AirPods Pro User Guide and Tutorial

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AirPods Pro User Guide and Tutorial!

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[Basic Setup & How to Use] 0:35
[Personalize AirPods Pro] 6:25
[AirPods Pro Battery Level, Charging, Battery Life] 8:49
[Connecting to Other Devices] 11:40

[Basic Setup & How to Use] 0:35
[Personalize AirPods Pro] 6:25
[AirPods Pro Battery Level, Charging, Battery Life] 8:49
[Connecting to Other Devices] 11:40

#airpodspro #airpodspro2

Welcome to my AirPods Pro User Guide and Tutorial. In this video I’m going to show you how to setup, use & even personalize your AirPods Pro. The AirPods Pro & non Pro AirPods are really quite similar in some respects, but there are some differences, so not everything in this guide would apply to the regular AirPods. If you have non Pro AirPods, such as the original or early 2019 version you can check out my AirPods user guide & tutorial using the i-card above! I’ll also leave a link in the description below.

Make sure they are connected to your iPhone. Open settings app & choose bluetooth, choose the “i” button for your AirPods Pro to access the AirPods Pro menu, tap ear tip fit test. Once the test is passed then you know you’ve got the right fit for the best sound quality.

The controls for the AirPods Pro are different than the regular AirPods, as there are no tap controls, instead they have a force sensor you squeeze. To play/pause/answer a phone call, press or squeeze once, squeeze twice for next track, 3 times for the previous track. If you press& hold the force sensor for a couple of seconds they cycle through the Noise cancellation options, active or transparency mode.

To change the volume of your AirPods Pro apple recommends using siri. You can of course also adjust the volume on your iPhone using the volume buttons, the volume control in the media app you’re using such as apple music or control centre of course.

While in control centre 3d press or long press the volume slider & you’ll get the expanded volume control screen for your AirPods Pro with the three noise cancellation options at the bottom. You can choose noise cancelation, off or transparency. You can switch between them, depending on how much of your surroundings you want to hear.

To Modify or personalize settings make sure you’re wearing your AirPods & that they are connected to your iPhone. Once the music is on go to the settings app on your iPhone, choose bluetooth, then tap the circled “i” button beside your AirPods pro. This brings you to the AirPod Pro menu. In this menu you can disconnect the AirPods Pro or or unpair them using the Forget this device button. Next you have the option to rename your AirPods pro, just like you can with the regular AirPods. To rename just tap the name section& then you’ll be brought to the rename window. Once you’ve made the desired change press the done button on the keyboard. Next you have the Noise control, this lets you change the noise cancellation. Then you have the press & hold AirPods button customization. You can modify both the L & R individually. When you choose 1 you’ll have the option to have it activate siri or cycle thru the noise control features. Below you can customize which noise control options are available to cycle thru when you press & hold. The next feature in the AirPods Pro menu is the Ear tip fit test. Next you can control whether automatic ear detection is turned on. & you have the mic control that lets you choose a specific mic, L, R or auto for the AirPods to use when you’re using them to talk on the phone or using the mic with another app.

Determining the battery level of your AirPods pro is exactly the same as regular AirPods. When you’re not wearing the AirPods Pro you can also check the battery level by bringing them close to your iPhone & opening the case, this will bring up the battery card in the bottom of the screen.

The AirPods Pro can be connected to any device that’s compatible with bluetooth headphones. Connecting them to your windows computer or Android device is the same as doing so with regular AirPods. If you’d like to learn how to do that check out my videos: How to Setup AirPods on a Windows 10 Computer! Or AirPods with Android!

Song: x50 - Moving On (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Рекомендации по теме

Just unboxed mine and I am listening to you video using them 😍


I’m 78, very weak today’s technology. This video easy & clearly understand.


Fun fact-everybody is listening from their airpods😂😂😂


One of the most underrated videos I’ve seen in my days..
And I’ve been around a lot of days..


Great video. It’s a shame that the volume level can only be adjusted on the device. This kind of defeats the purpose of them being Bluetooth if you have to reach for your iPhone/iPad/iMac to control the volume - poor design on Mac’s behalf.


Regarding changing the ear tips, note that the part that attaches to the airpod is oval and not round so be sure to have it oriented properly when replacing


I like everything about them except the volume control. I don’t want to speak to Siri, there is no mute button and it’s very inconvenient on non apple devices. For the exorbitant price of this and all apple products you would think the volume on earbuds would be usable.


Excellent video on the AirPods. I just bought an earlier version of these and could not see any instructions in the "mouse-type
manual. thank you."


I really wished they kept the tap feature like the regular AirPods I’m having a hard time using the next feature


You're the first one who said how to answer the calls. Thanks


For some reason I cannot get a “good fit” on my R airpod pro. It literally feels like it’s gonna fall out. And I’ve try all 3 sizes. Suggestions?


Just got the Pros. Love the noise cancellation - I was surprised how well it works. I flushed the toilet and I literally didn’t hear it - I had to double check that it flushed. Then when I washed my hands I couldn’t hear the water running. And you can leave the volume quite low when cancellation is on and hear the video just fine.


You can slide at the stick with your finger up to up the volume and slide down to lower down the volume.


Lord you go so fast...first time ever user


Love the clarity, and speed of this video. I CAN NOT STAND to listen to people drone on and on. Thank you!


I really enjoy these airpods! They have great sound and exceptional nose cancellation. I have an Android phone and every now and then I forget how to work the airpods, so I'm grateful for your thorough video on using them. Thank you for this video


Good video - thank you! The speech is a little too rapid for me; I guess this is because you’re US and I’m Oz. But listening a few times taught me all I think I need to know. 🙏


Boxed and searched for guide and found this! Super good video!


I didn’t get how to check AirPods battery if we don’t get that option while we open it, can you pls explain ? Its an request


Just ordered mine and awaiting delivery, just getting a heads up on them before they arrive 🦄
