Why Advice is Overrated | Rick Rubin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

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Rick Rubin explains why advice is overrated to Dr. Andrew Huberman.

Rick Rubin, is one of the most renowned music producers of all time, known for his work with a wide range of artists, including Run DMC, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, JayZ, Adele, Johnny Cash, LL Cool J, Slayer, Neil Young, Ye (formerly Kayne West), Tom Petty, and many more. Dr. Andrew Huberman is a tenured professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the Huberman Lab podcast.

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This is solid advice to not take advice advice.


Agreed 100%. Which means, getting advice from YouTube influencers or motivators should be taking with a grain of salt.


Rick Rubin! "All fields are run by small groups of people who are invested in keeping things the way they are." OMG! This is so true.


my dad did a phd in chemistry in the 70s, and after a year or two of getting nowhere on his experiments, outright ignoring the advice of his supervisor led to success. i treasured that north star for my own phd.


Advice should always be welcomed and considered, but you don't have to always take it or assume it will work the same for you. Critical thinking is really what's key here and in all aspects of life. Consider the advice, if parts of it make sense or you can see yourself doing them then take it, or take parts of it. There is always something to learn from others - good useful stuff, or learning from others mistakes, which is very powerful and can save you a lot of grief in life.


I saw Rick on the jre and he said that he could not even do 1 push up, then after dedicating himself to good health he got all they way up to doing 100 consecutive push ups. This inspired me to do a similar thing, thinking if he can do it, so can I!


Huberman is literally the man on the internet to give solid advice.


When learning Poker in one of the lockdowns I read something that stuck with me and fits with the theme of this video: When you make a play in poker, regardless if you win or lose you can decide if that play was "good" or "bad" by estimating the expected value of that play. Some plays that are "bad" win you money a certain percentage of times you'll play. Over the long run you'll lose money making that play, though it can work out once in a while. It's important to understand that you can play badly and win or play well and lose and that you can't evaluate whether a play was good or bad purely from the outcome.


I think Jocko WIllick said something similar too, like the right advice has to fit the right person. And I remember Bret Weinstein said recently, it's a completely absurd idea that just because you don't know the mechanisms of why something works, doesn't mean that it doesn't work.


this makes so much sense, self help never actually helped me. Well maybe it helped me with experimentation but ultimately i had to just try a bunch of different things, which I could have done anyway without taking someones advice.

I have a new way of thinking recently which is learning to try things out for myself and to ask myself, "is this right for me" "what did I like" "did this help me" blah blah. No one else can answer those questions yet we continue to seek answers from others. It's bizarre


There’s a great quote I heard from Richard Cooper:
“Never take advice or criticism from someone you wouldn’t trade places with” ☝️😎


We, as a species, are firmly convinced of our assumptions once a positive correlation can be found.

Confirmation bias is a tough nut to crack.


Wow! This is one of my favourite Dr. Huberman talks ever. Rick Rubin is so relaxed and I love how it's hard to tell who is interviewing who. It is also great that there are no mandatory sub-titles.


Solid advice not to take advice. Take away - assesing the situation is key in determining what tool to use for given problem/situation/life circumstance.


Success bias is an entire industry. CEOs, celebrities, any person who has achieved the top 1% of anything has incredible luck and perfect conditions that cannot be replicated the same way. Yet we take advice all the time from these people and we raise them onto pedestals. It’s one of the worst things about our western culture


Santa is just Rick Rubin in the offseason.


Actually it is a little easier to give advice because we can be less emotional about it: you see the other person's problem from outside their bubble. If you know the person enough, and they share their experience and events, an advice CAN be actually very good. And it doesn't need to be the BEST advice, it just needs to improve the person's state a little bit. Just make things better. Of course, the person can accept and follow the advice or not. Advice is not an order.


I live overseas and tbh, don't know who the guest is, but got to admin - this man seems very kind. I like his attitude.


"I don't hold any of it tightly" - humble statement, to be open to being wrong and to other ideas.


Discernment! It can be really helpful to hear people’s advice and perspective, but we- the ones taking the advice should be very aware we are unique to ourselves. And to only take pieces that resonate with our own situation.
