How to install NVM, Node and Microsoft Visual Studio in 3 minutes or less.
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Happy Coding to you. This is a short video to show how to install NVM, NodeJS
and Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu.
Bring apt up to date
⟩sudo apt update
If dpkg: error: dpkg fronend lock ...
We want to find the process that opened 'lock-frontend: lsof - list open files
⟩sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
Kill the offending process
⟩sudo kill -9 PID
Install curl
⟩sudo apt install curl
Install nvm
Update the environment for the terminal
⟩source ~/.profile
Install the latest version of node
⟩nvm install --lts
Install visual studio code
⟩sudo snap install --classic code
Click on ‘Activities’, right click ‘add to favorites’
Click on the app
List all versions of node
⟩nvm ls-remote
Install a specific version of node
⟩nvm use ⟨version⟩
and Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu.
Bring apt up to date
⟩sudo apt update
If dpkg: error: dpkg fronend lock ...
We want to find the process that opened 'lock-frontend: lsof - list open files
⟩sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
Kill the offending process
⟩sudo kill -9 PID
Install curl
⟩sudo apt install curl
Install nvm
Update the environment for the terminal
⟩source ~/.profile
Install the latest version of node
⟩nvm install --lts
Install visual studio code
⟩sudo snap install --classic code
Click on ‘Activities’, right click ‘add to favorites’
Click on the app
List all versions of node
⟩nvm ls-remote
Install a specific version of node
⟩nvm use ⟨version⟩