Celtic Music - Guardians Of The Woods

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Song: Guardians of The Woods
Album: Tales From The Lost Kingdom
Year: 2012
Copyright © BrunuhVille

Simple Celtic melody with a great mood for the beginning of the Spring.

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Amazing Picture from Karem Beyit

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I agree, composing isn't easy, but it is very rewarding. Also, musical training isn't necessarily required though it could be helpful. I basically taught myself how to play piano and how to compose just by playing around the keys. Some people learn by having a music teacher. Either way, I'd say if you really have a dream to become a great composer, that's far more important than having natural talent. You can go as far as you want. Just don't give up.


Bilbo Baggins: "I want to see mountains again Gandalf! Mountains!"


I'm a Spanish girl who has always been in loved with celtic music and medieval times...now I can't believe that in a couple of months I'll be living in Ireland :)


One of my favorites. I like these groovy flute tunes mixed with more beautiful parts.


She frolics where no flower dare grow
She tends to all corners of the Earth
And the drum beats wherever she go
Nature calls to her
As easily as a bird takes flight
No human hand restrains her
Guardian of the woods; this is life.


Never delete your youtube channel pls! It's too beautiful!


We all, yes all must be, guardians of the woods, forests, animals, the sea, and for all of them, ...WATER...Please, of all us protect the blood of the Earth. Thanks to everyone. The life bless you.


when lisenning to this music i am dreaming of castles knights and the fresh markets and camelot of course i wish i can go to those times....


Absolutely stunning. Makes my Scottish blood sing.


When I first discovered you, Brunuhville, I was just looking for something to listen to while I wrote my stories and drew. But then I listened to another one of your songs, for fun. And then I went on a binge-listen of your stuff and somehow I ended up subscribed. I will be listening to your stuff obsessively. So good! *claps*


Not a sound, save for the enchanting music which only just began to play, came from the crowd as all stood and watched as a young girl began to dance. None could speak, nor would they dare to if they could, fearing to disrupt the trance.

Her feet floated across the ground, hardly touching down before leaping into the air again. Fine fabric swirled like a storm as it twisted and waved in the gentle air. The figure's moves were entrancing, almost demanding to be watched. Every step was planned, yet it seemed as natural as the grass beneath everyone's boots. The heavy weights of the world lifted as the dance continued, drawing the breaths from their bodies, attentions so glued to the girl.

A jubilant laugh escaped her as she spun three times before lifting onto her toes and kicking a leg stick straight up behind her. She pulled it down before jumping onto the other foot and continuing with her leaping dance. Her brow began to moisten, but her body was basking in the warmth of the stage.

Her body was built for dancing and her heart for the stage. She never thought about what she was doing, letting her body just drift along the music, listening to the quiet words it spoke. Music always spoke to her; her ears could hear the notes but it was her feet and hands that heard the words. When she jumped it was not because she thought, only because her body listened. When the harp plucked away, bringing to life mighty streams of notes, it awoke something that the girl had always longed to have woken. 

With a flick of her hands, dark vermillion ribbons were sent cutting through the air. A small twirl and her vibrant green dress waved like a leaf on the wind, and all watched how it soared. The higher the girl would leap, the more she would smile. She loved to sway in the breeze, landing quietly but never staying still a moment longer than needed.

Her long hair spun around wildly, a flaming fire behind her. Sparse sun beams filtering through the trees would trail their light across the strands, setting them ablaze with the same fire she ignited in others. Her hands whipped through the air, an ever present accompanying dash of red among the orange and green. A bold smile was on her face as she danced, spinning and almost flying to the energetic harp's melody. 

Her golden eyes darted around the faces, never staying on one before her head would tilt and tear away, ripping her eyes in another direction. Her passion boiled to life and was always visible in her eyes as she danced. The feeling of air and ground beneath her feet was the greatest sensation she had ever known. She had learned early that her talent was bringing songs to life, moving with the notes and harmonizing life with the sounds. She was the link between the plucking harp, tweeting violin and life's wondrous joys. She would twirl and twist and turn till the world belonged to the sky and she could hold a star.

Everything about the girl's dancing was about the stars; she would lift off the ground, flying as close as her mortal limbs would allow; she would spin and tip and turn and smile like the ever-changing and moving stars. Leaping to the stars was her joy and she would give anything to touch those far off gems. 

A new spark lit up her eyes. She cast a fervent glance towards the harpist, and swiped her hands towards him. She begged him to fiddle his fingers faster, to hurry his hands across the strings. Today she truly wanted to fly. Another loud, tinkling laugh burst forth from the girl as she pivoted around, a hand held out towards the gathered.

The harp sped up, eliciting an increase in tempo from the dancer. Even as her movements became quicker, more rapid, they never seemed out of sync with the music. Her feet would touch and lift off the grass in a heart beat, just as the notes would shift to the next. Bending down over her leg as she twirled, she launched into the air, still whirling. She landed on one foot, swinging the other in front before spinning away and onto the next movement.

Her feet touched the ground.

The music stopped.


One of the most difficult arts in music is to combine groove and emotion. 
You succeeded. Big time.


Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow! Bright Blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow!


You can feel the feeling of being FREE! I have no words to describe how wonderful this song is, more than LOVE IT!!


I have been listening to you since 2016.. and loved it since then.. Love from India


Thank you for making this lovely piece of music. I am part cherokee and this appeals to the native american side of my being.


Just wanted to say, I have bought a couple of your songs now and they've really helped inspire me to write a fantasy trilogy of novels I'm working on. Keep up the good work, your songs are beautiful!


through the moon and above the trees lives a girl, running the land and soaring free. she builds strength of those unknown as her legend grows. the girl with hair of gold and eyes of the moon rises above and guards those she loves.


Someone stole this music from the Gods. This kind of music cannot be from Earth.


My Dearest Fav Composer, I'm your fan since I was 12 and now I'm 18...and my love for your music only grows and never stops.Thanks for existing in this world, and for making my youth magical and wonderful.💙I'm thankful I got to know you while I was just a pre teen.🌸
