Pros and Cons of Rooting an Android 2022

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Host - Facundo Holzmeister
Video Editor - David Holzmeister
Video Assistant: Conor Greene
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Nowadays, smartphones have become extremely powerful machines that can do just about anything without needing root. Way different from back in the day when rooting provided extremely great ways to improve performance, battery, and brought cool mods! Now, things are completely different, so is it still worth rooting? Watch and find out!

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0:00 Rooting in General
0:47 Modules
3:37 Extend Battery
7:05 Great Rooted Apps
8:24 Extreme Customization
11:52 Why NOT to Root
14:21 Is Rooting Still worth it?
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Coming from being a 'fan' of iPhone and habitually jailbreaking, Android just let me do so much more without risking a root. I haven't required it 👍


I've rooted and installed Custom ROM's on dozens of Android phones either for myself or for friends and I still think it's worth it. I currently have a OnePlus 5T and a Redmi Note 7 running LineageOS and I still get weekly updates, have Magisk and LSPosed installed and I can still use Netflix, banking apps and play Pokémon GO on both phones

Rooting and installing a Custom ROM allowed me to extend the battery life and fight planned obsolescence by running a more up-to-date, debloated and streamline Android experience on phones that would be considered old and useless, but I think they run even better than they did when I first got them!


Have bricked a phone a few times, it isn’t to bad tbh. Most difficult part is finding the original firmware. If you’ve got it you can flash using odin and fixed


Back when xda developers was my most used site or app... Truly nostalgic and i loved it


I was using Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 for 4 years and MIUI was killing it. After 2 years of usage, it stoped receving updates and installing a custom rom saved it and extended its use time for 2 more years i was absolutely amazed. I used dotOS custom rom based on android 12.


Thanks for featuring my fullscreen gestures module, it's been such a hassle getting this to work reliably on Android 12 and up

Glad you like it


This video made me nostalgic. I miss the good old rooting days. Playing with custom roms and kernels and theme engines. It was fun


I've rooted every android phone I've had and I've always found it useful just because I like to install a different OS than the one I'm using


I'm using a rooted phone and the best advice I can give is to install Magisk Bootloop Protector before anything else, ideally with advanced functions enabled. It's a Magisk module that will deactivate all other modules upon the next system boot if a dummy file with a specific name is created in the cache partition. This can help prevent bootloops caused by installing problematic modules. I'm fortunate enough to have never experienced a bootloop myself but I can rest easy knowing that if I ever do, I have a way out.


As a PocoF3 user, rooting was the best thing I've done on my phone, just to get rid of MiUI... Other great benefits I've had are amazing sound quality w/ Viper, custom charging profiles to maximize battery over long term use, system wide AdBlocking, and screen recording!


Root and custom roms still rocks with the devices that had no more supports from manufacturer. Not all people easy to change/buy new devices. Priority differ with each person.


I used to be afraid of rooting, but now I just can't seem to use an unrooted device after seeing all the benefits of it. I have been through many situations where I bricked my phone, mom's phone n panicked while spending too much time watching vids for solutions, not I can proudly say I'm not longer afraid n just take all risks knowing I have the knowledge to fix many kinds of errors I face 🙌🏽😌


I'm really sad that the glory days of rooting are basically over. OEMs just make it too hard to do now, plus most of the features I rooted for in the past are built into stock ROMs now. No compelling reason to do it anymore, but man those days were so much fun. Up until the Note 8, rooting was the first thing I did whenever I got a new phone. My all-time favorite phone was the HD2, AKA the granddaddy of Android development. It came with Windows Mobile but that was the phone that got me into Android. First came SD booting Android, then came native installs and you had to manually set your partition sizes in notepad before flashing and hope it booted. Development is still kinda active for it too. I remember that GO GO GO! screen so fondly :) I had the HTC Sensation after that, rooting that one involved a paperclip lol.


The main reason I root my phone is the ability to backup all application data, which let's me move to a new phone much easier. The regular google cloud backup only backs up the apps you have alongside, images, contacts, ... but it dosn't back up data for each app, so things like settings, save files, ... would be lost when moving to a new phone. Root let's me move everything to a new phone and have almost everything immediately working the same way as on the old phone. Using Migrate to transfer all my app data, is enough to root for me.


Nice topic and video! This brings up a lot of college memories when I used to spend a shitload of time just playing around with rooted features and trying out new Custom ROMs. Those were the golden days of Android and smartphones! So many new things every year. These days, with the phones and their software being so mature, there is not a lot of excitement anymore. This video brought back some of those memories, so thanks!

I have a Xiaomi Mi 11X, which is like my secondary phone. Might actually give rooting and custom ROMs a shot since I am not a big fan of the UI or the extent of updates it receives.


You're right. I was using a nameless custom rom on my OnePlus 8T, it was really good but even custom roms had few issues like the worst sound quality, black crush on videos, sometimes when a new update comes we have to do it from the beginning and have backup all the files😵‍💫 such a hassle so i came back to oxygen OS which has ldac lhdc audio codec so I'm going to stick with oxygen OS untill oxygen OS 14. Great video btw 😊


Great video. I've swapped back and forth between iOS and Android since the beginning but recently I have been sticking with android. The first device I ever rooted was the Motorola Droid. Recently picked up a 6a and I love it.


I have rooted and installed custom ROMs on Note 2, Note 4, Note 5, Pixel XL and a few others (rooted Huawei mate 8 and a bunch of handheld android gaming tablet devices) but I can't risk rooting on my daily phones as I use the tap to pay feature religiously and need my phone to be as reliable as possible. I miss the days when I was running some modified note 6 / 7 featured rom on my note 5 the day after I got it for Christmas. The days of rooting and custom ROMs for me aren't over, just on my primary device


Never regret for rooting my phones. Rooting is life 💪


I have been using Mi 9T Pro recently, and use EvolutionX as a rom of choice. Its updated alot and has many features, the dev for this rom is active at what he is doing and that matters alot to me personally. Im not really into rooting stuff but just in case some module messes up and creates a bootloop, the recovery is there to help remove it.
