Glenn Morris Australian Farmer using regenerative farming practices to build resilience

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Glenn Morris is not just an organic cattle farmer; he’s also a #climatechange change advocate. Glenn gained national attention when he rode his horse across the Sydney Harbour Bridge, advocating for change and action to address the challenges created by climate variability. He has been farming for over two decades and runs two properties in Northern NSW. Glenn uses holistic management on his farm and focuses on soil health and water storage to attain greater security and resilience. This summary highlights Glenn’s regenerative approach and the range of adaptations he’s implemented on his farm to address the bigger picture of climate change.

‘We broke up the paddocks on the contour using permaculture swales. We have up to eight or ten kilometres of soak banks now which are helping rehydrate that landscape and get everything healthy.’ - Glenn Morris

Videography/Photography: Grow Love Media
Thanks to Glenn Morris for generously sharing his story.
The Farmer Stories series is produced by Climate-Smart Pilots and the NSW Primary Industry Climate Change Research Strategy.

Check out all 15 stories on the NSW DPI website

These are #farmers ' own experiences in adapting their land, systems and businesses to diverse climate impacts. Success will vary in different locations and industries.

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This is fantastic! Love your swale system! I’m one year converted to regenerative agriculture on my property in Victoria. Hardpan was at 10cm on average 12 months ago, erosion was bad, our topsoil looked like subsoil for the most part. We were alternating between having a muddy sloppy mess and dry baron cracked ground. Hardpan is gone in large patches of the property now, much deeper in most other spots, except the trafficked areas. We’re using cell grazing, short pressure periods, long rest periods, chicken tractors and diversified the pastures, stopped all chemical inputs completely, put in tillage and forage radish in the mix along with taproot brassicas and a variety of other soil helpers. I actually heavily broadcast cover crop mixes across about 10 acres of pasture that was just perennial rye and white clover, as an experiment, that area is like a buffet for the stock now, their favourite section, and the soil is the best there. We’ve got thick lush pastures this winter instead of an overgrazed mud patch. Happy sheep and cattle. It’s great. Can’t wait to see it stay greener longer over summer, the rhizome depth has pretty much doubled in most areas of the property, so I think we’ll hold moisture for a decent stretch into the dry period.
These practices are really effective and the results are much faster than I expected.
About to start selling layer pullets I’ve bred up for the fertiliser they produce. I’ll keep breeding them now, they do a great job, and it’s a good additional income stream. I recon for every worm those chickens eat, 100 grow in its place when the tractor moves on, the soil is teeming with worms where they were, softening up the soil and turning it darker. Great to see. And I’m going to do some Silvopasture, plant a eucalypt rows across the property, for shade, water retention and future timber production.
Really enjoying learning these new methods. All farms should do it.


When Glenn goes for single day usage of smaller paddocks (separated by temp elec fences) he should see another big leap in soil health. He's right in identifying the second bite as the biggest threat to plant recovery and 5 days may be leaving a bit too much temptation.
Waiting for any government to realise that Regenerative soil management will be the biggest contributor to breaking the 'traditional' flood/drought cycle if adopted because absorbing the insolation and turning it into sugars and shading the soil thus preventing the heat vortices (Dr. W. Jehne) that deflect the rain that was going to go deeper into the interior. A win-win solution from every possible angle.
On the way we'll rediscover CO₂ as a life-giving trace gas (.044%) and not a pollutant and put this AGW hysteria back in Pandora's box.


Cattle and grasslands look really healthy, good work, well done.


Swales are amazing in their simplicity and effectiveness


As an American, I can only say, I like Glenn! Glenn Morris is a real farmer, and more importantly, he knows what he is talking about. I can only wish that US farmers learn to be more organic farmers and less involved in politics. Glenn's holistic approach to farm management and water usage are innovative, important, and informative to real farmers and ranchers. Glenn is talking about using proven, holistic methods to improve both the landscape and yields. Bravo!


You have got a water bank verey constructive like beaver 😂
