BEST CAREERS for Psych Majors #shorts

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If you're considering psych as a major, I 100% advise you to NOT pick the degree unless you are 100% sure that you want to be a psychologist (whether as a practitioner in clinical/educational/organisation/counselling/sport/etc, or as a researcher in cognitive/social/etc). This is coming from someone who has the degree + is undergoing a masters and WANTS to do the Doctorate in clinical psych.

The psychologist career route has what I like to call a no-man's land. The Bachelors is very weak, and once you get it, your opportunities are limited to assistant psychology roles, research assistant roles, or work in adjacent fields like social work and other things in the social sector. All of which are relatively underpaid.

It's only when you do a masters (and you have to be careful, as some masters are more employable than others too) and/or a Doctorate do the jobs start rolling in. Thus, you have this "no man's land" between Bachelors and Masters/Doctorate.

So, please be very careful if you do pursue this career route. There will be hardships ahead.


Screaming online in order to get advice regarding psycology neeto


Biggest advice, if you want to become a psychologist work in any job that involves mental health WHILE in school. I have 6 years of experience and am almost done with my bachelors.. then I'm going to grad school. My advisor told me my experience will definitely help me!


I recommend for anyone looking doing a bachelors with a years placement so 4 years undergraduate degree. Which will get you basic knowledge and actual experience. Then postgraduate in the specific area of choice. For me it’s clinical. And finish with a masters or doctorate with experience with only an extra 2 years at uni. I come from a low income household and it was still the best option for me. The debt is manageable I didn’t go without and it made it very easy to get a job with all the experience I had from those extra two years. Please bear in mind that these companies require you to be fully qualified as you cannot deal with another humans mental health or diagnose them medicine in a clinical setting without the proper training and experience. You wouldn’t want a trainee surgeon preforming life saving surgery on you with no experience in a real life setting x hope this helped <3


You can be a Case manager with a bachelors degree or be something like a Behavioral Health Technician. Both pay about 20ish an hour but with more experience comes more pay. I have a bachelor’s in Psych myself and truly think if you don’t think you want to pursue more education I wouldn’t recommend it.


I'm studying a psych bachelor currently and that's one of the major things I'm worried about. I would love to do a masters but it's so much work and time!


I have a hunch that are they're looking for jobs that pay over 60, 000$ a year. I live in a small town and theres a ton of jobs nearby for psych majors with only a bachelor's (not even internships fulltime jobs), pays usually barely 35, 000 at best but its still experience...


Can you please cover this topic in depth? because there are really so many worried psych students.


I’ll never understand why people expect to be able to treat peoples mental health with just a bachelors.. you are in the health department. All health degrees require more than the minimum 😭😭


The post I needed to see. Thank you!
I just found out about psychometrist stoles as well. It’s unclear whether you actually need a MA.


Get an internship or a job related to the concentration you’re interested in. One of my friends is a bs psyc major and she’s currently a tutor for kids planning to get her masters after graduating.


You can't simple go Into to UX/UI design with a psych bachlors unless you happen to take classes in that field during your 4 years you have a huge ass learning curve when it comes to coding/graphic design


these comments are eye-opening. I've been thinking to get my 2nd degree one i like about and take psych one. but ofc everyone talking hard to get a job innit or useless haha idk hat to do lol


At my school they make sure you KNOW you have to go to grad school. I’m already prepping to apply to PhD programs as a sophomore


Psychology is the new major for people who are going to college and don’t know what they’re doing, used to be Business Administration/general business. Do not major in Psychology unless you have a plan in place to use it and are ok with getting at least a masters and maybe a phd if you want a job in mental health. For most people I would say to major in something that isn’t psychology and if you really want to study psychology do it as a minor.


I got a mental health technician certificate and am a psych. Tech. For the past yr. I'm a sophomore and plan working 1 more year and senior yr I'm going to apply to laboratories. In my case I have experience to get into a lab since I have a certificate in medical laboratory tech. And after I get my bs in psychology I'll be able to get way better and valuable lab positions for grad school. The certificates together took an extra 1.5 yr which is nothing tbh and ill graduate with a good shot at grad school acceptance and can apply to many medical jobs if I wanted too. She's just not looking and doing her research lol. Also with a psych major you can work your way into earning good money if you know the right avenues to take so yeah no sympathy for her lol


Try working for free, volunteering and shadowing. I definitely want the masters though


Also try substance Abuse you'd have to do a 135 hr course than can be taken online or in school to get ue Casac


Psychological careers are something you really, REALLY need to want to do. Out of every hundred people that want to do clinical psychology for example probably 10 will actually end up getting the doctorate as the road to get there is insanely difficult


Being an in home health care aid or working for the companies that provide aides to autistic persons may help. There are many jobs like that on indeed that many people without a degree get to work.
