Venturing into Sacred Space | Archetype of the Magician

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In this conclusion of my Archetype Series based on the book King, Warrior, Magician, Lover by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, I examine the archetype of the Magician and explore some related concepts such as initiation, ritual process and sacred space.


Films used, in order of appearance;
The Right Stuff
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Batman Begins
Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Voyage of Time
Embrace of the Serpent
The Tree of Life
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter …and Spring
The Fountain
Lady Bird
Into the Wild
Eat, Pray, Love
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Apocalypse Now
Man Down
The Dark Knight
Good Will Hunting
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"Look to those who carry their wisdom lightly about them and not as a burden for others to behold."
- Pepper Lewis


Thank you so much for these videos 🙏💗 As a combat vet with the US Army, that part where you mentioned how the military initiates you but fails to bring you back home really hit home and literally brought tears to my eyes. It is so true. So many of my brothers in arms are suffering, because it is so hard to integrate back into society on your own without a proper guide after being on the battlefield for multiple years. Without ayahuasca and then a meditation practice to take over from there, I shutter to think about where I would be right now. Probably dead or in prison. I want to make this perfectly clear tho; there are programs and support in place nowadays (much more than there used to be), to help with job placement, education, and health issues. That helps a lot, and frankly it's more than most Americans get. The problem is not that they don't want to help. The problem is they do not know how. This ties into the broader message of this video, how we, as a society, have lost the concepts of sacred space and liminal spaces. We have few places to go to reconnect to our deeper selves and truly grow which means affecting lasting change instead of momentary reprieve. So therefore, we too often become lost in the noise and become hopeless with no way out of our suffering. But although these sacred spaces are no longer promoted and advertised, they are still out there waiting to be found. "Seek and ye shall find" but remember, in the end, even the seeker must disappear.


Why do these videos on this channel make me cry? The beauty in them...I feel so overwhelmed by the message each time.


Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting is an excellent example and I’m glad you showed that in the video


My heart fills with joy knowing that there are creative and curious people out there, giving time and effort into productions like this in the hope of relaying deep messages to those who most need them. Thank you for doing what you do.


People have such a hard time wrapping their heads around this concept, but I totally got it when I was out trying to hike the Appalachian Trail a few years ago. It starts out as just a hike, but as weeks pass, the walk itself becomes sacred. It enters your psyche and it becomes this source of energy in your memory that you continue to draw on years after you leave the trail. The trail is full of magicians, too: older hikers that guide you through the traditions of the trail, and even just other normal people that the trail introduces you to, that give alternate perspectives, helping you to expand your own understanding of your journey.

It's so addictive and empowering, because completing a thru-hike isn't just a spiritual journey, it's also a quest that helps you understand your inner warrior. To find your limits, and to give you something to strive for that it is bigger than any material thing I've ever encountered in my life.


I'm gonna miss this series, I thoroughly enjoyed each one of these videos, and this one was probably my favorite.


This is one of the things that modern church architecture (Catholic and protestant, Evangelical, and especially mega-church) doesn't understand. In most modern churches, there is no sense of the sacred. Churches cease to be places of encountering the sacred, and they become just human meeting places. But this doesn't fully satisfy the human soul, no matter how good the free coffee is.


Do you know that this channel is a sacred space of its own?


this series is flat out some of the best content on youtube ... I came looking for thoughts on writing and storytelling and left reflecting deeply on my own nature ... thanks for the great work!


I read a comment that this channel is a sacred space of its own and I gladly vouch for that. As a therapist and student I have learned and shared so much from these videos. It has helped and encouraged me and so many others. In behalf of myself and those who I know but may never meet, thank you for your work and carry on everyone in learning and growing.


Thank you for articulating this so clearly - the Magician is an Archetypal Fluid in our Collective Shadow and I applaud those integrating it ✨🖤💫


This made me shed some tears in my sheer appreciation of its beauty and truth. Thank you. All my love and compassion to every single one of you.


I choked up a dozen times while watching this…and I am in the midst of “The Sacred and The Profane “ by Mircea Eliade, to which there are references in this video.
And in the way of the Magician, there abides a portal that, once one enters, alters perception by introducing an elevated level of consciousness that contains an almost laser like visual acuity, allowing extreme clarity of the whole and its parts, simultaneously, from its near atomic structure to the zoomed out long view. I have experienced this a few times, but it was temporary…like a two week free trial period, after which one drifts back to the ordinary.
But, it always happened in a sacred place.
It would seem that it may be time for me to venture deeper into this process, and journey onward, away from the fog…
Blessings to you for creating this…


Your voice is relaxing, your words are deep, and I really enjoy your videos... taking inspiration from movies to describe our minds in a philosophical yet understandable way. Thanks!


A thousand bows of Gratitude for introducing me to “Embrace of the Serpent!” I didn’t know it at all this morning, and now after watching it, my heart is blown open from Grief and Wonder! Thank you.


Your videos make me lost for words, I find it difficult to process the information, probably because this wisdom is so profound and takes great willpower to implement it. Yet I want to thank you deeply, because whenever I watch a video of yours I feel incredibly grateful, for you make me understand things I would never have understood without you. I Love you for this


Watching with a defocused concentration, whilst almost 1/2 asleep gives an amazing effect to this video - almost a deeper felt understanding, that doesn't happen if I just try and watch it as an instructiona' video. Amazing stuff.


This video is extraordinary. It exquisitely displays the kind of meaning and lessons that movies can have for those who are willing to digest them to a great extend, and how much they can be appreciated rather than simply being a source of crude entertainment.
The atmosphere Like Stories of Old creates with this compilation and others is perfectly suited to the meaning it conveys.
Thank you for your efforts Like Stories of Old! Please keep it up.


Esta es la oportunidad para agradecerte, mi hermano. Desde hace un par de meses he seguido tu contenido gracias a los subtítulos en español. Con cada vídeo experimentado sensaciones que no puedo nombrar, un verdadero ánimo por la vida y una invitación a la Unidad, a integrar y reconocer estas energías universales en mi propio universo interior. Muchas gracias por crear este tipo de espacios.
