How To Install Node and NVM on Mac / macOS (2024)

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How To Install NVM on Mac / macOS

Follow these simple steps to install NVM on your Mac or macOS system:

1. **Open Terminal:**
- Launch the Terminal application on your Mac. You can find it in the Applications folder or by using Spotlight Search (Command + Spacebar) and typing "Terminal."

2. **Install NVM via Homebrew (Recommended):**
- If you have Homebrew installed on your Mac, you can use it to install NVM effortlessly.
- In the Terminal, run the following command to install NVM:
brew install nvm

3. **Manually Install NVM (Alternative Method):**
- If you prefer to install NVM manually, you can download and run the NVM installation script from the official NVM repository on GitHub.

4. **Verify NVM Installation:**
- Once NVM is installed, verify that it's correctly set up on your system. In the Terminal, type:
nvm --version
- If NVM is installed properly, you should see the version number displayed in the Terminal.

nvm alias default version

nvm install version

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Hi - thank you for taking the time to put this video together. Your instructions are clear and concise and the installs worked without any issues.


This video is pure gold. You have saved the day bro


Thank you for the video, It's really clear and helpful!


Thank you for this incredible video with great insights and clear instructions!


Thank you very much for a clear and concise tutorial :-)


Please help !! When I run, "code hello.js " it doesn`t open in VS Code: command not found: code.


when im trying to close the terminal its showing do i want to terminate the server or not?? i terminated once and when i was running a code a pop up showed that i was exit from somewhere undone, or something. im totally new to coding in mac. and im having trouble to run somthing. i was taught at school with windows is it different ways to run something with mac?? i thought node will help i did all correct as this video. but it isnt working.😞 what should i do now??


You may be on a Mac, and need to install the Xcode Command Line Developer Tools.
If so, run `xcode-select --install` and try again. If not, please report this!, i am getting this err
pls help
