The Psychology of The Magician

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The Magician is the most mysterious and fascinating of all archetypes. He is a person who has gained access to esoteric or occult (hidden) knowledge, bringing the spiritual to the material. Thus, he is an initiate of secret and hidden knowledge of all kinds. As the Emerald Tablet teaches us, “As above, so below, and as below, so above, to accomplish the marvels of the One work.”

The Magician is often the mentor or guide to his people, and even to the king. Psychologically, the Magician is the archetype of transformation, transforming old realities into new ones. He is the archetype of self-realisation par excellence. The Magician aids us in our lifelong task of attaining a higher level of consciousness, and of recognising that higher power which is greater than ourselves.


📚 Recommended Reading

▶ Awakening the Heroes Within - Carol S. Pearson
▶ Jung and Tarot: and Archetypal Journey - Sallie Nichols
▶ King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette
▶ Merlin and the Grail - Robert de Boron
▶ Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy - Mircea Eliade
▶ The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation - Hans Dieter Betz (Editor)
▶ Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Agrippa
▶ Twelve Keys - Basil Valentine
▶ The Egyptian Book of the Dead

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🎶 Music used

1. Dreams Become Real - Kevin MacLeod
2. Crystal Dream Mix - CO.AG Music
3. Black Waters - Myuu
4. Trio for Piano Cello and Clarinet - Kevin MacLeod
5. Silent Turmoil - Myuu
6. Phase Shift - Scott Buckley
7. Aftermath - Kevin MacLeod
8. Mysterious Ambient The Rake - CO.AG Music
8. Reawakening - Scott Buckley

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CO.AG Music

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


📝 Sources

- See Recommended Reading List above
- Vita Merlini - Geoffrey of Monmouth. John Jay Parry (Translator)
- English Literature in the Sixteenth Century - C.S. Lewis
- The Testament of Solomon. Tarl Warwick (Editor)
- The Complete Picatrix. John Michael Greer & Christopher Warnock (Translators)
- Granrose, J. (1996). The Archetype of the Magician (Doctoral dissertation, C.G. Jung Institute)
- Pfanku, K. (n.d). Ancient Magic: A Survey of the Technical Hermetica


⌛ Timestamps

(0:00) Introduction
(2:22) Merlin
(5:10) Hermes Trismegistus
(6:17) Magic: The Shadow of Religion
(7:32) Sympathetic Magic
(8:30) Magic in Ancient Times
(10:53) Grimoires and King Solomon
(12:10) Necronomicon
(13:00) The Archetype of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice
(15:10) Renaissance Magic
(18:13) Low Magic and High Magic
(18:34) White Magic and Black Magic
(20:11) Archetypal Images of the Magician
(23:45) The Archetype of the Miracle
(25:12) Magician: The Archetype of Transformation
(29:29) Mana Personality
(30:20) The Shadow Magician
(31:50) The Magician and The Trickster
(33:36) The Magician in Tarot
(35:30) The Magician in Jung’s Red Book
(37:18) The Integration of the Magician Archetype


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*“The Magician aids us in our lifelong task of attaining a higher level of consciousness, and of recognising that higher power which is greater than ourselves.”*

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Magicians are the people who are always curious and always asking why. They are restless observers finding interconection, finding cause and effect, searching answers or logical explanations to all kind of questions. For me all passionatelly curious people are potential magicians.


“Magic is the shadow of religion” is such a profound statement


I have been studying/practicing nearly everything covered in this video for more than thirty years, and this is easily the best summary I’ve ever encountered


Wonderful work! 💖
The Magician archetype seems ubiquitous right now, to serve as a mirror to the inner workings of our psyche with one foot in both the light and dark. Ursula K. Le Guin writes about this transformation in A Wizard of Earthsea, "And he began to see the truth, that he had neither lost nor won but, naming the shadow of his death with his own name, had made himself whole."


When I saw there was a new upload, it was like adult Christmas. Thank you taking the time to make these videos. They mean the world to me.


Weakness corrupts, and absolute weakness corrupts absolutely. Banger video, thank you Eternalised.


Everyone is attracted to "hidden knowledge", but no knowledge is hidden. It is open and evident for those who seek it. The most important thing to remember about knowledge, is that it must be sought, found, remembered, and used. Easily available.


I teared up through this one. Beautifully constructed... As always


As a student of the Hermetic texts, I love each and every one of your videos. But this one was the most exciting for me because this is my path, wich I flowed naturally to in an unexplicable way since I started my readings. Thanks for all the hard work you do for us, great video as always!


All the darkness in the world can not extinguish the light of a candle. Beautiful 😍❤️


I cannot express to you the level of creativity that flows through me when I listen to your content. You have a healing gift. Cheers. I wish you would go through the tarot cards and tell each card's back story. It would be epic


12:00 fascinating!
I am a wiccan more Pagan then wiccan but i still use their fundamentals.
at the start of ANY ritual, the first step is to ''cast a circle''
both physical mentally and spiritually.
the circle is a very needed action, it in essence says.
This is MY spot, this is MY will, within this i am all and i am one, and all is me, for i am one.

''Cast a circle trice about, to keep unwelcome spirits out.
eight words we read fulfill, and ye harm none, do as ye will''


I like how you said it has to be more grounded and slower. Theres a lot of desperation in the world entirely, I think people just have to reevaluate their values. Slower is the perfect word. Thank you!


As a practicing Shaman: This is one of the best description of the Magician and their magic…. The heaven and earthly inner workings of the either. How one can choose to use magic for good and evil just by intention. Shamanic beauty and how it was the first form of healthcare. All things I’ve studied since I was 13. I am now 44.
Just Brilliant. Your channel has become one of my favorites.


If anyone wants a self-directed and totally free course on magic, I can't recommend Quareia highly enough. Structured and comprehensive training, that's non-denominational and written in clear modern English. Enough content for a couple decades of work, at least. There's a review by Foolish Fish that shows the size of the physical books, three massive textbooks, and the author, Josephine McCarthy, has appeared several times on the Glitch Bottle podcast, always full of wisdom.


This is by far, by really, really, really far, one of the best - if not The Best - video I've seen on YouTube in many, many, many, many, many, many, many years. Holy Moses! The narrator's voice is simple, supple yet full of humbleness and precision, the presentation of images is immaculate, and the overall procession is flawless.
Kuddos, Eternalised. Kuddos.


" As above so below "

" On earth as it is in heaven "

I had never seen these two the same until now. Very interesting.

Great video, brings all of my reading over many years together.


Calm down everyone the teacher will appear when the student is ready 😂


What a great overall history and explanation of magic. I'm impressed with how deep you actually dive into the esoteric and occult in this video. I'm used to finding mostly surface level stuff on you tube and not expecting to learn much of substance from any video. You did a great job of capturing and tying together traditions, psychology, alchemy, and the quest of the magician to perfect the soul together in a quick little lesson. There is information in this video that gives keys to deeper mysteries than most people encounter without laborious reading and study. I encourage people to follow up the topics in this presentation with study and it will pull it all together for you. Thanks Eternalised for this lesson. Great job!
