Reading YOUR shifting misconceptions (what I wished I knew before trying to shift)

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Reading YOUR shifting misconceptions

thank you all for your lovely comments expressing your misconceptions you had about shifting! Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below about how you felt about the comments as well as what you you think about my opinions

Instagram - @Emilinaline
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I'm really grateful for your response to my comment and those submitted by other members of our online fam! I also appreciate the fact you care about the mental health of shifters and you're looking out for us and you've got our back! Thank you! You're a kind soul.

I've never taken a psychology class in my life, so I appreciate your insights on shifting and mental health. I think of shifting as an extremely powerful consciousness tool. Hopefully most shifters have amazing and wonderful experiences that help them grow as a person and that makes shifting a very positive thing for them. But because it's such a powerful tool, it could potentially cause mental health problems if it's not used in the best way, such as a younger shifter who thinks it's completely harmless and safe inserting themselves into a desired reality (DR) with a lot of violence and death. It may be possible for someone to return from a shift to that kind of DR with PTSD. I left a comment on another shifting channel and someone replied to me with their own shifting story saying they were gone for two years. When they came back, they said, "i completely locked myself in my room for weeks just trying to remember anything about myself. it has been 8-9 months (?) and i still haven’t fully adjusted, but im getting there." I replied as best as I could as someone who has zero training in psychology or counseling, but seeing a shifting story and aftermath like that made me think. Incidentally, if anyone reading this wants to look up their comment and provide that shifter with some helpful feedback or support, their comment appears in the replies to my comment on the video titled "How you can shift reality easy! (coming from an experienced shifter)."

I think adding a disclaimer as you mentioned in future shifting videos is a great idea. There will always be lots of places to find information and stories about shifting, and very few of these will give any consideration to possible negative mental health consequences. So if you make more shifting content (and your channel becomes super popular) then lots of new shifters will see the disclaimer and that's better than them going somewhere else without any disclaimers. So that will help the shifting community and perhaps steer younger shifters into being more thoughtful about what kind of desired realities they want to visit.

P.S. Congrats on graduating this semester!! 👏🎓 I wish you all the best with all your final exams! ❤


I am open to feedback. I have no bad intentions 💛 I'm just giving my opinion based on what I know at this point in time. There are definitely people out there that know more, but feel free to tell me what you guys think. I am curious.


Yass i think it's better shifttok be more open about other things (uncommon things) about shifting. It's not all good stuff all the time.


The way you talk about shifting, I don't think you believe in the multiverse theory. Not a critic just an observation !


I think it's important there are more disclaimers and I believe it is important people share their opinions more ❤️


just tryna remind myself I don’t need a method 😭 the amt of misinfo TikTok lodged into my brain


I can't explain enough how I like you. You're like a comfort character but in this reality :)


Hey girly I miss you on yt!! I hope you make more videos soon if that’s what you want and I’d love to hear shifting updates as well if you’re comfortable 💛


I would love to hear more about how you adjusted your routine for ADHD! It’s a big part of my struggle, I’ve been trying shifting on and off for 2 years now


I really appreciate you sharing your opinions and being the great person you are. Of course I would love to see more of these kind of videos, just make sure that you do it when it feels right 💜
It’s lovely 💫


10:30, this part of the video scares me so bad, i obviously do want to shift, but knowing these possibilites can most likely happen, makes my heart beat so fast, especially since 1, i haven't shifted yet and 2, i plan on being a multi-shifter, and for those who don't know, a multi shifter is basically someone who has more than like 2 dr's. The more i find out about shifting, the more i get discouraged and scared to do it, but on the other hand it still helps me understand so much about it, and i just keep wondering, if im scared, is that a sign that most definitely i should NOT be shifting? but on the other hand people keep saying, that if i found shifting, i found it for a REASON, the universe WANTS me.


Did you sleep then wake up and lived multiple days in your desired reality and felt long times? or was it just as long as you stayed asleep?


I love your shifting videos! They’ve given me such joy, and have helped to make me excited for when I can finally shift successfully!

You’re the only YouTuber that I’ve found that has shifted to The 100, so that’s really cool!


I used to think you can’t tell anyone irl about shifting or you won’t shift 😭😭


ur literally my fav person on this app😭




ok but is it still tru, that ur clone can go to the toilette and u are still in ur


I feel bad now that you’d feel pressured by ppl who comment 7/24 ( aka me ;-; ) to post a 100 shifting update without even knowing u did it on your livestream ; - ;
