What Improved Your Life So Much, You Wished You Did Sooner? (r/AskReddit)

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AskReddit People share what has improved their life so much that they wish they had done it sooner! (r/AskReddit Reddit Stories)

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My friend says he “raw dogs life”, which means no drugs no alcohol and facing his problems head on through therapy. I’m in the process of changing over to that plan myself.


Finding a job. As a teenager I was not allowed to have one, even though we lived on the break of poverty and I went to a pretty well off school. Having an income not only boosted my confidence and helped with time management, but got me off the constant fear of what tomorrow brings.


Brazilian jiu jitsu. Something about being active and being surrounded by like minded people all while simulating each others murder is oddly satisfying. I'm a firm believer its a superhobby for depressed people. You get a good workout. You get to socialize. You get to improve on an imprtant life skill. All of these things are every important to raise people out of dark times.


When I was 31 I was just...getting by working. And I wanted to be an actor my whole life. All of a sudden I got hired as an extra in a film, then was a part in a short, then a commercial...and I said SCREW IT! I'm pursuing what I want. Had my feature film debut this October (Who Needs You, my part is a couple minutes and I have a few lines) and my biggest role I've ever done releases next year in a feature film (Let Me Sleep) which I also got a decent pay from. My dream is coming true! I have two other feature films in post production and film my next one early next year! =D I can only go up from here! And even if I don't go farther, as I do have a full time job to fall back on, I am blessed to have had my dream come true being in a feature film AT ALL (and seeing it in the theater and released!)!


Not drinking alcohol is a life changer. Not dating unless you truly genuinely like someone is a game changer. Getting rid of social media is a game changer . Doing a small chore upon waking up is a game changer. Reading the Bible was a game changer


This is the best background noise there is


Stopping my video game addiction and working on building my talents -- some video games are ok and even good, but it was the main focus of my life for too many years. Also, stop being friends with toxic people who bring me down.


Bought 10 sets of pajamas. It changed my life to not have to scrounge for tshirts etc. I always have a fresh pair ready for the evening. And they look nice enough to wear around other people if necessary.


Exercise is the cheat code for mental health.


Breaking down my goals. I’ve always had such big dreams but I get easily overwhelmed, thinking how much I need to do to reach them. This would cause me to be overwhelmed to the point where I would not even start them or procrastinate, forever being stuck in the depressed cycle of being stuck, but wanting so much more. Each week I write down 5 small goals, which will eventually bring me towards my bigger goals. In the last 4 months I have been more productive than ever, and have achieved more than ever. I am on progress to reach all my life goals in the next year to year and a half. The saying of “working hard as you can for the next 6 months, can put you 6 years ahead in life” I believe, is 100% true.


I played guitar for years, but i never really learned, i just played like the same 30 songs. I buckled down, studied, learned, and now i am much better and it makes me feel good about myself.


Buddhist meditation. My whole life, I had terrible ADHD, mood swings, and anxiety that was only tolerable with meds until I was 45 years old. 4 months after I started meditating all my symptoms were gone. I stopped the meds and haven't needed them for 8 years now. I stopped for about 3 weeks earlier this year and started feeling all the anxiety returning before starting to sit again.


0:00 planning quality days off and not just weekends

0:45 Benefits of learning spanish

1:30 Moving closer to work for little travel time

2:00 Exercise everyday
2:25 Audiobooks
3:35 Doing at least one chore a day

3:40 Learning to set boundaries with friends and family

5:05 DIY and fixing stuff yourself

5:20 Accepting a tough obstacle and learning how to deal with being overwhelmed

5:40 Finding a good therapist
6:30 Lifting weights and going to the gym


Going to the gym consistently. It's an absolute must.


Loving close to work is a game changer. Many people would give themselves more than 8 extra hours /week. That’s an entire day off. And you can go home and see your family on lunch


stuff that changed my life (until i stopped doing them) are:
- semen retention
- workout
- meditation
- practicing dicipline (when i actually win at that)
- showering and brushing teeth
- keeping my living space clean
- no more being dependant on weed

funnily enough i always ended up quitting those habits i cant stay strong and diciplined for long because im inconsistent. but for you guys. if you have the superpower of consistency you will be happy with these things


Started taking medication for my ADHD. I grew up in an household that believe my depression was stemmed from being ungrateful and I wasn’t trying if my ADHD became unmanageable. The doctors convinced me to and it was the right thing.


Staying away from excessively negative people who have a problem for every solution. Can be very draining on the mind. Not to be confused with when a person is having an off day or something is keeping them down and are working through it, but rather those individuals who just thrive solely off of just being negative 90% of the time.


Guys, no joke. Learning Spanish is a must. I know some of you dislike the idea of giving into Spanish. But do it. It’s an amazing language and not as hard as Cantonese or Mandarin, plus it’s extremely helpful today


I started reading books of finance (rich dad poor dad, millionaire next door, think and grow rich, etc) and tried applying some of their principles.
I still feel like I have a long way to go on improving my finances, but now I’m able to live more comfortably instead of feeling like I’m struggling just to get by.
