Debug AutoHotKey with SciTE | Level up your AHK programming today!

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SciTE4AutoHotkey is a great editor! Level-up your AutoHotkey programming today!
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When I run the script using the output as shown, I get an error ": The same variable cannot be used for more than one control. Specifically cSP_Console" stack trace shows error specifically at MinSize -MaximizeBox line 1076: Gui, 5, Add, Edit, x0, y0 w320 h240 + ReadOnly SP_Console

That is not any code that I'm specifically calling. I assume that is part of what gets called in order to render the window that the debug output is displayed in? What is causing this error and how can it be fixed?

I'm also getting another error. It does not recognize the Line variable.
Warning: This variable has not been assigned a value. Specifically: Line (a local variable)

The output debug is in a sub function that is in a separate file than the one that my top function is called from. It seems like SciTE is not able to use the Line function if the line is in a different file. Is that true? If so, what is the alternative for debugging functions in other files?


How do you debug AutoHotkey scripts which send keystrokes to another application? When I try to step through the code it sends keystrokes to the SciTE editor rather than the other application. Am I missing something simple? Thanks.


How can I try out a line of code while I’m debugging a script? I tried to use the “run selection” in SciTE while debugging my script but a simple MsgBox %myvariable% throws an error and says the variable doesn’t exist. However, doing a simple MsgBox Hello World works. If you have ever used PyCharm, there’s a debugging console where you can try out new code and access variables from the currently running script while you are debugging the script.

If this is possible in another IDE like AHK Studio, then I’m not opposed to using something else

Edit: I guess another way to say it is a REPL while debugging.

Thanks as always for your helpful videos!


Mate, that software is no longer available. Can you suggest any others to look at?


Hello, how do I add the Right Arrow to go to the next line of code?
