6 More Amazing Things I Wish I Knew In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

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(Correction: The Angaran market is on Aya not Havarl) Even after a good month of playing nonstop, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild continues to surprise us with its wealth of hidden secrets. Matt gives everyone yet another set of tips to help you better survive in its massive world.

Let us know what you've found in the comments!

Here are the first 9 things we wish we knew:

Check out our review!
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Do you have any cool tips to share? Let us know!


If you're looking for a shrine, and you know it's nearby. Look up in the sky, I've noticed during the day, that a flock of birds circling normally ends up being almost directly over one


4 mighty bananas + 1 farosh horn = 30 mins of high attack
(kill lynels in a minute)


You should use stasis to see if a dead guardian is actually alive


I love to put on rubber armor in a storm, equip a bunch of metal, and then just run straight into an enemy camp


Shield surfing does not degrade your shield while surfing in sand :O


i got to a shrine that was covered in ice and i had no fire arrows left or a fire weapon, so i dropped a few red chu chu jellys by the ice, shot them with an arrow, and it set off a huge fire and the thing unfroze. i felt like a legend xD this was before i saw anyone else do that


When a mounted creature is coming after you, stasis him. The horse will keep running, leaving the monster frozen in midair.


Something people may not realize: the thunder helm protects Link, but ONLY Link. If you are on a horse and get struck you will be fine but it will cause damage to your horse :(


Here's a few:

Elemental weapons provide temperature protection equivalent to lvl 1 protection when you have them equipped. You can also melt ice by standing next to it with a fire weapon equipped, it takes a while, but can save you resources.

Use round bombs to lure Molduga. It is attracted to them when they roll across the sand and there's usually enough wind to keep them moving. Once it attacks them, set it off and it will land on the sand so you can attack. You can also safely walk across the sand by sneaking with stealth armor even when Molduga is nearby.

If you have to wait for a while for something to happen, such as the shrine where you need a Bloodmoon, set up a campfire under cover. This way rain won't keep you from using it.

Keep a fire weapon just for use as a 'lighter'. Sell your flint. Flameblades and rods are easily found. Especially after you get the flameguard armor with the upgrades. The same goes for ice wizrobes and the Snowquill armor, and electric wizrobes and the rubber armor. Once you have the immunity upgrades you are effectively invincible to wizrobes and can collect their wands with ease. Wizrobe wands are a great way to alter the plain chuchu jelly element. It's probably the most efficient way to do so in fact.

Sneak armor works in the water too. You can use it to collect fish by simply swimming up to them and grabbing them. It's the most efficient fishing method in the game.

You can teleport from anywhere. Use this to keep yourself from drowning or falling to your death if you run out of stamina. You can actually use it to avoid pretty much any death in a pinch, it even works inside shrines and dungeons.

Ancient Armor is the best armor in the game. It is the highest rated defense of any set, provides extra protection from damage from ancient weapons and guardians, upgrading it increases the effectiveness of ancient and guardian weapons by 80%, and it stacks with damage boosting food. Additionally, ancient weapons have a damage bonus against Ancient enemies, which also stacks with the bonus for the Ancient Armor and food bonuses. Barbarian armor is only a 50% increase across all weapons, and does not stack with food or potion bonuses. Plus, you don't need to buy ancient weapons, just farm the Major Test of Strength shrines. They reset every bloodmoon.

Bloodmoon frequency is based on how many enemies you've killed. If you need one for some reason, go monster hunting and kill a bunch of weaker enemies.

Use weaker weapons against weaker monsters to save your durability on your good ones. You can usually just pick up whatever they are using to take care of them.

You can deflect Octorock rocks back at them just by targeting them and blocking. Sometimes you need to position yourself a bit as it will go over them if you are too far away. You do not need to do a perfect block to do this, but it does wear down your shield. I recommend picking up weak shields for doing this if you have open slots to save your good ones.

This does not work on the ones that suck stuff up and shoot exploding stones at you. Just lob a round bomb at those when they are sucking things up and set it off after they collect it.

Land Octorocks are also easily dealt with. You can also hit them with their own rocks, but if you want to save your shield they hide underground when you get close to them. If you use a bladed weapon to cut off the bush on their head, they'll pop up and look around, giving you the opportunity to swat them.

Also, you can tell which buried treasure chests are 'fake' octorock chests with magnesis. Legitimate chests turn red, octorock traps don't.

The fastest way to make money later in the game is not to farm minigames, but instead is to farm Talus. They drop lots of gems and are easily killed once you have decent weapons. You can also use bombs to blow off their arms, making them easier to deal with and forcing them to dip down and expose their weak spot for an arrow shot or another bomb.

The best way to hunt is not with arrows, but round bombs. You can often kill multiple animals at once, and it's far easier than lining up a bow shot. This is a great way to farm meat, particularly from wolves.

You can pick up some smaller enemies. The Mini talus can be picked up. Hold them too long and they'll explode, but throwing them kills them. You can also pick up stal-monster heads and throw them.

You can also use bombs to take out groups of the mini talus. Just drop a square one and move between it and them, and they'll shuffle right over to it, often letting you take out groups of four or five with one bomb.

Hynox are a good source of precooked food and decent weapons. You can land on a Hynox and take the weapons before fighting it if you're careful and sneak. Using stealth armor helps with this.

The best places to farm Lynels is north of Death Mountain and West of the Gut Check shrine. There are three white ones, one of each weapon type, along the road beyond the large ancient skeleton [where you should go to get Dinraal parts]. You do not need armor with fire, heat, or cold resistance to be in this area. Hyrule Castle is also a good spot, there are two, a Silver and a White one spawn in the guardhouses.

Silver Lynels occasionally drop star pieces and five shot bows. Not frequently, but it's often enough that it's a good way to get them for upgrading armor.

Multi shot bows only use one arrow, don't be afraid to use them because they don't eat up ammo any faster than any other bow.

Vah Neboris's dungeon reward, Urbosa's Fury, is extremely useful for fighting giant enemies such as Lynels, Hynoxes, and Stalinox. Revali's Gale, obtained from Vah Medho, makes traversal much less of a pain, particularly in the rain. I recommend bringing down these two Divine Beasts first, Revali's Gale in particular.

Mipha's power is the second most useless, because you can gather up to eleven faries. The trick is to hold the ones in your inventory them when you approach the Great Fairy fountains. As long as you're holding less than three in your inventory, four will usually spawn. If you have four or more, none will spawn. It's best to have seven when you visit the last fountain, so leave some fairies behind if need be to do this. Wearing stealth armor makes them easier to catch. Daruk's power is mostly useless as it slows you down when blocking, and is just a free hit. I usually disable it.

You can go to Hyrule Castle at any time. There is nothing keeping you out beyond the difficulty of the enemies. It's a good spot to farm resources once you're strong enough, Moblin Parts, LIzalfo tails, Lynels, and ancient parts from the turrets. You don't have to enter the final room when there and can leave any time. It's also the location of one of the Major Test of Strength shrines and has lots of royal weapons. Be sure to fully exploit the castle as soon as you're strong enough.

It is worth making ancient bows and arrows. The Ancient Bow with upgraded Ancient Armor is the most powerful bow in the game. Pretty much any of the other ancient stuff you can make is pretty much a waste of resources given how you can farm the shrines for them. The ancient shields are kind of nice too, but the ones you get from the major tests of strength are good enough for general use and are pretty durable. In fact, all Ancient and Guardian weapons have a high durability.


The most annoying pieces of sh*t in this game are the octoroks especially during that island trial


If you want to avoid accidentally talking to a member of the YIGA CLAN, first go up to them close, you may notice they have distinct eyebrows that almost appear to be glaring at you (like they're imagining killing you already) and also if no name appears or their name is 'traveler' that is a sure sign you should run or prepare to fight!


Not so sure if this counts as a tip, but buy the house in Hateno and fill it with mounts ASAP so you can start storing items. There were weapons that I wanted to save for specific enemies, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to do so before buying the house. Honestly, I felt it was necessary anyway since Link really didn't have anywhere to call home after 100 years of healing and all. Either way, I found it helpful. I hope you do too.


Things that people might not know.
- You can skip the blood moon cutscene.
- You can cancel your charge special attack or bow aim by pressing B.
- If you talk to some NPC wearing a monster mask, you might get a different dialogue.
- Certain characters` diaries might have additional page stories after some events.
- You can take pictures of weapons that NPCs are carrying.
- You can quickly throw your weapon by choosing the weapon through the quick menu and pressing R to aim and throw it away.
- If you hear a shiny noise when you are near a dropped weapon, it means that the weapon has special bonus stats/attributes.


Here's a few tips for those who have the Thunder Helm-- you can use it to your advantage in combat by getting close to an enemy when you're about to be struck by lightning, and it will deal damage. This especially works with airborne enemies.
Also, *DO NOT* ride your horse with the Thunder Helm. There isn't a Thunder Bridle. I learned this the hard way...


1. Have a frost weapon and a thunder weapon.
2. Freeze them with the frost weapon.
3. Switch to thunder weapon. Hit them while frozen for triple damage.
4. While they're stunned from the thunder, switch to frost weapon, repeat from step 2.
This also works for arrows I believe.


After every blood moon, you can go through the path up to Zoras' Domain lizalfos are farm more than 100 arrows. If you have the lizalfo mask and a strong weapon, it makes killing them all very easy.


you can also use yellow chu chu jelly to solve lightning puzzles.


1:10 "deals a heavy dose of elemental damage."
*Health bar of lizalfos barely decreases*


do not take a selfie with a lynel while wearing the lynel mask
