I restored a thing

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I restored something, but I´m not sure what it was 🙂 Anyway, this thing had
lots of veneer damages and weird smell inside of it.

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Title: I restored a thing
#howto #howtorestore
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Your brother from another mother is very handsome. 😉
Beautiful and unusual piece.


It ended up being a very nice piece of furniture whatever it is!
You gave it back is prestige!


It is a shoe bench, the cabinets and drawers are used to store your shoe polishes, cloths, brushes, horn, inserts, and so forth. The bench so you can sit whilst a servant assisted with fitting, cleaning, and/or polishing your shoes/boots. My Grandmother had one, and many other similar styled furniture that she called her "Japanese collection". It is a beautiful design and you restored it so well!


Nice work. And let’s raise a glass to shellac! Dries fast, looks great, covers smells, seals wood, forgiving to use, recoats easy.


Entrance bench, for when you remove your shoes/boots. Room to store shoe brush, gloves, interior shoes/slippers, etc.


I’m glad people like you exist. Restoring abandoned, damaged furniture is, to me, more than an aesthetic or artistic endeavor. It’s an affirmation of tradition, history and our past.


My grandparents had something similar from that age, as one of the other comments mentioned, there was a veneered back panel to about 6' below that was a shelf for hats and gloves, below that on the panel was a mirror so you could check yourself that all was correct before you left home, appearances were very important in those days, oh, they had a cushion on the seat, for comfort when putting on or taking off the best shoes, which were stored under the seat, one of the lower cupboards held a clothes brush and a soft hat brush. Hope this helps. Regards from Wales.


Great work. So nice to sit here with my feet up watching this. My hands got sore from paint removers, sanding etc. now I can watch you. Your skills are way better so Im good just watching. 👍


It looks Art Deco and a hallway piece. I would think for guests waiting to be seen and a place to take of outdoor shoes. It looks like there was a mirror and coat/hat rack that was for the back too.


What an unusual piece! You brought it back to life beautifully as usual. I’m always happy when I see you’ve posted a new project. I really enjoy your videos


The “Thing” came out beautiful. Great job. And I love Mahogany…beautiful wood grain!!!


That was a funny start to the video, Ahti. Because there were no visual references, you only got to know actual size of the piece when you put your hand near it. So The Thing, is a hall bench. Lucky the draw handle didn't go missing. It's over 80 years old and it looks like new, beautiful restoration as always.


I’m trying (emphasizing the word: trying) to strip off paint from raw wood ( yes someone actually stripped it down and painted on the raw wood) from an oak circa 1885 spoon carved child dresser/ commode. Originally I took it to a restoration place in Amana Iowa. There estimated to restore it was $1200. I’m going to at least TRY to strip it down, but I may end up shelling out the money for this piece. I know this piece isn’t worth what I paid for it much less the $1200, but it’s a beautiful little piece and I LOVE spoon carving, not to mention I love real wood, not this new crap they make now. Just want you to know it’s so wonderful to know there are others out there that love old furniture and find satisfaction in restoring them. Thank you for giving us all some hope.


Beautiful! The two holes in the back? Could it have been a hall stand with a mirror and such? Your work is so wonderful.


Your woodworking skills, video skills, and great sense of humor are wonderful. The pieces you choose to share with us are unique. I love watching your videos.


A veneering video!!
As usual, great great great!! Hip hip hurray!


Definitely looks like a bench where you would sit and put your shoes on and off. I wonder if maybe it's supposed to go on top of a desk with that thin locking It's neat whatever it is!


The majority of that piece is "Ribbon" mahogany. It is used a lot in yacht interiors. Excellent job! Beautiful piece!


That is a highly unusual piece. I think it is an old timey Hollywood glam bench. Can't you just see it in a 30's movie? Excellent work. You make it look so easy. 10+ out of ten rating. Have to add, the finish you did on this bench actually looks better than the original when I compare the old color to the new.


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