Can You Beat Pokémon Violet Without Taking Damage?

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In this video, I attempt to beat Pokémon Violet without taking damage. I can save and reset whenever I want to, though I'll try to stay under 10 total resets throughout the run. I hope you enjoy the vid, and feedback is always appreciated!

0:00 Introduction
0:32 The Run

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Hey guys, several comments have notified me that critical captures are just superficial animations that occur when you already have the same pokemon, and don't actually affect the catch rate(though the route 1 catch rate still looks to always be 100%). Also, for those you worried about the Ralts at 4:57, I reviewed the footage and have bad news...


I like how this run shows a redemption arc where in sprigatito's first battle, it failed to crit and thus couldn't avoid damage, but upon maturing, it perfects critical hits so well that it's signature move only does so.


fun fact for the algorithm:
Hidden Move HMs arent in this game but Herba Mystica stands for Hm which is why
it gives Miraidon and Koraidon the new abilities 👍


26:50 You don't need any Miraidon power ups to access the elite four.
There's a cave in the main city that leads to the path. I went there before doing any gyms and beat up a level 12 maus trainer, only to get stomped by the next guy's level 52 krokorok.


I love the Vivillon pattern in this game. For those who don't know, the pattern of the ones in Paldea is the Fancy Pattern. Originally, you were only able to get a Vivillon with this specific pattern via the Nintendo Network in July 2014 when the Global Trade System celebrated its 100 millionth trade. So the fact they brought it back for Gen 9 is a detail that I appreciate. As for the storylines, the Titan one is hands down my favorite. Because once you realize why you're collecting the Herba Mystica, you feel bad for (or relate to) Arven and his Mabosstiff and so you're motivated to help him and get his Mabosstiff better and stronger. Not to mention the story connects to the legendaries.


About egg moves: you actually don’t need to make a sandwich for the Pokémon holding the mirror herb to learn the move, you simply have to spend 30 seconds in picnic mode


So, a fun thing you can do with Nemona’s second battle. She terastalizes Pawmi, but the only move it ever goes for is Thundershock, even if your Pokémon has an immunity to it. That means that battle can be very easily cheesed with a level 5 Wooper, which is available immediately after you leave the lighthouse. Every playthrough I have done so far I have simply switched in Wooper after her starter goes down and Mud Shotted her Pawmi to death with no damage.


8:27, I never noticed that all of Makuhita's stats are exactly doubled when it evolves. Neat


6:33 love the slideshow, it's so detailed, it even looks like the actual game!


Flyingfalcons: Where did all the people go?
Arceus, disguised as Larry: *Gone, reduced to atoms*

As much as I love Spain, it's nice to see they also did their research for the Portuguese bit of the region and that it's not all Spanish. The striped houses in Porto Marinada are based off the ones in Costa Nova, nicknamed the Venice of Portugal. The striped houses there are cottages used by fishermen to store their nets. They're called palheiros, which means haystacks. And Alfornada is based off Sagres. The dishes on the walls are a reference to Artesanato a Mó in Sagres, and the chimneys there are based off ones found all over the Algarve.


I noticed that you were pushing the emotion button repeatedly at 16:44 but you only need to press it once per emotion; this will save some time as the timer stops each time you press a button. Great vid!


I dont think I'm the first to see this but at 4:56 there is a ralts just sitting under the water. I barely caught it as it transitioned to the next scene. I couldn't help but laugh seeing that.


Personally I think the starfall street storyline was my favorite. Expecting it to just be another "We're the antagonists so we must want world destruction for some reason at the cost of the box art legendary" storyline, it actually turned out to have me feeling really bad for just going in and steamrolling them. Then to find out who it was totally not commiting crimes to pay me to do it was absurd and surprisingly unexpected.

Also I have a strong biased liking to the character due to relating to them a lot in regards to their experinces and personality. (Also their design is really cute).


I think the reason for the critical captures at the start are due to the area having 100% capture rate, but I could be wrong


100% loved the Titan storyline literally only because it upgrades your dragon bike and that's my favourite part of this game: getting from point A to point B by riding my dragon bike.


heres a comment for the algorithm:
been breeding for a shiny Bombirdier for about 2 days straight, roughly 2000 eggs. i was down to my last half box full, promised myself this was the last batch for the day. hatched it as soon as i pressed play on the video. thanks bro 😎👍


3:46 In Scarlet and Violet if you already have a Pokemon of one species, every successful capture attempt on a later Pokemon of that species will play a critical capture animation, but still go through the normal calculation for 3 shakes.


the ed sheeran jumpscare was horrifying, it was like 2 am when i beat the game and then suddenly ed sheeran starts blasting on the tv


I thought at the start, "There's no way you could possibly go through the game without taking damage", and yet! I'd also say I wound up enjoying the titan storyline the most, when it was my least favorite at the start. I'm playing Scarlet, so running around with my Koraidon has been a lot of fun. I can't imagine how Pokemon will one-up itself next time.


I like how both times he fought Larry he had difficulty the first time he lost and the rematch he got lucky and didn’t hit himself in confusion
