A Man is About To Jump Off a Bridge…

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Philosopher talking about philosophy of philosophy


Emo Philips wonderful joke comes to mind:
Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"
He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"
He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"
Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.


Alex is providing good philosophy, though. He's right that most philosophy is quite cold.


Oh. I thought he was going to jump due to bad food. The principle of insufficient seasoning...


One can't ever be a good philosopher without at some point in time being critical of philosophy itself lol


A man is about to jump of a bridge in LEGO city!


I love the close up shot of the shoe lol


This is why we love Alex. Self aware, earnest, and open (mostly).


The only singular moral truth is that all the people commenting 'first' and 'second' and such are going to hell


"Is that the time"

No it's a existential vortex of interminable doom, masquerading as a linear measurement of temporarily on a man-made mechanical device called a watch.


This is the first time I've encountered a sensitivity dialog where I need to press a button to see a short.


Analytical philosopher: **breaks things apart until they're cold and lifeless**

Also analytical philosopher: why philosophy so cold and lifeless?!?


People don't think like Alex thinks. They don't even think like Alex thinks they think.


Plot twist based on a very old comic I read as a child, depicting this very scenario: The hopeless man flings himself off the bridge, sheds his human form, spreads batlike wings and declares to the stunned onlooker, 'I'm going home to Venus where I belong!'


Realising that one cannot explain away someone else's problems, even if they have a good understanding of the problems themselves, is a step that people who launch into philosophical ideation often never take. (Socrates was a menace to others, as an example)

Alex is in a position where he is fully aware of his exceedingly high intellect, emotional intelligence and understanding of principles enough to reason his way through any quandary of his own, and reconcile it.

He also realises that, in regard to someone else, this approach can be taken as affectation more often than not - even if his reasoning is sound. Understands it to the point he can make a friggin' joke about his propensity for his leanings.

He's not aiming to solve everyone's problems or change hearts and minds in a day, but he's brilliant and should definitely be recognised for that. It's one thing to have the understanding, it's another to communicate it effectively while realising and acknowledging its pitfalls. What a living legend, hats off gentlemen.


Science is beauty. The more you learn, the more you understand how much is still there to figure out, and you are instantly awe-struck.


Convincing someone and proving them wrong are two very different things.


It’s true. The more you learn, in many ways the less magical the world becomes. When you realise morality is just intelligent evolved creatures figuring out the best ways to behave to live as groups instead of magical gods and whatnot it’s a lot less hype.


YouTube is trigger warning this video. What an absolute joke.


Philosophy isn't cold and uncaring, the experience of it is when not balanced with emotional consideration.
Philosophy itself contains all the beauty of the Universe despite pulling one temporarily from its felt experience.

I believe philosophy can save anyone who has enough consideration to listen.

In my dissection of the Universe, I didn't find a lack of magic, but a realization of its true appearance.
Considering "magic" is just an appreciation for the allure of the unknown, once something is known, that allure is replaced by an appreciation of the beauty of mechanical function, like witnessing a grand engine in perfect harmony with itself, a beauty to behold, despite comprehending its design.

The only cold, soulless feeling I felt was when I first discovered the Universe in existential depression through a direct neglect of my emotional state, as is the experience of anyone whe spends too much time in their heads without the balance of caretaking their emotions.

I wonder if the people who see the Universe as cold are forgetting that THEY are the warmth that is witnessing it, and that they carry themselves EVERYWHERE they go, and that the meaning of warmth is defined by the concept of life in relation to the Universe.

The Universe only feels cold because you stepped outside of yourself, just as space only feels cold because you stepped outside of the ship that the earth provided.
