10 Best and Worst Breakfast Foods | Common Breakfast Mistakes To Avoid

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What are the best and worst breakfast foods?
Watch this video as I rank my top 10 best and worst foods for breakfast and some mistakes to avoid!

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00:00 intro
01:37 what’s a good breakfast
02:22 10 worst breakfast foods
04:41 10 best breakfast foods
13:30 valuable takeaway

Best And Worst Breakfast Foods

When scouting for the best breakfast foods, focus on these key elements:

Fiber: Aim for a minimum of 4-5 grams to kickstart your digestion and keep you feeling satisfied until your next meal. Look for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to meet this quota.

Protein: Ensure a minimum of 9 grams to fuel your muscles and keep you energized throughout the morning. Sources like eggs, Greek yogurt, nuts, and seeds are excellent options to reach this protein goal.

Top 10 Worst Foods for Breakfast

1. Pizza: Typically high in refined carbohydrates, saturated fats, and sodium, pizza doesn't provide the sustained energy or nutrients needed for a productive morning.

2. Ice cream: Loaded with sugar, unhealthy fats, and lacking in protein and fiber, ice cream offers little in terms of nutritional value and can lead to a quick spike in blood sugar followed by a crash.

3. Candy: Pure sugar with minimal nutritional benefits, candy provides a rapid energy boost followed by a crash, leaving you feeling sluggish and unfocused.

4. Cereals: Many breakfast cereals are high in sugar and low in fiber and protein, which can lead to rapid spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, leaving you hungry soon after eating.

5. Poptarts: Packed with sugar, refined carbohydrates, and often artificial additives, poptarts lack the nutrients needed to sustain energy levels throughout the morning.

6. Donuts: Loaded with unhealthy fats, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, donuts offer little in terms of nutritional value and can lead to energy crashes and feelings of lethargy.

7. Pancakes: While pancakes can be made with healthier ingredients, they are often made with refined flour and served with sugary syrups, leading to a breakfast high in carbohydrates and sugar but lacking in protein and fiber.

8. Bacon: High in saturated fat and sodium, bacon is not an ideal choice for a healthy breakfast, as it can contribute to heart disease and other health issues when consumed regularly.

9. Sausage: Similar to bacon, sausage is high in unhealthy fats and sodium, lacking in essential nutrients like fiber and vitamins.

10. Energy drinks: Although they may provide a temporary energy boost due to caffeine and sugar, energy drinks are often loaded with artificial ingredients and can lead to crashes later in the day, as well as long-term health consequences when consumed regularly.

Top 10 Best Foods To Eat In The Morning

1. Eggs (spinach and peppers added)
2. Pancakes
3. Smoothies
4. Sausage (Healthy Country Sausage recipe)
5. Seeds
6. Freshly milled bread
7. Freshly milled grits
8. Freshly milled cream of wheat
9. Nuts
10. Avocado


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Рекомендации по теме

I just switched my family to organic oat pancakes by buying organic sprouted rolled oats from Costco and making oat flour.


This was a very good and informative video. I’m hypoglycemic, so, I have a small amount of orange juice first thing in the morning. If I don’t, my sugar takes a dive. I wish more nutritionists would address hypoglycemia and what to eat in the morning.


Wow, you hit everything I needed to know, in this one video. Thanks, Annette!


Almost every morning I eat two eggs with one Ezekiel bread toast. Scrambled, over easy or some time in the form of a healthy quiche.
Keep up the good work 💯.
Miss Monique 🙂🌷🙏🕊️


had chia seed pudding this morning, so good.


Lovely content Annette and full of wisdom sister.. thank you sooo much for sharing with us ❤🎉


Been vegan for years and started to get tired a lot. So brought your book and am cooking from it. Making our own bread too. Also brought your lesson book. Thank you for sharing. Would do your courses but at this stage in life cannot afford it right now. Maybe later. Husband just retired and we are in between adjustments right now. Did buy your books though. When I figure out how to do the e-book thing on computer will order the coursed in a few months. Peace!


Hello! How about including or starting the breakfast with eggs, veggies and a piece of fruit high in fiber, like papaya or kiwiifruit? Thank you for the ideas 😁 My kindest regards!


Thank you for this video like your top saying Amen you do great video god bless you 🙏


I love this healthy breakfast, thank you❤


I have tl. cholesterol of 237, for many yrs. I eat all organic fresh foods.. made by me 90% of the time. I at times have slipped into foods my husband likes, hotdogs, pizza, processed foods. 😝 I know you say more fiber I have been doing that for 6 weeks.
I am going to reduce my saturated fat intake, butter, seed oils, beef, dairy. Have blood tested in 3 months. If that doesn't work, I will have to go on Statin's😢


Im new to your channel. Quite interesting. We live by the biblical food laws. We only eat turkey bacon, sausage, etc. very educational.❤


Another great video, informative and encouraging! I have a mill but it’s just my husband and I. I’m not sure about being to buy grains in a small enough quantity for two people.


Thank you for this help. I plan to watch this again.


My yearn was clody mixed with blood for a long time after a serious kidney infection that turned septic, almost died. By drinking this lemon water after 5 months, my yearn is clear. Yahoo!


"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" - Kellogg's Marketing. Breakfast IS the easiest meal to completely skip, and there ARE major health benefits to eating less frequently. NO CARBS are required in the diet, the body can make the small amount of blood glucose that it requires.


Shalom dears! Have you all tried some chickpea scramble? Heard it's more healthier than tofu. Never tried some myself. Please let me know how good it is so I can make it myself. Peace!


You can completely skip breakfast too. It worked for me. 😊


Lemon water is not good for the enamel on your teeth. I would never have this every morning.Kodiak pancakes have too much added sugar.But, the rest of the list is soo good.


I agree with you to a certain extent.
More than just eggs and making your own sausages are necessary in your breakfast. When it comes to Animal protein also quality red meat from a quality source is necessary. Like a seared ribot steak, which are packed with nutrients that the body needs to thrive Vegetables, on the other hand have plant defense chemicals Like lecton's and occulates which inhibits nutrient absorption so it is best to omit those.
