Install NVM on Windows (Node Version Manager)

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In this video we show you how to install NVM on Windows with the windows NVM installer.
NOTE: I recently got a warning that NPM was out of date and to upgrade to 9.x.x. I haven't done it yet because I haven't gotten the warning again, but I found a few options to do so on Stack Overflow that have minor conflicts. Here's a few ways you can try to update NPM when using NVM for Windows
Option 2: Two stack overflow posts with a set of commands (See "Ryan Shillington")
The command lists slightly conflict (one was pre-npx, the other didn't remove the old files), so I combined the two and removed the duplication to end up with this:
cd %APPDATA%\nvm\ (will just cd again to the newest)
move npm npm-old
move npx npx-old
cd node_modules\
move npm npm-old
cd npm-old\bin
cd %APPDATA%\nvm\ (cd again)
rm npm-old
rm npx-old
cd node_modules\
rm -rf npm-old
I have not tried this command set to update NPM yet, but I will get around to it when I get the warning again. Good luck!
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