Spore Review

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Spore is undoubtedly an amazing accomplishment; it's just not quite an amazing game.
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I was eight when I played spore. I put thousands and thousands of hours into it, and it undoubtedly shaped who I am today, as a 15 year old. I with I could thank maxis, because even though their game wasn't perfect, it may not have even been great, but to me, it defines my life, and I built off of it.


I feel this game is an amazing replay able game for anyone with a slight imagination, though it gets repetitive it allows each individual gamer to have their on play style.


As an older gamer I completely understand the points made but it’s sad to see it in any negative light because this was the game of my childhood that had so much freedom, creativity, ability to approach things in different ways, the cheats vs non cheats, different routes and what you get following them in different degrees in different orders, exploring the galaxy in space stage, reaching the center of the universe, fighting/befriending the grox(or whatever the center species was called) all made this game my most replayed game of all time, where I enjoyed every run and never found a single stage boring


I think the game's drawback was that it focused on its size rather than its depth. In order to make it work they had to simplify each stage. If they focused the entire game on just one stage, I think the game would have been much better. Still, this game is a very good idea, and I like the feeling of being a part of this huge world.


originally the game was a ton more realistic. It contained real mating mechanics an aquatic sea life stage after cell. And the space stage was much more in depth! I must say though spore is a great game and i love playing it. But even if they are not going to release spore 2 i would still like to see the old beta spore released to be playable for the public! 


2019 and still waiting for spore 2 LOL


Would have been interesting to have the option to have multiple species co exhisting, instead of taking over a planet entirely.


The space phase (the last one) gets a little repetive after a few months, but you can do lots of other things exept from playing the story. Make new creatures, buildings, vehicles, and cool spaceships!
I certainly recommend you buy it.


After I Played SPORE I would say it is one of the best PC games ever created and it made a big leap letting you explore the WHOLE GALAXY! (which is awsome)


Spore wasn't amazing to me until the space stage. That was phenomenal


Played this game so much as a kid and just started playing again. Creature stage is by far the weakest and I wonder how much a dodge mechanic would have improved it.


Sigh... got featured by maxis a few times, got highest rated new a few times... and then the community died. shame. it was such a amazing game, especially with Galactic Adventures.


@Shadowclawz1 Spore wasn't "killed" by any game. It was simply abandoned by EA. It had so much potential, they could have done a Sims and released expansion after expansion, keeping people interested in the game, but unfortunately only 1 parts pack and 1 expansion pack were released, and while they were fun to play with, eventually got boring as Spore doesn't have an ending.


Best idea for the sequel of Spore: Similar gameplay and whatnot (maybe touching up on things that were boring, glitches, bugs, etc.), more ways to make your creature unique (custom sounds for your creatures, maybe?), but most of all, live multiplayer with others playing the game. Come on, that'd be pretty cool. People playing for the first time would play on servers which have players also just beginning, players who have played the game a decent amount of times, would be on another server, etc.


@97raven123 Spore's engine wouldn't be enough to sustain that, because they already had to make animation designs for creatures that they don't even know what they look like, and I personally think it would be easy for some kid to trash your planets 24/7. Also taking into account that the worlds are made entirely up of other people's creations, I think it should stay the way it is now.


The official trailer of spore (2005 or so) looked much better and more realistic, it looked like a 12+ game.
Now it looks like a 7+ game.


I wish they would cross Spore with WOW and the Sims. ACTUALLY breed your creatures for optimized power, send them to work to earn money for weapons, join a team and fight against other teams. Spore factor: designing stuff and zooming to whole other cities; Sims factor: training ground and personal life for creatures; WOW factor: addictive gameplay. Personally, I'd spend 200 bucks for a Spore/Sims crossover. Just to see my galactic slug put out fires and having babies with a tripod.


@DeadKold But honestly, what more did you expect from EA? Instead of trying to fix the game up and improve on it, they forced Maxis to abandon the game in favour of games that people would most certainly be much better off playing.


a single play massively multiplayer online game


@Noblechief12345 Yes, of course. It just depends what laptop you have. If you bought it recently it should run the game well, but if it's older than 2008 (when the game was released) you might want to look at your computers specifications. (in the start menu right-click computer and click properties)
Then look at Spore minimum requirements, which you will probably find on Google.
