Abraham Hicks 2024🌟Get Ready✨ This November is Set to Shift Your Vibration Forever💖A Message of Hope

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Abraham Hicks 2024🌟Get Ready✨ This November is Set to Shift Your Vibration Forever💖A Message of Hope

Share with your family members & give them a chance to let them know about their Inner Being. REPETITION is one of the keys. WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS WHAT TRUE FOR YOU.

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In this election season, let’s rally around the principles that have been the backbone of freedom and prosperity for all—values like integrity, fairness, and respect for every person’s rights. We call on those who seek public office to uphold these ideals, for only through their commitment to these guiding principles can the system support all, empowering everyone to achieve their potential and experience true joy. When our leaders and systems honor these values, each of us can trust that working within the system will bring us a brighter, more unified future.


Expecting some very needed and positive vibrations, asking if you feel the same and love❤


Is this a recent Abraham talk? BTW Abraham thank you for mentioning Jane Roberts and Seth by doing so you have given credit to them for helping shift our reality in our times. Yet the vast majority of people use the phrase “you create your own reality” and have no clue where it came from- this simple yet profound statement has furthered the evolution of consciousness for the human race. It has made individuals explore their own consciousness. Seth said that we had been blessed with free will - and it was a gift of the gods- and this is what gave us the ability to create our own reality. It cannot be denied that we are creators on this physical plane.


Much greater clarity on unconditional love


What has November got to do with it? I think you put November in the title just to fool me 😢


✝Heaven is the Only Reality🌄
Put that first and the rest will fall into place for you


Infinite Intelligence, Abraham, is absolutely wrong about scientists concluding we only use a small part of our brain. That is completely untrue.

Maybe what we've been led to believe about Abraham isn't quite true either.


THIS REMINDER which was preceded by
seeing a colleague being treated with
much less care and feeling upset. It was
the best mirror and example showing me how we're splashing NEGATIVE energies
ALL OVER, attracting exactly what we don't want!!!😂😅🤣
