Install NVM on Windows (Node Version Manager)

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In this video we show you how to install NVM on Windows with the windows NVM installer.

NOTE: I recently got a warning that NPM was out of date and to upgrade to 9.x.x. I haven't done it yet because I haven't gotten the warning again, but I found a few options to do so on Stack Overflow that have minor conflicts. Here's a few ways you can try to update NPM when using NVM for Windows

Option 2: Two stack overflow posts with a set of commands (See "Ryan Shillington")

The command lists slightly conflict (one was pre-npx, the other didn't remove the old files), so I combined the two and removed the duplication to end up with this:

cd %APPDATA%\nvm\ (will just cd again to the newest)
move npm npm-old
move npx npx-old
cd node_modules\
move npm npm-old
cd npm-old\bin

cd %APPDATA%\nvm\ (cd again)
rm npm-old
rm npx-old
cd node_modules\
rm -rf npm-old

I have not tried this command set to update NPM yet, but I will get around to it when I get the warning again. Good luck!
Рекомендации по теме

you r life saver, as a new window user, had difficult installing nvm and node. looks like i can finally start writing my first react project!


hey man great video i just installed NVM really helpful tool. keep up the good work


It is my understanding that NVM is how you install Node.js and NPM? I am very hierarchial in thinking, it's weird. I would like to manually install NVM in a specific location, and then install Node.js and NPM in specific directories, and then access them (or the modules I install with npm) from other specific directories. How do I do this?


this kinda worked but kinda didn't because i had to go add nvm to my env variables manually first


how to update nvm version, i want to update nvm to version 1.1.11 ?


i tried the same thing and it didnt work well, especially when I'am using nvm use 18.18.2 and then do the node -v it just back to the default (18.15.0) even tho nvm use works properly. hopefully u can help me with my case. I've tried some stackoverflow solutions(include using alias default) but didnt help


can you pls tell me how did you set that background theme in your windows taskbar?
