The Amazing Digital Circus Just Got REAL! | TADC Episode 4 Reaction

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The Amazing Digital Circus just released their 4th episode that sees Pomni and the game working at a fast food restaurant! In the trailer we saw Gangle taking on a manager role in this adventure which leads me to believe this adventure will be about them! How will Gangle manage to keep this rowdy group in order? Let's hop, skip, and jump right into it and find out!

0:00 - The Value Menu Banter
2:10 - lost in da sauce
1:03:09 - The Deep-Fried Wrap Up

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Editor: Shannon (Bomb0i)
#ADC #DigitalCircus #AmazingDigitalCircus #Pomni #Jax #gtlive #matpat #gametheory
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A reminder: They just forgot their names, not their lives. Gooseworx confirmed that


Note: On the Wacky Watch website, it has the menu for Spudsy's and the description for The Slab is that it's made of "carefully curated human meat". It's very likely this questionable ingredient choice was just Caine re-using the assets for all that "human meat" that was supposed to be used in the Curse of the Violent Psychopath Butcher adventure he canceled.


It was confirmed after episode 1 that everyone remembers their lives prior to the Circus, they just can't remember their names.


Gooseworx confirmed they have nearly all their memories. They just forgot their names.
The number 57 thing is a running joke among the animators


I just realized that at the end of this episode, Gangle throws the happy mask almost like Ragatha taught her how to pitch a ball. They really are good at setting up those buttons!


The reference to Pomni having a Unicorn Horn and saying her signature phrase "Well, It's Possible" is a reference to some Gooseworx TADC Comics where they were jokingly added


fun fact

Through Orbsman garbled and distorted speech, you can make out his words.

“Hello, I am ready to order.”

“It’s me orbsman”
“Can I order the classic #57 value meal”


To me, I don't think Gummigoo is reaching out because he remembers and is wanting to reach out. I think that his reaction makes sense from the perspective of the fact that he never told her his name before. So now imagine that after ordering some food the cashier suddenly not only comes over to talk to you but then also says your name despite never actually telling them it. I think he's just confused and maybe trying to ask how she knows his name.

But I do *want* him to remember and just be playing along. I have a feeling we might see him again still


I love how they were able to use the form of masking in a literal way. I love Gangle!


I actually have a pretty solid idea for why there’s water when Caine breaks the suggestion box. many times in games if there is a body of water, people will put the body of water below the entirety of the map and bring it up to where the water is rather than just place it somewhere in the world. Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the wild do this actually! But sometimes when water had to go to certain places, they will drag it upwards from the bottom of the map to get there, and since there is a “Digital Lake” near the Circus Tent, its entirely possible that the water is being dragged up THROUGH the pillar to get the lake!


I love seeing y'all's analysis this frame by frame after having watched the episode - but even more so love how the segment is titled 'lost in da sauce'


For the record it was never stated that they lose ALL of their memories, only that “no one remembers their NAME when they enter the Dogital circus”


25:00 The creator already confirmed that the characters only forgot their names when entering the circus, so they should remember everything else about their lives (or at least most of it), I don't think their memories are tied to Caine losing control


23:18 i think the tounges are connected as a limitation of the animation, bubble's rig doesn't have a tounge and so the animators have to "borrow" it from Caine's rig, kevin temmer (the lead animator) showed himself doing this once already with the video announcing the full season where he used pomni's rig's eyebrows on caine while animating


When I was little, I had a softball teammate who asked their big brother to help practice her pitching. He decided not to run and grab his glove because it was a "soft ball" and the "girl baseball" so of course it could not hurt that bad... he got his glove after the first pitch.


The characters forgetting about their past lives is a common misconception that was cleared up by Goosewerx. The only thing said in episode 1 was that they can’t remember their names. Most people took that and thought it implied they have no memory at all. They can remember their entire lives outside of the circus except for their names


also worth mentioning, deleted file aren't actually deleted(they just stored somewhere so it can be rewritten into a new file/folder, because in the end file are just 1's and 0's)

so gummy goo having some kinda recollection of some memory is a possibilities.


As a neurodivergent person, I love this episode's way of showing masking in such a literal sense. Also Gangle's relationship with it being so mied URGG IT HITS HOME


16:46 It could be RAM leaking, which might indicate that the computer program of The Amazing Digital Circus is mishandling memory allocations.


I have a theory for Film Theory: I think Jax is the real first character out of the cast. In episode 4, his car says Jax 001 implying that he is the first. Not to mention, he seems to know a lot about the world, knowing how to get keys, where things are and what Caine's nature is. He gets bored from being there too long, only maintaining his sanity through harassing others
