Abraham Hicks 2024 NEW November 🌟Listen if You Want to Stay Aligned on Election Day 💜✨

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Abraham Hicks 2024 NEW November 🌟Listen if You Want to Stay Aligned on Election Day 💜✨

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Abraham Hicks, channeled through the amazing Esther Hicks, shares incredible wisdom on the laws of the universe, manifestation, and living your best life. Their teachings are a game-changer for those seeking joy and abundance.

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🔮 Keywords: #abrahamhicks #estherhicks #lawofattraction #abundance #manifestation

🙏 Thank You 🙏
A big thank you to Esther Hicks and the team for making it possible to share these powerful teachings.

✨ "The better it gets, the better it gets. Align with joy and let abundance flow!" ✨

Have a magical day! 💜✨
Рекомендации по теме

What else are you doing to stay in alignment these days? 💜✨


A sad day for America and the world - out of alignment, will try again tomorrow.


Abraham's message has always been to focus on what you do want, not what you do not want. This contrast that we are globally witnessing in the political arena is bringing very strong clarity of what we do want. Kind, intelligent, merciful, loving leaders. Focus on that.


Admittedly, I got a little triggered today. And I'm thankful for the triggering because it points out where I need to align myself. I'm grateful that I can align myself in any situation.


Well, I love this video. It doesn’t say anything specific about the election. Just in case anyone else is looking for more specifics like I was. The title is a bit misleading. Still a wonderful message. Thank you, Abraham.


It helps to take a moment to enjoy something natural. I have this beautiful tree outside my window and watching its leaves change colour and enjoying the dancing of the leaves in the breeze reminds me that some things are timeless. Best wishes to everyone! May kindness and sense ultimately prevail.


Law of Attraction baby! Yes! Thrilled!
