The Life of Project Manager: How to Manage Complex Projects and Bring Them to Success!
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In this webinar we will give an overview of project management for big and complex projects in our fast-paced and globalized world.
ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Walter Romano is a Project Manager with about 15 years experience in different business segments: transportation, telecommunication systems for infrastructures (eg. Airports, metro, railways), and today in the oil & gas sector. Experienced in managing international mega-projects with dozens of resources and a high complexity, from the standpoint of technology and project context. In a previous experience he built and managed a PMO, a team of 20 colleagues involved in the most important activities to deliver projects and to increase the project management culture inside the organization. He is a speaker and author of the book “Project Manager oggi” published in 2017 by FrancoAngeli, one of the most important italian publishers and a Project Management trainer for Business Schools and companies training centers. Walter has a PMP certification also an IPMA level B Senior PM Certification. He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Florence, and he attended many post-degree studies among which a MBA, a Master in Project Management, a Negotiation course by Harvard Business School.
ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Walter Romano is a Project Manager with about 15 years experience in different business segments: transportation, telecommunication systems for infrastructures (eg. Airports, metro, railways), and today in the oil & gas sector. Experienced in managing international mega-projects with dozens of resources and a high complexity, from the standpoint of technology and project context. In a previous experience he built and managed a PMO, a team of 20 colleagues involved in the most important activities to deliver projects and to increase the project management culture inside the organization. He is a speaker and author of the book “Project Manager oggi” published in 2017 by FrancoAngeli, one of the most important italian publishers and a Project Management trainer for Business Schools and companies training centers. Walter has a PMP certification also an IPMA level B Senior PM Certification. He graduated in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Florence, and he attended many post-degree studies among which a MBA, a Master in Project Management, a Negotiation course by Harvard Business School.