'for' loop in Python-Control Statements–Part-2-PYTHON PROGRAMMING & DATA SCIENCE-20A05101T

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Unit – 1 - Introduction to Python
Control Statements – Part-2
Continue and Break statements in
For Loop in Python
For Loop in Python is different from other languages like C, C++
In Python, ‘for’ loop is used to traverse a ‘list’ or ‘string’ sequentially, hence this ‘for’ loop is similar to ‘for each’ loop in other languages.
for variable in sequence:
for more examples see the video
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Control Statements – Part-2
Continue and Break statements in
For Loop in Python
For Loop in Python is different from other languages like C, C++
In Python, ‘for’ loop is used to traverse a ‘list’ or ‘string’ sequentially, hence this ‘for’ loop is similar to ‘for each’ loop in other languages.
for variable in sequence:
for more examples see the video
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