Fantasy Archery: holding your bow sideways

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For all the stealth archers out there, here's some info about the sideways bow shot, and a fun alternative!
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I like that the jarmakee looks 10x less practical than the sideways shot, but in fact it's only slightly worse than normal shooting and better than the sideways shot.


It is so refreshing to see someone discussing about whether or not something in media is realistic without just devolving into "it's not what happens in real life, therefore it's bad."


Jarmakee definitely is one of those stranger than fiction real things that, if I saw it in a game or movie, my instinctive reaction would 100% be "so fake, wtf are they doing" before then making an utter fool of myself when finding out that no, in fact, that's a real way to shoot a bow that has historically been used.


This guy just casually and consistently hitting the target while explaining is just so satisfying.


I love how he explains it as though getting into epic archery duels is very normal and everyday occurrence.


One of the best videos made objectively.
- Clear and well understandable.
- No useless talking.
- No sponsor.
- Just facts.
- Good audio quality.
- Good video quality.


This video popped out of nowhere in my recommended but the amount of passion this guy puts in archery kept me watching the whole time


Jarmakee looks like a technique thst was invented out of either from boredom or accident but worked so well that others call the creator a genius in Archery


As someone with no experience in the art of the bow, I find it amusing that the jarmakee technique visually seems like an unreliable show-off trick shot but is actually a much more historically reliable shooting style when compared to the similar looking sideways kill shot portrayed in media that seems to be more practical but in reality is less effective than your lead to believe. Overall, an interesting topic of contrast with notes of irony.


My BRO you just got another subscriber. I love your attention to detail, realism, and respect for an ancient practice. I absolutely love writing about medieval/fantasy characters, and I end up drawing many of them as well… especially with bows.
You showing the engaged muscles, the different forms, and different shots that might be used is SO helpful, thank you.


Thank you kind Wood Elf for sharing with us your elven knowledge of archery.


Clear, to the point, no BS, no judgment. Just pure information and demonstration to clear up some misconceptions and answer some questions.

Every writer’s dream when doing research (and when not doing research- I wasn’t looking for this but I’m definitely saving this for later use.)
Instant subscribe.


As a competition shooter that always stand in a line with multiple other archers (in a pretty small range), we were taught not to 'tabletop' our bow like this since it messes with whoever is next to you and makes it more difficult for both of you to shoot. My friends and I, if we got the chance to shoot alone during practice, with only a few people on the line, would mix it up and bend the rules a little, just for fun (cross-shooting to someone else's target, trying to fire multiple arrows, which was pretty difficult with the compound bows we were using, other stuff like that which we would get in trouble for if we were shooting with others around or competing) and one day we all decided to try 'tabletopping' our bows and seeing who could score the highest. Shooting with a compound bow must make it a little more difficult to shoot sideways, because dang, we did pretty bad. I assumed there was no point to shooting like this, and besides, the line shooting etiquette forbade it anyway. This is the first time I've seen someone try it other than our little group and it's really impressive that you're still shooting pretty well. These videos are super cool, and it's nice to learn about all these new techniques, when we were only taught just a few.


Okay, movies and TV shows and video games _definitely_ need to start using that "Jarmakee" draw. It looks incredibly cinematic, and it looks _even more unrealistic_ and like something people would only do in movies than sideways shooting does, which will blow everyone's minds when they look it up.

Are there any medieval fantasy movies or shows or video games in the works right now, we need to tell them about this 😂 I want this specific draw to be a trope 20 years from now! I want to be reading about it on TV Tropes because all the genre-appropriate fiction is using it!


I’m not a very good archer, but i usually shoot from a 45 degree-ish angle. It helps with aiming and lets you use your shoulders a bit more. With that said, the shot you showed is very fancy and cool.


Absolutely loving how practically every other shot in this video is done on either side of the bow, and it’s done so casually with zero attention drawn to it. I respect that a lot.


Thank you for that information about Jamakee- I have astigmatism in my right eye, so I have to aim instinctively anyways instead of sighting targets, and I've NEVER seen someone do that Jamakee maneuver before and it's AMAZING! I look forward to trying that out. Normally I hold my bow sideways and stand with my body bent so that I can draw the bow further into my space without any issue, but Jamakee may be a great way to get around this issue rather than the side-shot. That said, another great point with the side shot is that by holding your bow lower and horizontal instead of sticking it up in the air is that if you're hiding behind brush and picking your shot, it DOES actually make you less visible. Obviously it's not important unless you're firing from concealment anyways, but in that case, it's quite useful. Also, Jamakee seems like a great way to fire from behind solid cover without having to expose your chest unnecessarily to enemy fire.


This channel is just you showing off your skills in pole dancing and archery, and most important of all: posting thirst traps with the muscles you developed in the process.

And we all love it.


Back when I did a lot of archery, one of the competition courses I went to regularly had a lot of technical shots and I ended up getting pretty good at shooting sideways, it's a lot easier to control when shooting at high up/down angles or steep hills cause the arrow doesn't try to fall off the rest and it's pretty much the only way to shoot from something like low cover without stepping outside the start box or whacking your limbs on it. At the time I was also into blacksmithing, so while my BACK strength was trash, my arm and shoulder strength was such that shooting sideways was actually easier on me, and also meant that switching between sideways and traditional meant I could relieve whichever muscles were getting tired on a long archery course with a high shot count meant for lightweight compounds when I had an old Bear recurve. That course taught me a lot about the differences between bullseye shooting and practical archery, things like stringwalking, how to play the angles, and how horrendously even a tiny twig in your shot line can ruin everything (I'm still salty about how many arrows got eaten by the void because of a sliver of grapevine...)


You are so fit and strong. Those are some very impressive trees you got too, given how they supported your weight when you were just holding on with your legs
