THIS Is How to Get a Shout-Out from Liz on the Show

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“The Liz Wheeler Show” is back! Liz has been loving all of your comments — even from the naysayers — as she breaks down the news of the day, Trump v. Kamala, religion, and more. Do YOU want a shout-out from Liz on her podcast? Leave "The Liz Wheeler Show" a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts, and Liz will give you a shout-out on Monday, 7/29 on her show.


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Liz so happy your back enjoy ur opinions alot !!!


Great to see and hear you again! Greetings from the Netherlands ❤🤍💙👌


Liz, you speak the truth! Refreshing!


So glad to have you back Liz! You’re awesome and a voice we need to hear in these times. Blessings to you and your family.


So glad Liz is her perspective


Don't need a Shout out I just appreciate what you do.


Love you Liz never stop fighting for America


GLAD you are back. Congrats on the new arrivall1111


Congrats on new member of your family, have missed you! Thanks for sharing your ideas about America 😊❤️🇺🇸


You say what I'm thinking, I lost my voice when your page went dark. Glad you're back.


Tell your employers that they made the best possible decision by hiring you.😃


Welcome back! I was searching for you and your channel for so long!! 💕🔥 Your hair is pretty awesome today! 😂


More of that would be great!❤
Thsnks Liz for all the great videos!


I don't "curl" my hair at all. When I wash my hair, I just towel dry it, and run my fingers thru it a few times, and I'm good to go.


I’ve Always Adored You ♥️…and noticed Your absence!
Welcome Back ♥️🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸♥️


Why are the conservative girls so hot & respective at the same time?


😮 she's a holy girl maker. Blaze is the 💣. 👍👌☠️😎


I’m astonished, and saddened, that so many Roman Catholics choose to ignore actual Biblical Scripture (or just don’t know it) and support a church that purports to be followers of Jesus and His Bible, yet has DANGEROUSLY departed from actual Biblical Christian doctrine in MANY CRITICAL areas! If Roman Catholicism claims to follow Christ and His Bible, then start teaching and FOLLOWING the Bible. Stop teaching things that CONTRADICT what The Bible actually says.

We really shouldn’t need to even be having this discussion. Who would have thought that simply FOLLOWING THE BIBLE would be controversial for Christians? If we as Christians claim to be followers of Christ then FOLLOW WHAT HIS BIBLE SAYS! The Bible needs NO additions. It needs NO subtractions. If the Bible says it, believe it and own it! If something speaks CONTRARY to The Bible we are called as Christians to “contend for the faith” and speak out AGAINST heresy.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:11‬ ‭

If we claim to be followers of Christ, simply follow and believe what He said was true! Trust in HIM, NOT in man made “religion”

Following is a summarized paragraph with references found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) of many of the false teachings of Roman Catholicism. How do we know they are false? By comparing Scripture with what is taught.

The Catholic Church is the one true church (CCC 2105), Infallibility of the Catholic Church, (CCC 2035), Only the Roman Catholic Church has authority to interpret Scripture (CCC 100), The Pope is the head of the church and has the authority of Christ (CCC 2034), The Roman Catholic Church is necessary for salvation (CCC 846), Sacred Tradition equal to scripture (CCC 82), Forgiveness of sins, salvation, is by faith and works (CCC 2036 CCC 2080 2068), Full benefit of Salvation is only through the Roman Catholic Church (Vatican 2, Decree on Ecumenism, 3), Grace can be merited (CCC 2010 CCC 2027), The merit of Mary and the Saints can be applied to Catholics and others (1477), Penance is necessary for salvation (CCC 980), Purgatory (CCC 1031 CCC 1475), Indulgences (CCC 1471 CCC 1478 CCC 1498 CCC 1472), Mary is Mediatrix (CCC 969), Mary brings us the gifts of eternal salvation (CCC 969), Mary delivers souls from death (CCC 966), Prayer to the saints (CCC 2677), The Communion elements become the actual body and blood of Christ (CCC 1374 CCC 1376).

At the Council of Trent, the Roman Catholic Church declared the Gospel that THE APOSTLES an anathema.

In Session 6. Canons XXIV, IX, XII, XVIII, XIX, XX, XXVII, XXIX, XXX, and XXII. I urge anyone reading this to look this up. You will see it’s true.

Satan has blinded the eyes of millions and millions of Catholics. I pray for them

The Bible

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.”
Galatians‬ ‭1:8-9‬ ‭

Roman Catholicism ABSOLUTELY preaches a “different gospel” and is guilty of this passage from Galatians.

ACCURSED! That’s a pretty serious charge. Those are The Apostle Paul’s God Inspired words.

Again, The Bible disagrees with MANY of Roman Catholicism’s teachings. Rome’s problem is with THE BIBLE, not me. I’m simply praying for you that you see the beautiful Light and Glory of the pure and true gospel before it’s too late. I didn’t write the message, I’m simply a messenger.

Get in your Bibles everyone. Read it, believe it, own it, defend it! Preach the entirety of The Bible with grace, mercy and truth and point the lost to Jesus!

I don’t say this to argue, I say this because it’s the truth and the truth matters. Doctrine matters. Salvation matters.

I honestly pray for you all. Please, in the quiet of your heart ask yourselve, Why do many of Rome’s teachings CONTRADICT The Bible???

Put your trust in God, NOT Rome.

“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
Colossians‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭

One last thing

Below is a post I copied from the “pope”. Anyone who actually does study the Bible will know how incredibly unbiblical and wrong it is.

“Mary is not only the bridge joining us to God; she is more. She is the road that God travelled to reach us, and the road that we must travel in order to reach him”.

This blasphemous statement was written on the “pope’s” Twitter account. March 25th 2021 at 5:31 am. I urge everyone to look it up for themselves.

It is not only unbiblical but is an absolute insult to The Lord Jesus Christ.

My heart breaks for the millions of people that Roman Catholicism has blinded. I pray that you see God’s truth before it’s too late.


Tell your husband I said he is a lucky lucky man.


Glad your back, now get back to politics, not religion although we all agree we need more God in our lives and country.
