance would be hard to find.
