HOMEMADE vs LIQUITEX | DIY Acrylic Paint Thinner | Homemade Acrylic Thinner Recipe | Airbrush Medium

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The simple acrylic paint "thinner" recipe I prefer:

175ml (3 parts) Distilled Water
75ml (1 part) 91% isopropyl alcohol
15 drops glycerin

I definitely recommend trying this homemade acrylic medium / DIY airbrush medium instead of a standard store-bought kind to see what you think. Airbrush acrylic medium doesn't have to be pricey in order to work well. In fact, I feel like this acrylic thinner medium worked a little better than the Liquitex.



Gypsy Stroll by Aaron Lieberman
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I watched the whole video and still appreciate that you put the recipe in the description for quick reference later thank you 😊


The airbrush medium is only white till it dries. When dry it is clear but is a medium in the paint that helps binding but also gives a certain level of translucent effect as well as a semi satin look to flat paint ( might need a second coat depending how much was used as well.). Of course the water and alcohol evaporate out of the paint but meanwhile has spread the binder molecules. Additionally not all acrylics get along with alcohol, some turn to gel in 3-4 minutes of spraying with an airbrush. Now that said I've used both methods and just want to say you can cut the airbrush medium about 50% with distilled water before thinning the paint and add a drop or two of retarder for airbrushing ( the retarder will stop tip drying on the airbrush). Works great in those fussy paints that reject the home brew with alcohol. Basically replacing the alcohol portion of home brew with the Liquitex medium. And of course this greatly expands how long your medium will be with you till needing replacement. Amen.


Your stuff is not a Medium. It does not have any medium in it. The Liquitex has matt medium in it that is what make it white. Also it dries clear. It doesn't titn you paint when dry. Yours will eventuall break also reason it makes it not look broken is the glycerine, but you can't thin itdefinitely with it. With the Airbrush medium you could use on drop of paint and 500 drops of aribrush medium and It will work perfectly.


Propylene Glycol is MUCH better, and safer to use in place of glycerin. Brand name paint mediums like thinners, retarders, flow, etc etc... are made with Propylene glycol, cheaper ones will use glycerin and Propylene glycol. To much glycerin, and your paint won't dry. Also bugs are attracted to glycerin. Glycerin can sit in the paint and NEVER dry, but Propylene glycol will evaporate no matter what, even in freezing conditions.
Have a great day 😀


I'm only starting to airbrush and make my own very handy video thanks 😊


Thank you for making this video. I made the acrylic thinner and it really helped thin out my acrylic paint. The video was very easy to understand!!! Please keep your videos coming!!! 😊😊😊❤❤❤


And for flow improover use dishwasher rince aid.only as few drops.


i really feel ( you can correct me of course ) this is more like making a reducer or a surfactant than a medium. The benefit you get from this is a better flow but there is ( I failed chemistry so...i could be wrong ) no adding of binder in your mixture. I think this might more akin to create 4011 than medium. . . ? I think that even something like wheat paste might be closer to a homebrew medium .... kinda. Again I'm guessing. Still love the video and plan to check out more .


Does this work for the water based paint ?! and what is the best color material for that ?!


I have an experiment idea! Can you make a mixture of acrylic paint and diy medium to flow nicely from a refilled correction pen? Thanks


If 75ml is "one part" used for the alcohol, then "three parts" of water would be 225ml. Right??? So which is correct? Using "parts" or using the 150ml of water you described in your video?


Yes!! I am your 1000th Subscriber!! Yay!!


0:21 I think you meant to say “adhere” Have a great day!


I watched your video and caught an error. If the alcohol is 75 ml, and that's one part, then the water should be 225 ml. Conversely, If the water is 175ml. then the alcohol required would be 58.3 ml. Thanks for the video, have a good day.


Can this same recipe be used to make your own paint colors as well?


I'm trying to find a suitable recipe for acrylic paints I can stencil onto muslin for quilt blocks that won't run. I'd like them to be soft, not stiff, yet vibrant and non bleeding. Suggestions?


Please how many cups is 75ml? Don’t know that I am very old school taught


I know its a stupid question BUT what if I mix acrilic with transparent PVA? Bad idea?


As far as i know, neither glycerine, alcohol or distilled water are binders.
Could you clarify how your mix binds/adheres the same as airbrush medium, please?


Could you please try using this mixture with paint pouring please so I no what to do.
