Samadhi - Guided Meditation #4 - Know Yourself (Nirvikalpa)

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It is only through deep inquiry into the self that one will truly understand what the films point towards.

In this series of guided meditations, it is important to have the correct relationship to the instructions in the guided meditation. The meditative technique of focusing on the breath must be understood as simply a way to divert energy from the mind, and to bring consciousness deep into the unconscious aspects of your being. The technique is not something to add to your mind or self structure. Any technique is a "thorn to remove a thorn", so you must be willing to let it go once it has served its purpose. As you move closer to Samadhi there is less mind, less technique, and less self, until there is a cessation of all activities of the self structure. This cessation of self is Samadhi, and in that stillness the dawning of wisdom or prajna is possible.

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I saw it. It is everywhere, everything.. It has been always inside me. I was blind. I always knew.. But i didnt know that i knew. Thank you isn't enough. I hope u feel what i want to say. Thank you.


I reached Samadhi with this fourth one after three years of practice.
Thank you...
From San Juan, Puerto Rico USA
A Monk..


You inspired us to find the true nature within, starting from the inner worlds outer worlds movies and then samadhi movie. Finally you gifted us with the practical ways to explore this true nature through samadhi meditations. I pray that you get much more than you give and you experience the deepest levels possible and beyond. Thank you brother. You are a true inspiration!


"Be No One to enter the Gate-Less Gate". Thank you. I am grateful for this.


It's the changeless, nameless, selfless self- that is your true self. I've experienced this through your guided meditation and I experienced a profound peace and liberation but I did not grasp it but understood it. Thank you for this.


Just wanted to share a somewhat profound experience. (I still have much to master) When I was younger I used to pray to God, as I grew older however I got less intrested in that because I stopped being a christian. And one time when I smoked weed I got so terrified that I tried praying again, what I realized in that moment was that "God" didn't exist and I was just talking to myself. At the time I didn't realize how profound that in itself really was. Anyways. Today when I meditated using this video I finally had my ego stripped away enough to feel this presence that I used to pray to. I felt God's presence. It was overpowering and in that moment I snapped right back to myself (ego) but holy crap was it big. It felt like going home and being in love and being protected. I can't describe how good it felt. Thanks so much. I will continue to meditate a few hours every day because I really wish to live in harmony with this samadhi state thingy. Much love from Sweden <3


It is impossible to describe the gratefulness I feel for you. The gift of these four lessons that you are giving to the internet world are of an ineffable power, and the fact that I was able to stumble on your teachings from a friend's recommendation gives me tremendous feelings of love and gratitude. A deeply felt thank you.

These lessons are providing me with extremely good and challenging material to learn to master my mind, and it gives me hope that I will be able to transmute the monsters that lurk in my untrained consciousness and learn to exist in the flow of this power below the surface of things.


My journey, has been long and difficult, I read a lot, so I could understand how others perceived god. but I never became a follower of anyone, or any teachings, until the Tao Te Ching fell into my hands. I knew at last, I had found something that was similar to my core beliefs. Your videos are profound. I listen, and I hear what is not said, as it should be. Thank you for listening to your "inner calling" and creating these inspiring videos. The world is in need of them and many of us are in deep appreciation of your efforts☼

Awakening is a process of letting go of all that we are No-thing is left ☺


Wow! Most powerful guided meditation! I finally made it to #4 and I'm so grateful I stuck to it each week! All of the outer world needs your teachings. We all deserve an awakening of our true high divinity! Thank you again! Namaste.


I have watched/listened to samadhi religiously for about 2 months on repeat, and the meditations have tremendously assisted my journey... thank you for expressing this beautiful guidance... Aloha


Thank you for your kindness and willingness to share this important message; it is time the world wakes up and you help the light to shine in the darkness. Blessed are you!


Your voice is vibrating at a soothing frequency which surfaces glimpses of who I really am beyond the constrains of my physical form and illusionary identity!


A Lucid description of the undescribable. Gratitude for this articulation, all genuine seekers would benefit from these words as it is not easy to convey the essence of meditation, it needs to be sought, pursued and perceived- but this series can act as a very good signpost. Thank you for publishing, may it reach many!


Your words have guided me into realms of consciousness and unconsciousness that I never noticed before.. how infinite awareness truly is


Words cannot express my gratitude towards what indications you have given towards the unknown, the one which cannot be told, but can only be experienced.
Thanks a lot for your efforts in sharing .


Wow, this is powerful! Definitely had a profound experience listening! Thank you for this gift to the world!


I’ve finally gotten back to regular long meditation every morning because of your incredible series of Inner/Outer Worlds, Samadhi videos and guided meditations. I am eternally grateful.❤️


Thank you so much for this. You're helping people so much to raise the vibration and to come to its true nature, you have no idea. Lots of love and gratitude. Thank you so much💟💟


I have been using these four seasons of guided meditation for about 3 years now. I find them extremely helpful... Along the way I have tried couple of apps and have also attended few meditation camps but I always tend to come back to these meditations which I have it saved on my phone. They are simple and and also hard at the same time, but somehow I feel this meditation technique is right for me. Thanks a lot!


Daily, for several months' I intuitively select one of the four meditations - like a good book, or music album, with nearly every experience I gain something new. Grateful.
