How Words Control Your Reality

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In this video, we take a bold and immersive journey into Stuart Chase's *The Tyranny of Words*, a powerful examination of how language shapes and distorts human thought. Drawing on ideas from Alfred Korzybski’s general semantics, Chase reveals the hidden dangers of abstract words, the disconnection between symbols and reality, and how political rhetoric manipulates us with empty terms like "freedom" and "justice." We break down Chase's critique of the social sciences, his application of Einstein’s relativity to language, and his radical call for a more mathematical approach to communication. This deep dive challenges you to rethink the way words control your reality and offers practical ways to reclaim clarity in a world of linguistic chaos.

#StuartChase #TheTyrannyofWords #PhilosophyOfLanguage #GeneralSemantics #PoliticalRhetoric

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I want to thank you for not editing these videos, as so many do, by condensing the pauses. We humans speak to each other in a kind of rhythm that, over time, can become ever more refined such that we pause in moments where we hope our conversation partner, or audience, will process what we've been saying. I believe that humans need these pauses to follow along deliberately. When I encounter a video that lacks such pauses, I usually stop watching/listening because without time to process what's being said now and again... it's more like an experience of being talked 'at' than of being talked 'with'. So again, thank you for not playing into that 'no pause' style of editing.


"When two individuals interact, the "sicker" person determines the relationship.
The more extreme and rigid the person, the greater hir interpersonal "pull"-the stronger hir ability to shape the relationships with others. The withdrawn catatonic, the irretrievable criminal, the compulsively flirtatious charmer can inevitably provoke the expected response from a more well-balanced "other".
We meet here a lowest-common-denominator process, a Gresham's law of interpersonal collisions. Sick people control the interpersonal interaction. The "sicker" or the more maladaptively rigid, the more power to determine the nature of the relationship."
[The Politics of Self-Determination, Timothy Leary]


It's not so much the words people hear that shapes their belief, it's what they want to believe that shapes what they hear.


The littles in our lives are much more accepting, they dont hear thoughts but a different voice. It can be off putting as they age, the warmth you project helps immensely.


"All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is the ape to man? A laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. And man shall be just that for the overman: a laughingstock or a painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape."
[Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Friedrich Nietzsche]


"Number, that is to say, is not only auditory and resonant, like the spoken word, but originates in the sense of touch, of which it is an extension."
[Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, Marshall McLuhan, 1964, Ch. 11: Number]

"In every sense, the amassing of numbers statistically gives man a new influx of primitive intuition and magically subconscious awareness, whether of public taste or feeling: "You feel better satisfied when you use well-known brands."
[Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, Marshall McLuhan, 1964, Ch. 11: Number]


Hello, little one. I am impressed with your mind. I view you as a New Human. Please understand that when you arrived, we were not ready.
Few of us are balanced in harmony with our universe. You must not be made a scapegoat like i was.


This left me when language became mathematics. The essence of language is that it is spoken. We think not in sentences so much as in phrases, though a good sentence often spirals from our musings. Language is infinitely complex and we use language to bring about order in our perception of the unseen order of infinite complexity. The precision of mathematics leads to mechanistic interruptions of reality. Mathematics is a language, the language of measurement. Not everything is measurable because of underlying infinite complexity. However, language and words are already infinitely complex, and suitable to function within an infinitely complex universe.


You should do a video on psychedelics and trips. If you already did one, my bad.


This was such a perfect time for the video to pop up in my feed


"Classical (Pavlovian) conditioning can be done with earthworms, and operant (Skinnerian) conditioning can be conducted on rats and pigeons. But there is a third level of learning that pretty much only primates and humans are capable of, and that is what is called social learning.
This third level of learning, in its most powerful form, revolves primarily around the observation and imitation of a role model. Unlike operant conditioning, in social learning it is not essential that the learner be directly reinforced in order for learning to take place. What is important in social learning is to understand the characteristics that can lead to the selection of a specific individual as a role model.

The processes that make someone a desirable role model include:

• Vicarious reinforcement. You see the role model being reinforced in a manner that you can experience vicariously.
• Similarity to the learner. You perceive that the role model has a key trait that makes him/her similar to you.
• Social power. The role model has the power to reward (but does not necessarily do so).
• Status envy. You envy the role model's receipt of rewards from others."

[On Killing, Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, 2009, Chapter 4]


First problem we as a collective must recognize is that linear language systems doesn’t map well to a multidimensional world.
By adopting a multidimensional language structure and a few first principles we can create a new language discipline and turn language into a puzzle solving exercise.


You know i love this one!! Thanks for putting this out


0:52 Mtt 12:37 For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.”


You put my thoughts into words. Thank you.


Vedic/Yogic: Vac, later Saraswati. Tibetan: Manjushri
Language/speech - a whole deity of its own.


Number's can, also, lie, just like words. Read the book, How to Lie with Statistics, and learn Kurt Godel Incompletedness Theory, and you will realize mathematics is a player in the deception of humanity just as much as words; in fact, math is a language built on assumptions the same as words.


"It is this ideological abrogation to the authority that constitutes the principal cognitive basis of obedience. If, after all, the world or the situation is as the authority defines it, a certain set of actions follows logically.

The relationship between authority and subject, therefore, cannot be viewed as one in which a coercive figure forces action from an unwilling subordinate. Because the subject accepts authority's definition of the situation, action follows willingly." 

[Obedience To Authority, Stanley Milgram, 1973]


The truth of art… “All you need is love.” The Beatles.


Nerve system or nervous system? A nerve system has two settings: calm and nervous. A nervous system has only one setting - nervous. This is a clear example of word sorcery at it's most pernicious and explains a global population with nerves perpetually on edge, desperately seeking relief.

Justice = Equity
